
  1. 克拉齐娜说,在学校的时候,梅拉尼娅没有跟那些听TheCure和Metallica乐队的同龄人玩在一起,而是受到一小群流行乐爱好者的吸引,混在卢布尔雅那三桥旁边的马尾酒吧(Horse’sTail)里。

    At school , Melania kept her distance from peers listening to the Cure or Metallica , Kracina said , and gravitated toward a clique of pop music fans who hung out at the Horse 's Tail bar by the Triple Bridge in Ljubljana .

  2. 峰会是在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那郊外一座城堡里举行的。

    The summit took place at a castle just outside Ljubljana .

  3. 东契奇出生在卢布尔雅那,父亲萨萨是斯洛文尼亚联赛的一名篮球运动员。

    Doncic was born in Ljubljana , with father Sasa a basketball player in the Slovenian league .

  4. 自她离开卢布尔雅那,去米兰,之后到欧洲其他城市发展自己的模特事业之后,斯洛文尼亚也退出了她的视野。

    Once she left Ljubljana for a modeling career in Milan and then elsewhere in Europe , Slovenia receded from view .

  5. 俄罗斯总统普京说,自从他和布什总统于2001年在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那第一次见面之后,他就喜欢和布什会见。

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said he enjoyed his meetings with the American president since they first met in Ljubljana , Slovenia in2001 .

  6. 他们带著一点怀旧的口吻回顾了他们领导下的美国与俄罗斯在过去七年来的关系。俄罗斯总统普京说,自从他和布什总统于2001年在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那第一次见面之后,他就喜欢和布什会见。

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said he enjoyed his meetings with the American president since they first met in Ljubljana , Slovenia in 2001 .

  7. 自从离开塞夫尼察,去卢布尔雅那——斯洛文尼亚现在的首都——上高中以后,她很少回去见她的老朋友。

    Once she left Sevnica for high school in Ljubljana , now Slovenia 's capital , she rarely came back to see her old friends .

  8. 在卢布尔雅那读完三年期的屠宰学位后,博鲁特来到了伦敦,从事起这项其家族世代从事的职业。

    After completing a three - year degree in butchery in Ljubljana , Borut came to London to follow the profession that has been in his family for generations .

  9. 研究人员还发现最近加入欧盟的东欧国家的生活水平有所提髙,这其中包括卢布尔雅那、维尔纽斯和塔林。

    Researchers also found a rise in living standards in the capitals of those eastern European states that recently joined the EU with Ljubljana , Vilnius and Tallinn all improving .

  10. 白宫说,这次会晤在卢布尔雅那郊外一座城堡里举行,将涉及为缓解巴尔干地区紧张关系和实现中东和平所作的努力。

    And the White House says the talks at a castle just outside Ljubljana will cover efforts to ease tensions in the Balkans and bring peace to the Middle East .

  11. 她住在父亲于几年前在卢布尔雅那郊区购买的一套公寓内。她父亲之前就在这个城市开了一家自行车和汽车零件铺。

    She lived in an apartment that her father , who had opened a bicycle and car parts shop in Ljubljana , had bought a few years earlier on the outskirts of the city .

  12. 1985年,梅拉尼娅离开了塞夫尼察,沿着缓缓流动、被葱翠山丘映成绿色的萨瓦河旁狭窄的道路,穿过几个煤矿城镇,来到了卢布尔雅那。

    In 1985 , Melania left Sevnica , traveling on the narrow roads along the slow-moving Sava River , green from the reflection of the wooded hills , and through coal mining towns on the way to Ljubljana .

  13. 一直以来,卢卡东契奇在球场上的表现都领先于他的年龄。8岁那年,在斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那的Olimpija篮球学校,他的第一次训练就展现出了相当强的统治力,以至于在16分钟后他就被提到与年龄较大的孩子去比赛。

    Luka has always been ahead of his time on the court . In his first practice as an 8-year-old at the Olimpija Basketball School in Ljubljana , Slovenia , he was so dominant that he was moved up to play against older kids after 16 minutes .