
  • 网络Australian School of Business;ASB
  1. 澳大利亚商学院(australianschoolofbusiness)教授法瑞博兹莫西仁(fariborzmoshirian)表示,对于因农业补贴和工业关税问题而陷入僵局的多哈谈判,apec经济体正向全球其它地区施加“微妙的压力”。

    Fariborz moshirian , a professor at the Australian School of business , said APEC economies were applying " subtle pressure " to the rest of world over the stalled Doha talks , which are deadlocked over farm support and industrial tariffs .

  2. 虽然伦敦商学院和欧洲工商管理学院等再次获得星级排名,但面对亚洲、南美洲和澳大利亚的商学院水平日益提高、数量不断增加,实力较弱的欧洲商学院已沦为牺牲品。

    While schools such as lbs and INSEAD have retained their star ratings , lesser European schools have fallen victim to a growing number of ever-improving Asian , South American and Australian schools .

  3. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院(UNSWBusinessSchoolofAustralia)澳大利亚管理研究生院(AGSM)首次上榜,排在第八位。

    AGSM at UNSW Business School of Australia entered the ranking for the first time in eighth position .

  4. 最近,从澳大利亚西部的科廷商学院毕业的学生,商学院毕业后第一份工作的平均薪水是15万美元,完胜哈佛、伦敦或芝加哥的同学。

    Recent graduates at Curtin Business School , in Western Australia , earned an average of $ 150000 in their first job out of business school , easily outstripping peers from Harvard , London or Chicago .