
  1. 布加勒斯特的所在地过去曾是一大片茂密的森林。

    Where Bucharest now stands , there once was a large , dense forest

  2. 在布加勒斯特开公司之前,他在伦敦当舞蹈教练。

    He worked as a dance instructor in London before setting himself up in Bucharest

  3. 矿工们聚集在布加勒斯特市中心以表示对政府的支持。

    Miners gathered in the centre of Bucharest in a show of support for the government

  4. 我曾经是布加勒斯特最好的外科医生。

    I was a surgeon at the best hospital in bucharest .

  5. 在飞往布加勒斯特的航班上,她乘坐的是经济舱。

    She sat in economy class on the flight to bucharest .

  6. 布什和伯塞斯库在北约首脑会议开始前不久返回布加勒斯特。

    The two returned to Bucharest shortly before the summit began .

  7. 他们为什么决定在布加勒斯特开家具厂?

    Why did they decide to open a furniture plant in Bucharest ?

  8. 条约三天前在布加勒斯特签定。

    The treaty was signed three days ago at Bucharest .

  9. 我要去伦敦,在布加勒斯特换飞机。

    I 'm on my way to london , chaning planes at bucharest .

  10. 北大西洋公约组织在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特举行正式会议。

    The NATO summit has convened in formal session in Bucharest , Romania .

  11. 我听说布加勒斯特是座美丽的城市。

    I hear Bucharest is a beautiful city .

  12. 1975年八一队在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特和罗马尼亚陆军队比赛的照片。

    August 1st Team , game in Bucharest , Romania , against Romania Army Team .

  13. 首都布加勒斯特是全国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。

    S capital Bucharest is the country 's political , economic , cultural and transportation center .

  14. 我周三晚上到达布加勒斯特,周四和周五就开始打比赛。

    I got back on Wednesday in the evening , I was hitting Thursday and Friday .

  15. 两个中央情报局的探员被派往罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特调查一个轰动的绑架案。

    Two CIA agents are sent to Bucharest , Romania to solve a high profile kidnapping .

  16. 费尔南德斯19分钟的强劲的头球帮忙罗马尼亚第一位在布加勒斯特球类场地先声夺人。

    Bruno Fernandes'thumping header put the Romanian champions into a19th minute lead at the Steaua Stadium .

  17. 我们将在布加勒斯特看到到底是零、一、二还是三个都得到邀请。

    We will see in Bucharest if zero , one , two or three will get invitations .

  18. 自1974年在布加勒斯特首次召开国际人口会议至今,已经历了21个春秋。

    Twenty-one years have passed since the First International Population Conference was held in Bucharest in 1974 .

  19. 北大西洋公约组织26个成员国的领导人本星期在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特召开首脑会议。

    Leaders from the 26-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization hold their summit this week in Bucharest , Romania .

  20. 但是也不是所有的欧洲国家都幸免垫底,例如第二个最粗鲁的城市是罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特。

    But Europe was not excluded from the bottom either , as the second rudest city was Bucharest .

  21. 到登博维察河一个男孩潜水降温在布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚,星期三,2010年8月11日。

    A boy dives into the Dambovita river to cool off in Bucharest , Romania , Wednesday , Aug.11,2010 .

  22. 对了,这提醒了我,在到达布加勒斯特之前咱们得。

    Yeah , that reminds me that we 'll have to readjust our watches before we get to Bucharest .

  23. 在罗马尼亚足球甲级联赛中,布加勒斯特民族队上星期连续输掉了两场比赛,该队球员将于近期被迫接受测谎仪的测试。

    Players at a Romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches .

  24. 在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。

    My career took me to many places across the world , Bucharest , Phnom Penh , Jakarta , Manila , and Canberra .

  25. 他还说,除了布加勒斯特外,罗其他几个大城市有保留价值的旧楼房也将进行加固和维修。

    Apart from Bucharest , he added , the old buildings worth preservation in other major Romanian cities will also be reinforced and repaired .

  26. 拜登于周四在罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特发表讲话,随后将在捷克共和国结束中欧和东欧之行。

    Biden made the comments in Bucharest , Romania on Thursday , before ending his Central and Eastern European tour in the Czech Republic .

  27. 其形式纯度-一状结构倒角金刚石-将是一个永恒的,在布加勒斯特中心优雅的里程碑。

    The purity of its form – a chamfered diamond like structure – will be a timeless , elegant landmark in the centre of Bucharest .

  28. 他们将在这次布加勒斯特高峰会议上被正式邀请加入北约。北约成员还一致认为,马其顿已经满足了加入北约的标准,但是,由于国家名称的争议,希腊表示将阻止接纳马其顿。

    Alliance members have also agreed that Macedonia meets the criteria for membership , but Greece has vowed to block approval because of a name dispute .

  29. 但是观察家认为,乌克兰与格鲁吉亚能够在布加勒斯特得到加入许可的机会微乎其微。

    But observers say the chances that Ukraine and Georgia , which has also put in a bid , will win approval in Bucharest are slim .

  30. 目前,该公司正将重点放在罗马尼亚,它于2005年在布加勒斯特开设了一项业务,去年在北部城市克卢日开设了另一项业务。

    Now it is focusing on Romania , where it launched a Bucharest operation in 2005 and another in the northern city of Cluj last year .