
  • 网络Podgorica
  1. 它没有统一的首都,将公共政府机构分为塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德和黑山的波德戈里察。

    The country does not have a unified capital anymore , dividing its common institutions between Belgrade in Serbia and Podgorica in Montenegro .

  2. 我们采取了严密,到波德戈里察曲折的道路,在一个海边的咖啡馆,然后午饭后我们开车最狭窄的道路,几乎周围的村庄和城镇的沿海口单向道路。

    We followed a tight , winding road into Podgorica and then after lunch at a beachside cafe we drove the narrowest road , almost a one way road around the villages and towns of the coastal inlets .