
wén yì fù xīnɡ
  • the Renaissance
文艺复兴 [wén yì fù xīng]
  • [High Renaissance] 14世纪至16世纪欧洲的主要文化思潮,以复兴希腊、罗马的古典文化为号召,实际上宣扬人文主义,是资本主义文化思想的萌芽。也称文艺中兴

  • 文艺中兴时代之意大利。-- 蔡元培《图画》

  1. 科学在文艺复兴时期发生了新的转变。

    Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance .

  2. 一些文艺复兴时期的建筑美得令人惊叹。

    Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous .

  3. 他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。

    His bristling determination has become a symbol of England 's renaissance .

  4. 大会的主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。

    The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe

  5. 文艺复兴时期的文学巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

    the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser , Shakespeare , Donne and Milton .

  6. 有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。

    There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance .

  7. 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。

    The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement .

  8. 他是一位意大利文艺复兴以前的艺术家。

    He was an Italian primitive .

  9. 在19世纪50年代,人们认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇无法与提香和拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的艺术巨擘相比,他们的作品价值几乎是《蒙娜丽莎》的十倍。

    In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .

  10. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .

  11. 笔者认为,作为历史分期的概念,现代早期(earlymodern)比文艺复兴更适宜。

    In my view , as a conception of periodization , Early Modern is much better than the Renaissance .

  12. 文艺复兴(Renaissance)文艺复兴艺术与文化是对古希腊罗马文化的复兴。

    Renaissant art and culture means the renaissance of ancient culture , that is , Grecian and Roman culture .

  13. 本·琼生(BenJonson)是英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧家,和莎士比亚是同一时代的人。

    Ben Jonson is a dramatist , and one of Shakespeare contemporaries in the Renaissance .

  14. 拉斐尔•桑西(RaphaelSanti),是意大利文艺复兴三杰中最为年轻的一位。

    Raphael Santi was the youngest of the three great masters of the Italian Renaissance .

  15. 兰斯顿·休斯(1902-1967)是20世纪20年代的哈莱姆文艺复兴运动(HarlemRenaissance)中重要的作家及思想家,是20世纪乃至21世纪美国最伟大的诗人之一。

    Langston Hughes ( 1902-1967 ) is an important writer and thinker of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s , and one of the greatest American poets in the 20th and the 21st century .

  16. 在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店(venetianmacao)仿文艺复兴风格的大堂里,中国内地游客兴奋的谈笑声,几乎盖过了率领他们前往赌场所在楼层的导游们的声音。

    The excited chatter of the Chinese tourists in the faux Renaissance lobby of the Venetian Macao nearly drowns out the tour guides shepherding them to the main attraction in the hotel : the casino floor .

  17. Salai和达芬奇共事25年,据称为达芬奇不少文艺复兴画作带来了灵感的来源。

    Salai and da Vinci worked together for25 years and is believed to be the inspiration behind several of the Renaissance artist 's works .

  18. 佳士得亚太地区主席高逸龙(Fran漀椀猀Curiel)在电子邮件中称陈先生是“一位典型的文艺复兴式人物——科学家、设计师、雕塑家;但对他最好的描述一个有远见的人”。

    Curiel , chairman of Christie 's Asia-Pacific , in an email called Mr. Chan a " Renaissance man in the best sense of the world - a scientist , designer , sculpture ; but my best description of him is as a visionary .

  19. 早期的欧洲艺术:古代,中世纪,文艺复兴。

    Early European Art : Antiquity , Middle Ages , Renais .

  20. 中世纪与文艺复兴时期管乐器分类&西方管乐器系列研究之二

    To Summarize the Wind Instrument in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

  21. 他们以文艺复兴时期的大师命名,并被训练成为忍者。

    Named after the great Renaissance masters and trained as ninjas .

  22. 略论文艺复兴运动与近代体育思想的形成

    On the Renaissance Movement and the Formation of Modern Sports Idea

  23. 文艺复兴时期意大利台地园的造园艺术分析

    The landscape art analysis of Terrace garden at the Italian Renaissance

  24. 文艺复兴时期西欧王权文化庇护现象刍议

    On the Reign Culture Shelter of West Europe in Renaissance Period

  25. 黑人文艺复兴及小说《土生子》的社会启示

    The Social Significance of The Black Renaissance and The Native Son

  26. 并不是所有意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术家都把摩西画成有角。

    Not all the Renaissance Italian painters gave horns to Moses .

  27. 论美第奇家族对意大利文艺复兴的贡献

    On the Contribution of the Medici Family to the Italian Renaissance

  28. 决定重建文艺复兴思想的画家和作家。

    A painter or writer dedicated to restoring early Renaissance ideals .

  29. 文艺复兴时代的罗马教会与伦理道德

    On Roman Catholic Church of the Renaissance : Its Relation to Morality

  30. 拓宽对于其他材料的研究以及文艺复兴时期的装饰风格类型;

    The other materials and the Renaissance types of ornament ;