
  • 网络ZAGREB;Croatia;zag
  1. 最终是什么让你离开萨拉热窝前往萨格勒布的?

    What was it ultimately that led you to leave Sarajevo for Zagreb ?

  2. 这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。

    This led Zagreb 's twin town , Mainz , to donate £ 70,000-worth of high-quality equipment .

  3. 切尔西中场兰帕德见证了英格兰上个月在萨格勒布的溃败后,球队没落到第E小组的第三位。

    Chelsea midfielder Lampard has seen England drop to third in Group E behind Russia and Croatia after last month 's dismal defeat in Zagreb .

  4. 要想知道最新的时尚,萨格勒布人最著名的搭配,就到陡峭的拉迪赛瓦街(RadicevaStreet)来添置新行头吧,这条街始于捷拉斯加广场的西北角。

    Taking mental note of the up-to-the-minute fashions the famously put-together Zagrebians wear , head to steep Radiceva Street , which begins in the northwest corner of Jelacic Square , to assemble your new look .

  5. 造访位于火车站边的萨格勒布游憩酒店(EsplanadeZagrebHotel)是最具本地风情的体验。

    Few experiences encapsulate a visit here like brunch at the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel next to the train station .

  6. 他在萨格勒布时尚的Bulldog酒吧中说:虽然我们目前并没有陷入经济危机,但是我们有种不祥的预感。

    Speaking in Zagreb 's fashionable Bulldog bar , he says : We don 't have an economic crisis yet but there 's a feeling that something bad is coming .

  7. 1995年,他第六次与死神擦身,他在萨格勒布被一辆公交车撞倒,但Frane仅仅受了一点轻伤,于是便起身走开了。

    Then in 1995 came his sixth accident when he was knocked down by a bus in Zagreb but walked away with minor injuries .

  8. 同时,肌肉的力量也会变差。该研究的通讯作者、萨格勒布大学运动学教授葛兰·马尔科维奇(GoranMarkovic)将肌肉力量解释为肌肉收缩时产生力量的能力。

    They also are less powerful , with power being a measure of the muscle 's ability to produce force during contractions , according to Goran Markovic , a professor of kinesiology at the University of Zagreb and the study 's senior author .

  9. 从萨格勒布(Zagreb)出发,向北一小时,就来到了这个五万人口的重要小城。完美无瑕的卵石镇中心到处是巴洛克教堂和宫殿,比如Draskovic宫,这一主题还将延续至一年一度的巴洛克音乐节,但也就到此为止。

    One hour north of Zagreb , this small metropolis of 50000 has an immaculate cobblestoned town center and is stocked with Baroque churches and palaces like the Draskovic . The theme continues with an annual Baroque music festival , but that 's where it ends .

  10. 萨格勒布电影公司是一个来自克罗地亚的电影制作公司,成立于1953年。

    Zagreb Film is a Croatian film-producing company founded in 1953 .

  11. 阿拉伯人将被用私人专机送往萨格勒布。

    The Arabs would be flown by private charter plane to zagreb .

  12. 他们经布达佩斯。萨格勒布公路穿过南斯拉夫边界。

    They crossed the Yugoslav border on the budapest-zagreb road .

  13. 克罗地亚政府表示萨格勒布迎来了57年以来最大降雪。

    Croatian officials say Zagreb had its heaviest snowfall in 57 years .

  14. 萨格勒布迪纳摩使用4-4-2阵型来适应现在的快速足球。

    Dinamo Zagreb use a4-4-2 system adapted to today 's fast moving football .

  15. 萨格勒布的很多餐馆提供不同风味的特色菜,有本地特色美食,也有各国佳肴。

    Many of the Zagreb restaurants offer various specialties of national and international cuisine .

  16. 萨格勒布电影公司还制作纪录片、电视广告、教育电影以及故事片。

    Zagreb Film also produce documentaries , television commercials , educational films and feature films .

  17. 计划是攻占萨格勒布。

    The plan was to occupy Zagreb .

  18. 博尔多生于1930年,目前在著名的萨格勒布动画学院任教。

    Bordo was born in1930 and belongs to the well-known Zagreb School of Animated Film .

  19. 葡萄牙前锋和卡里姆•本泽马在赛后谈论了他们在萨格勒布的感受。

    The Portuguese forward and Karim Benzema shared their views on the match in Zagreb .

  20. 萨格勒布是一座传统之城。

    Zagreb is a town of traditions .

  21. 你可以到萨格勒布的起源地卡普托尔(Kaptol)去做个致意,1094年,这里正式成为一处主教辖区。

    Pay homage to Zagreb 's origins , Kaptol , which was settled as a bishopric in 1094 .

  22. 英格兰队在继9月与马其顿的比赛中一球未进被逼平后,又于萨格勒布败北,因而受到广泛地批评。

    England received widespread criticism after the defeat in Zagreb , which followed September 's goalless draw with Macedonia .

  23. 但她在一个拐弯处犯了致命的错误,最后将车开至了900英里之外克罗地亚的萨格勒布市。

    But she took a catastrophic wrong turn and eventually ended up 900 miles away in Zagreb , Croatia .

  24. 最无聊城市:1.布鲁塞尔2.苏黎世、奥斯陆、华沙、萨格勒布(并列)

    Most boring : 1 . Brussels 2 . Zurich , Oslo , Warsaw , Zagreb ( tied ) .

  25. 当阿森纳踌躇满志前往克罗地亚对阵萨格勒布迪纳摩时,科尔将被留在大本营。

    ASHLEY COLE will be left behind by Arsenal as they head for tomorrow 's Champions League qualifier with Dinamo Zagreb .

  26. 由于特殊性质的工作,他花费的一部分,今年在萨格勒布,伦敦和贝尔格莱德。

    Due to the specific nature of his work , he spends part of the year in Zagreb , London and Belgrade .

  27. 麦克拉伦对萨格勒布比赛开始感到满意但是承认整个过将程到结果让他很失望。

    McClaren was pleased with the way his side started in Zagreb but admitted that overall he was disappointed with the result .

  28. 克罗地亚拥有岛屿星罗棋布的海岸线,多年来,这个国家的首都萨格勒布只是通往海滩的中转站,如今这里已经今非昔比。

    For years , Zagreb , Croatia 's chief city , was a layover on the way to the country 's island-studded coast .

  29. 当她打电话回家说她在萨格勒布市的时候,比利时的警方已经搜过了她的家,准备开始大规模搜索了。

    Officers searched her house and were about to launch a full scale manhunt when she phoned home to say she was in Zagreb .

  30. 一个真正的作弊的案件发生在萨格勒布的一个锦标赛上,费舍尔一枝独秀,领先斯密斯洛夫,彼得罗森和科奇诺伊。

    A case of genuine cheating occurred during a tournament in Zagreb , which Fischer was dominating ahead of Smyslov , Petrosian and Korchnoi .