
  • 网络baroque period;The Baroque Era;baroque ages
  1. 约翰·塞巴斯第安·巴赫(JohannSebastianBach,1685-1750)是巴洛克时期最具有代表性的作曲家。

    Johann Sebastian Bach is most typical composer during the Baroque .

  2. 17-18世纪的巴洛克时期,“belcanto”(美声)作为一种新的歌唱学派,已成为了最富有表现力的声乐艺术。

    17-18 century Baroque , " Bel canto " ( sound of the United States ) as a new school of singing , has become the most expressive art of vocal music .

  3. 巴洛克时期音乐与建筑相通性的比较研究

    Baroque Music and Construction of the Comparative Study of the Same

  4. 古代至巴洛克时期音乐节奏的演变及特点

    Music Rhythm 's Evolution and Character from Ancient to Baroque Period

  5. 有典故早些时候音乐,尤其是从巴洛克时期。

    There are allusions to earlier music , particularly from the baroque .

  6. 巴洛克时期声乐作品的演唱特点。

    Third , the singing features of vocal music at Baroque times .

  7. 巴洛克时期是音乐发展史上的重要时期。

    Barpque is an important period of the history of music development .

  8. 巴洛克时期键盘音乐特点及力度处理

    Keyboard Music and the Handling of Strength in Baroque Period

  9. 贝尼尼无疑地是巴洛克时期最重要的雕刻家。

    Bernini was undoubtedly the most important sculptor of the Baroque period .

  10. 巴洛克时期(1600-1750)在欧洲音乐史上非常重要。

    The Baroque era is of vast importance in European music history .

  11. 巴洛克时期在西方音乐史中占据着相当重要的地位。

    Baroque occupies a very important position in the history of Western Music .

  12. 亨利·普赛尔(1659~1695)是英国巴洛克时期最伟大的作曲家,也是优秀的管风琴家和歌唱家。

    Henry Purcel ( l1659-1695 ) is the greatest composer in British barpque .

  13. 谈巴赫对巴洛克时期键盘乐的贡献

    Bach 's Contributions to Keyboard Music in Baroque Time

  14. 第二部分,简述了巴洛克时期的音乐特征及器乐音乐的发展。

    The second part outlines the characteristics of Baroque music and instrumental music .

  15. 有助于我们更好的分析、究巴洛克时期的歌剧作品。

    It is helpful to analyse and study the opera works of Baroque period better .

  16. 她的历史悠久,她的美丽可以追溯到巴洛克时期。

    It has a long history which can be dated back to the Baroque period .

  17. 音乐史也以他们先后的逝世作为巴洛克时期的终结。

    In music history the death of them is the symbol of end of the Baroque period .

  18. 艺术家在格局的设计和颜色的运用方面沿习了巴洛克时期厚重简洁的风格。

    There is a baroque solidity and simplicity in the artist 's approach to form and colour .

  19. 好像连巴洛克时期的大师也穿越时空,特别来眷顾这个自学的音乐精灵。

    As if the spirit of Baroque maestro travels through time taking care of this self-taught music genie .

  20. 我们发现这些修饰中有许多不只是在巴洛克时期音乐中运用过,就是在经典的和浪漫派音乐中也有。

    We find many of these embellishments not only in Baroque but also in Classical and Romantic music .

  21. 巴洛克时期不仅音乐风格比以前更加丰富,音乐体裁也更加多样化。

    Baroque style of music is not only richer than before , the music genre also more diverse .

  22. 而稍后的巴洛克时期则大体上继承了文艺复兴的方向,同时又有了某些新的变化。

    The subsequent Baroque era continued the trend of the Renaissance era , though some changes took place .

  23. 巴洛克时期取得的艺术成就,奠定了欧洲音乐发展的基础。

    Artistic achievements made in the baroque period , laid the basis for the development of European music .

  24. 巴洛克时期的歌剧舞台为意大利正歌剧的神话、传说和奇幻内容所弥漫。

    The Baroque opera stages were permeated with the mythology , legend and magic of Italian opera seria .

  25. 巴洛克时期创作了大量永垂千史的的声乐作品,作品中涵盖了浓厚的艺术趣味。

    A great number of lasting vocal music works were created during Baroque times which implied strong artistic flavours .

  26. 西方音乐史上一般将1600&1750年划为巴洛克时期。

    In general , the history of Western music will be 1600 - 1750 years as the Baroque period .

  27. 以巴洛克时期绘画艺术中的骷髅为例,揭示了转义发生的深层规律。

    The paper reveals the deep laws of meaning transfer by taking the skull of Baroque paintings for example .

  28. 第三部分,在了解了双簧管的发展之后,概括出巴洛克时期双簧管的演奏风格。

    The third part of the development of the oboe , summarizes the oboe playing style of the Baroque period .

  29. 他是巴洛克时期的复杂风格,我们只是泛泛的介绍主要的接受参数。

    It is a baroque beast , and we 'll only discuss a few of the many parameters it accepts .

  30. 《卓越之剑》受到欧洲巴洛克时期最高权力的激发,以大胆的原始艺术方向为特色。

    Sword of the New World features a bold , original art direction inspired by the supremacy of Europe 's Baroque period .