
jìnɡ jì chǎnɡ
  • arena;hippodrome;circus
  1. 选手们慢跑进入竞技场,为闭幕式画上了句号。

    The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony .

  2. 他们在英国广播公司二台《竞技场》的一期节目中亮相。

    They appeared on an edition of BBC2 's Arena .

  3. 竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。

    The arena was bathed in warm sunshine

  4. 这家酒吧建在一个古代竞技场的遗址上。

    The bar is built on the site of an ancient arena .

  5. 特务机关的代理人把演讲者驱逐出竞技场。

    The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater .

  6. 该竞技场为四周封闭式结构,可以举行斗剑、格斗、斗兽及其他竞赛项目。

    The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure . Swordplay , wresting , gladiatoral and other contests were held there .

  7. 在有明体操竞技场,管晨辰在女子平衡木决赛中夺得她的第一枚奥运金牌。

    At the Ariake Gymnastics Centre , Guan Chenchen grabbed her first Olympic medal - a gold - in the women 's balance beam final .

  8. 今年四月份,数千位年轻的机器人专家将云集亚特兰大的竞技场,角逐2008年FIRST的至高荣誉。

    This April , several thousand young roboticists will fill an arena in Atlanta to compete for the right to claim the2008 FIRST trophy .

  9. 那只有在单P,世界PVP,和一些小型的竞技场里了。

    Only solo pvp , world pvp , and small arena matches .

  10. 1.rectangulara.矩形的,成直角的竞技场是一块高墙包围的长方形。

    The arena takes the form of a rectangular area bounded by walls .

  11. 热情的群众到场观看较长时间的处理程序大卫博格斯LED传奇板栗种马温竞技场。

    Enthusiastic crowds were on hand to watch as long-time handler David Boggs led the legendary chestnut stallion to Wendell Arena .

  12. 城市是理念的竞技场(威廉H.加斯)

    The city is a circus of the senses ( William H. Gass )

  13. 当你和你的同伴进入竞技场,你们就会面对第一个boss。

    After you and your friends enter the coliseum , you will face the first of several bosses ;

  14. 由地震III竞技场当前支持,荚2和虚幻的比赛,以更多标题来。

    Currently supported by Quake III Arena , Pod2 and Unreal Tournament , with more titles to come .

  15. 上述图画显示出队荷兰越过带彩虹伞,人群为快乐比赛v的主人疯狂鼓舞的竞技场地板前进。

    The above picture shows team Netherlands marching across the arena floor carrying rainbow umbrellas with the crowd cheering wildly for the hosts of the Gay Games v.

  16. 竞技场跟战场有着如此高姿态,是否有更多世界PVP措施正在进行中?

    With the emphasis so strongly on Arena and Battlegrounds play , are there more world PvP initiatives underway ?

  17. 维京之星拥有9层甲板,驶过了伦敦地标,包括金丝雀港口、O2竞技场和格林威治皇家海军学院。

    The nine-deck passenger ship sailed past London landmarks including Canary Wharf , the O2 Arena , and Greenwich 's Royal Naval College .

  18. 快速参观罗马竞技场(Colosseum),搞定。

    Quick look at the Colosseum , done .

  19. 确保你已经检查好了竞技场的设备!PSC检查中救生设备常见缺陷与防范

    Make sure you check out the Arena fights ! Deficiencies in lifesaving appliances frequently detected during PSC inspection and control measures thereof

  20. 根据圣皮埃尔过去的PPV收视人数,他在步入八角型竞技场之前,实际上已保证获得每场比赛300万美元的收入,但这个数字可能会迅速攀升。

    St-Pierre is practically guaranteed $ 3 million per fight before stepping into the octagon based on his past PPV audiences , but the numbers can climb quickly .

  21. 单是在意大利,奢侈品集团Tod’s正斥资2500万欧元(约合3170万美元)修复罗马竞技场;

    In Italy alone , Tod 's , the Italian luxury group , is underwriting the restoration of the Colosseum for 25 million euros , or $ 31.7 million ;

  22. 个人日历功能允许玩家制定个人的事件,比如RAID、竞技场赛事和工会活动,并在艾泽拉斯和外域内对这些活动进行追踪。

    The Player Calendar allows players to create their own events such as raids , arena matches , and guild meetings , and keep track of the many activities in the worlds of Azeroth and Outland .

  23. 台湾创新竞技场(TaiwanStartupStadium)是由政府创立的倡导机构,旨在为创业公司提供融资和培训服务。其负责人黄蕙雯(AnitaHuang)表示,台湾需要更多的创业榜样,给有抱负的创业者带路。

    Anita Huang , the head of Taiwan Startup Stadium , an initiative started by the government to lift start-up funding and training , said there was a need for more role models to show the way for aspiring entrepreneurs .

  24. 其中竞技场作为游戏满足玩家高水平需求的模块设计,能够提供给玩家直接PK的机会,通过游戏的竞争机制满足玩家尊重和自我实现的需求。

    AS the module designed to meet high level needs of players , arena can provide the opportunity of players PK to meet the players respect and self-realization through the competitive mechanism of game .

  25. 他们两个自称拥有着世界上最大的两个粉丝基础。但是周日晚上,在伦敦温布利SSE竞技场上举行的2017年欧洲音乐大奖中,ShawnMendes夺得桂冠,TaylorSwift在她参选的五个奖项中纷纷落选。

    They boast two of the biggest fan bases in the world.But it was Shawn Mendes who reigned supreme during the 2017 Europe Music Awards 2017 , held inside London 's SSE Arena , Wembley , on Sunday night , as Taylor Swift lost out in all five of her categories .

  26. Volk说,克里姆林宫现在的统治者希望增强其在政治竞技场上的超级大国野心,试图表达卢布可以担任国际扩比的角色,同时表明俄罗斯是超级大国。

    Today 's Kremlin rulers , says Volk , want to reinforce their superpower ambitions in the political arena , and the economic aspect involves showing that the ruble is capable of an international role , which would simultaneously demonstrate that Russia is a great nation .

  27. 这个圆形露天竞技场是把陡坡挖空建成的。

    The amphitheatre had been hollowed out of the steep hillside .

  28. 这里不是充满敌人的竞技场。

    This is not the arena where everyone is an enemy .

  29. 公牛冲出来进入阳光照耀的竞技场。

    The bull charged out into the sunlight of the arena .

  30. 但是古罗马竞技场的水上时代没有维持下去。

    But the Colosseum 's aquatic age didn 't last forever .