
  • 网络Basra;basrah;Al Basrah
  1. 按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。

    It 's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra

  2. 在南部重镇巴士拉(Basra),有愤怒的群众抗议糟糕的公共服务。

    There have been angry mass protests in Basra , the main town of the south , against dire public services .

  3. 从伊拉克巴士拉(Basra)和阿富汗赫尔曼德(Helmand)的战场失利中返回的军队,又遭遇军费预算被全面削减的前景。

    The armed forces have returned from defeats in Basra and Helmand to the prospect of sweeping reductions in military budgets .

  4. 其结果是,石油部被普遍认为纵容了腐败和汽油走私,这些活动资助了逊尼派(Sunni)地区的叛乱分子以及巴士拉地区的民兵组织。

    The result was a ministry that was widely considered to tolerate corruption and petrol smuggling and which helped fund both insurgents in the Sunni regions and militias operating in Basra .

  5. 3月,巴士拉的唯一一位神经外科医生兼该市一所大学的教授KhalidNasiral-Miyahi被绑架和谋杀。他的尸体被抛在了街上。

    In March , Khalid Nasir al-Miyahi , the only neurosurgeon in Basra and a professor at the city 's university , was kidnapped and murdered , his body left on the streets .

  6. 从五月份开始,泰迪熊特伦斯和驻扎在伊拉克巴士拉英国皇家空军leeming基地的100空军中队的队员在一起,并且参加了战斗机的空中表演。

    Since may , Terence has spent time with members of100 squadron based at RAF Leeming in basra , iraq , and at airshows with performing fighter planes .

  7. 在巴士拉建立地区性办公室的计划正在拟议中。

    Plans for a regional office at Basra are being developed .

  8. 加工巴士拉原油生产重交通道路沥青

    Preparation of heavy - duty road asphalt from Basra crude

  9. 第二天,英军在巴士拉又推倒了一座。

    The next day , British troops took out another one in Basra .

  10. 她帮忙办一个巴士拉的案子。

    She was helping to prosecute cases in basra .

  11. 【参考译文】南部城市巴士拉,他们遭遇了火炮和机枪火力。

    In the southern city of Basra , they faced artillery and machine-gun fire .

  12. 英国军队在伊拉克主要驻守在南方城市巴士拉附近。

    British forces were based mainly in southern Iraq , around the city of Basra .

  13. 一个家庭离开城市巴士拉的石油大火围困在距离燃烧。

    A family leaves the besieged city of Basra as oil fires burn in the distance .

  14. 在巴士拉,红十字会人员正积极向学生教导有关地雷和未燃军火的知识。

    In Basrah , Red Cross instructor was conducting mine and unexploded ordnance awareness activities with schoolchildren .

  15. (船)停靠码头,入港按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。

    It 's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra .

  16. 原油在巴士拉的精炼厂提炼之前,水还被用于洗去石油中的盐分。

    Water is also used to wash oil of salt before it is processed at the Basra refinery .

  17. 巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。

    The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra , Baghdad , Dahuk , Mosul and Tikrit .

  18. 在主要是什叶派的巴士拉,英军比伊拉克士兵受到的攻击更多。

    In mainly Shia Basra , most of the insurgency is aimed at British soldiers rather than Iraqis .

  19. 占领巴士拉的行动以惨败告终,在南阿富汗的行动看上去也好不到哪儿去。

    The occupation of Basra ended in dismal defeat ; the operation in southern Afghanistan has scarcely looked much better .

  20. 这两名军人后来从巴士拉一座民居获救,一个伊拉克民兵组织把他们关押在那里。

    They were later rescued at a private house in Basra where they were held by an Iraqi militia group .

  21. 例如,3月29日,英军在巴士拉炸毁了他的一座铸铁雕像。

    For example , on 29 March , British forces had blown up a cast-iron statue of him in Basra .

  22. 另外一个影响了英国思维的事实是巴士拉与巴格达安全状况的不同。

    Another factor that has influenced British thinking is the difference between the security situation in Basra and that in baghdad .

  23. 巴士拉省居民说,自从英国12月把控制权交还给伊拉克部队以后,犯罪活动和恐怖行动日益猖狂。

    Residents of Basra say crime and terrorism have flourished since the Britain handed control back to Iraqi forces in December .

  24. 假设没有伊军的抵抗,这支联军队伍将能在今夜抵达巴格达-巴士拉公路。

    Given there is no Iraqi resistance this coalition force will be able to reach the highway by today 's night .

  25. 数以千计的人上周末在巴士拉举行抗议,要求警方制止猖獗的犯罪行为,恢复治安。

    Thousands of people protested in Basra over the weekend demanding police do more to stop rampant crime and restore order .

  26. 伊拉克官员说,需要经过大量的努力才能确保盛产石油的巴士拉省的乌姆盖斯尔港口恢复安全,正常运作。

    Iraqi officials say much work is needed to secure and restore the port of Umm Qasr in the oil-rich province of Basra .

  27. 十年中,我们的军队被派到了美国人并不熟悉的地方&坎大哈和喀布尔,摩苏尔和巴士拉。

    Our troops have been to lands unknown to many Americans a decade ago & to Kandahar and Kabul ; to Mosul and Basra .

  28. 伊拉克部队在最近的战斗中展示了相当可观的作战能力,包括把反叛分子和武装分子从巴士拉和摩苏尔赶出去。

    The Iraqis have demonstrated considerable combat ability in several recent operations , including the expulsion of insurgent and militia forces from Basra and Mosul .

  29. 伊拉克的巴士拉爆发激烈战斗。稍早时在这个南部城市,数以千计的伊拉克军队黎明前向什叶派反叛分子发起了攻势。

    Heavy fighting has been raging in Basra following a major pre-dawn offensive by thousands of Iraqi troops against Shi'ite militias in the southern city .

  30. 此前,在巴士拉市附近暴力活动最近突然增多。英国国防大臣布朗对议员说,人们期待的在春季把驻扎在巴士拉的数千名英军撤回国的计划被推迟了。

    Defense Secretary Des Browne told members of parliament that the expected spring homecoming for thousands of British troops based in Basra has been delayed .