
  • Sofia
  1. 用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。

    The spectre of neo-fascism , as he put it , was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities .

  2. 好吧,我叫索非亚把她放了。

    Okay , I 'll have Sofia release her from holding .

  3. C:索非亚怎么会变成这么难管的孩子了?

    C : How come Sophie is becoming a troublesome teenager ?

  4. IAA色氨酸处理对索非亚草莓营养生长和果实品质的调控

    Study on the Effects of Tryptophan on the Growth and Fruit Quality of Sophie Strawberry Cultivar

  5. 当收益降低之时,那些曾追逐华沙办公楼的资金现在已经转向索非亚(Sofia,保加利亚首都)的大商场,投注于保加利亚能在2007年进入欧盟。

    As yields fell , the same money that chased Warsaw office buildings began looking at Sofia warehouses , betting on Bulgaria 's entry into the EU in2007 .

  6. Lavazza在中国的咖啡店以LavazzaEspression品牌运营,这一品牌同时也在巴塞罗那、贝尔法斯特、都柏林、芝加哥、新德里、伦敦、米兰、首尔、索非亚、都灵、埃里温(Yerevan)等地出现。

    The coffee shops in China operate under Lavazza Espression brand , which is also present in Barcelona , Belfast , Dublin , Chicago , New Delhi , London , Milan , Seoul , Sofia , Turin and Yerevan .

  7. 我去看电影了。索非亚会游泳。

    I went to the movies . – Sophia can swim .

  8. 索非亚,这位是汉斯.他是德国人。

    Sophie , this is Hans . He is German .

  9. 我孙女的名字叫索非亚。然科曼?

    I might have a granddaughter named Sophie zenkman ?

  10. 索非亚-罗兰到俄国去找他。

    Sophia Loren goes to Russia to find him .

  11. 浅析保加利亚索非亚大学汉语本科专业课程设置

    Review on the Curricula of the Major of Chinese in Sofia University in Bulgaria

  12. 索非亚从头到脚都发抖。

    Sophia was trembling from head to foot .

  13. 塞拉诺5岁的女儿索非亚没有要珠珠这种电子仓鼠。

    Serrano's5-year-old daughter , Sofia , has not asked for the Zhu Zhu robotic hamster .

  14. 索非亚:你是哪国人?

    SOPHIE : What nationglity are you ?

  15. 索非亚你真的很性感。

    Sofia , you are so hot .

  16. 为保护和可持续利用多瑙河进行合作索非亚公约;

    Sofia Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the Danube river ;

  17. 关于减少氮的氧化物的索非亚议定书

    Sofia Protocol to reduce nitrogen oxides

  18. 首都索非亚大约有3.5万只流浪狗。

    There are around thirty five thousand street dogs living in the capital city of Sofia .

  19. 论量刑原则与量刑公正&关于修改完善我国量刑原则的立法建议关于减少氮的氧化物的索非亚议定书

    Legislative Proposals Concerning Revision and Improvement of the Sentencing Principles ; Sofia Protocol to reduce nitrogen oxides

  20. 切尔西主教练穆里尼奥下定决心击败索非亚,以A第一结束小组赛征程。

    Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho is determined to beat Levski Sofia and finish top of UEFA Champions League Group A.

  21. 索非亚科波拉,著名导演弗郎西斯福德科波拉的女儿,在《幽灵的威胁》中扮演萨澈。

    Sofia Coppola , daughter of famed director , Francis Ford Coppola , played Sach é in The Phantom Menace .

  22. 拥有高标准的设施和舒适的住宿,这家酒店是一个理想的地方为一个难忘的假期在索非亚。

    Combining convenience , hospitality and warm ambience , this property is an ideal place for an unforgettable vacation in Sofia .

  23. 在1877-78年的苏联和土耳其战争之后,由摩西亚和索非亚地区组成的自治保加利亚侯国于1878年建立。

    An autonomous Bulgarian principality comprising Moesia and the region of Sofia was established in 1878 following the Russo-Turkish war in 1877-78 .

  24. 这个项目是专门给他们,特别是索非亚,最年轻的,对被申请人的名称。

    This project is dedicated to them , and especially to Sophia , the youngest , for whom the application is named .

  25. 但在资本和特色方面,它们不及那些魅力略显欠缺的对手城市,比如索非亚和汉堡。

    Yet they were weaker in terms of their assets and attractions than rivals perceived as less glamorous , such as Sofia and Hamburg .

  26. 那天下午大家四处寻找索非亚,因为她午饭时跟约瑟夫发生口角,饭后一直没有人看到她。

    That afternoon there was a search up and down for Sophia , whom no one had seen since lunch after her quarrel with Joseph .

  27. 早期扩张策略是占领北面叛军控制的城市,比如索非亚和东南方的士麦那。

    Early plans for expansion involve the capture of rebel settlements to North , such as Sofia , and to the South East-Smyrna being a likely target .

  28. 随着冠军杯小组赛最后一战的打响,切尔西激动人心的12月份拉开了序幕。因为做客斯坦福桥的索非亚,无非仅仅是为了尊严而来。

    Chelsea begin a typically hectic December with the final game of the Champions League group stage , as Levski Sofia travel to the bridge surely just looking for pride .

  29. 索非亚后来的影片《卡桑德拉大桥》(1976年)、《特别的一天》(1977年)和《高级成衣》(1994年)为她获得更广泛的尊敬。

    Sophia gained wider respect with her later movies like " Cassandra Crossing "( 1976 )," Una Giornata Particolare "( 1977 ) and " Pret a Porter "( 1994 ) .

  30. 然而,在索非亚、内罗毕和雅加达等较贫穷的城市,工人必须工作长得多的时间,分别为69分钟、91分钟和86分钟。

    However , those in poorer cities such as Sofia ( 69 minutes ) , Nairobi ( 91 minutes ) and Jakarta ( 86 minutes ) must work much longer .