
  • 网络Sophocles;sophocle
  1. 埃斯库罗斯和索福克勒斯的悲剧,运用最巧妙的艺术手段,在头几场中就把了解剧情所必需的开发线索,好象是无意中交到观众手上:c

    The tragedy of Aeschylus and Sophocles had used the subtlest devices to furnish the spectator in the early scenes , and as if by chance , with al } the necessary information .

  2. 这一切在贺拉斯和索福克勒斯的著作得到了充分地表现。

    This can be observed most clearly with Horace and Sophocles .

  3. 诚实的人难以两面讨好。&索福克勒斯

    No honest man can argue both sides well . & Sophocles

  4. 如果法律没有威力支撑,它绝不能生效。&索福克勒斯

    Laws can never be enforced unless fear supports them . & Sophocles

  5. 另一方面,索福克勒斯在“奥狄浦斯”一剧中则高唱圣者的凯旋歌的前奏曲。

    while Sophocles in his Oedipus intones a paean to the saint .

  6. 永远的神话&索福克勒斯《俄狄浦斯王》的批评、阐释与接受

    An Eternal Myth : Criticism , Interpretation and Reception of Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex

  7. 希腊神与儒道&索福克勒斯与关汉卿的信仰抉择

    God of Greece and Confucianism & the Belief Option of Sophocles and GUAN Han-qing

  8. 仓促的劝告不可靠。&索福克勒斯

    Hasty advice is unreliable . & Sophocles

  9. 索福克勒斯的俄狄浦斯与陀思妥耶夫斯基的基里洛夫都提出了荒谬的胜利的法则。

    Sophocles'Edipus , like Dostoevsky 's Kirilov , thus gives the recipe for the absurd victory .

  10. 其次,本文对伦理问题背景下索福克勒斯作品中所展现出的和人相关的矛盾冲突进行了详尽的分析。

    The second part elaborately analyses the conflicts related to man in the background of ethical issues .

  11. 从一具尸体的衣服口袋里发现了济慈的诗集和索福克勒斯的集子,从而证实那就是雪莱。

    Shelley 's body was identified by the volumes of Keats and Sophocles found in his pockets .

  12. 在索福克勒斯的悲剧中,城邦同样是和英雄的文化价值观的相关问题。

    In Sophoclean tragedy the city is also the focus for the hero 's problematical relation to civilized values .

  13. 论索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯创作之不同&以同名剧《埃勒克特拉》为例

    On the Differences in Creation Between Sophocles and Euripides & Take the Same Name " Electra " as an Example

  14. 在古希腊悲剧演员数量增加的历史进程中,埃斯库罗斯与索福克勒斯先后扮演了极其重要的角色。

    In the process of the Ancient Greece tragedian 's increasement , Aeschylus and Sophocles sequentially played quite an important role .

  15. 索福克勒斯曾谓埃斯库罗斯做了正确的事,虽则是无意为之,但是欧里庇德斯当然不会持此见解。

    Euripides would never have endorsed Sophocles ' statement about Aeschylus -- that this poet was doing the right thing , but unconsciously ;

  16. 反之,如所周知,埃斯库罗斯和索福克勒斯,终其一生,甚至死后很久,都甚孚众望;

    It is also generally recognized that Aeschylus and Sophocles enjoyed all through their lives and longer the full benefit of popular favor ,

  17. 同这观众联合起来,摆脱了孤立的情况,他就敢于展开反对埃斯库罗斯和索福克勒斯的艺术作品的残酷斗争;

    Allied with him he could risk coming out of his isolation to fight that tremendous battle against the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles ;

  18. 在这足以容纳17000人的剧场里曾经上演过无数场埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯的悲剧作品及阿里斯托芬的喜剧作品。

    In this to accommodate the17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus , sophocles , and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes 's comedies .

  19. 这一特点将他和索福克勒斯笔下的俄狄浦斯王联系在一起,这两者间的精神联系远比弗洛伊德所阐释的丰富和宽广。

    This capability connects Hamlet with Sophocles'Oedipus the King , and the spiritual relationship between the two is deeper and wider than what Freud has interpreted .

  20. 例如,索福克勒斯的悲剧英雄的对话就以梦境艺术的精确性和明晰性使我们惊叹,所以我们立刻以为业已洞见了他们的生存的秘奥,

    The language of the Sophoclean heroes surprises us by its Apollinian determinacy and lucidity . It seems to us that we can fathom their innermost .

  21. 关于歌队的难题,早已在索福克勒斯的作品中表现出来:——一个重要的迹象是在他的剧中,悲剧的醉境基础已经开始崩溃了。

    Already in Sophocles we find some embarrassment with regard to the chorus , which suggests that the Dionysian floor of tragedy is beginning to give way .

  22. 摩西•戈德沃姆一边把索福克勒斯的对白跟他自己的勉强扯上关系,一边狼吞虎咽地吃蔬菜肉饼。

    Drawing tenuous connections between Sophocles'dialogue and his own , Moses Goldworm wolfed down his vegetable cutlet and raged like Carrie Nation against the New York theatre critics .

  23. 反之,索福克勒斯的悲剧英雄的光辉形象,简言之,其化装的梦神成份,却是人窥见了自然的秘奥和恐怖之必然结果,

    Conversely , the luminous images of the Sophoclean heroes -- those Apollinian masks -- are the necessary productions of a deep look into the horror of nature ;

  24. 首先,简要介绍索福克勒斯作品中伦理问题形成的时代背景,以及索福克勒斯悲剧对当时城邦居民的影响。

    The first part is the introduction of the background of ethical issues in the works of Sophocles , as well as the impact on the city residents .

  25. 拉康以亚里士多德《诗学》中关于悲剧的净化作用为出发点对古希腊悲剧,尤其是对索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》进行了解读分析,形成了自己独特的悲剧理论。

    With the help of Aristotle 's insight of tragic catharsis in Poetics , Jacques Lacan analyzes Sophocles ' Antigone and develops his peculiar and general tragedy theory .

  26. 然而,希腊诗人象一绪阳光照射到这神话的壮丽肃穆的绵侬(McmBnon)巨象上,于是它突然发出清音——索福克勒斯的歌曲。

    Yet the Greek poet , like a sunbeam , touches the terrible and austere Memnon 's Column of myth , which proceeds to give forth Sophoclean melodies .

  27. 第一批伟大的剧作家(埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、阿里斯托芬),历史上最杰出的雕刻家(菲迪亚斯),和苏格拉底都生活在公元前5世纪的雅典。

    The first great dramatists ( Aeschylus , Sophocles , Aristophanes ), the greatest sculptors in history ( Phidias ), and Socrates all lived in Athens in the5th century BC .

  28. 索福克勒斯名列第三,他自诩比诸埃斯库罗斯做了更正确的事,而且正因为他知道甚么是正确的,所以毅然为之。

    The third place went to Sophocles , who had boasted that , in contrast to Aeschylus , he not only did the right thing but knew why he did it .

  29. 古希腊的生命悲剧经过埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯三位悲剧诗人,实现了它的发展、繁荣到衰落的历程。

    By the development of the poets the Aeschylus , the Sophocles and the Euripides , the life tragedy went through the process from the birth and the flourish to the deterioration .

  30. 我们在习惯上往往认为,欧里庇德斯的诗比诸索福克勒斯的诗是缺点和退步,而这点多半是他的深入的批判过程和大胆的判断之结果。

    What in Euripidean , as compared with Sophoclean tragedy , has been so frequently censured as poetic lack and retrogression is actually the straight result of the poet 's incisive critical gifts , his audacious personality .