
  • Pole;Polish;Polack
  1. 瓦文萨先生因为承诺给每个波兰人1亿兹罗提创办企业而尝到了苦果。

    Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business .

  2. 一位波兰人在散步时发现一盏油灯。

    Pole walking along the road happens to spy a lamp .

  3. 嗯,我看她不是俄罗斯人就是波兰人。

    Well , I think she 's either Russian or Polish .

  4. 卡钦斯基一行原本要前往卡廷森林参加一项纪念活动。1940年,苏联在约瑟夫斯大林(JosefStalin)的命令下,处决了2.2万名波兰人,其中包括4000名波兰军官。

    The delegation was on its way for a remembrance service at the Katyn forest where the Soviets executed 4,000 Polish officers , of 22,000 Poles killed in 1940 on the orders of Josef Stalin .

  5. 更小的斯拉夫教会是波兰人和捷克斯洛伐克人的东正教会。

    Smaller Slav Churches are the Polish and Czechoslovak Orthodox Churches .

  6. 波兰人移民美国历程研究(1854-1922)

    A Study on the Poles American Immigration Experience ( 1854-1922 );

  7. 与此同时很多波兰人都在慢慢地开始正视这个悲剧。

    Many Poles are slowly coming to grips with this tragedy .

  8. 我的祖父母都是波兰人。

    My grandparents on my father 's side were both polish .

  9. 多少个波兰人才能拧上一个灯泡?

    How many Polacks it take to screw up a light bulb ?

  10. 今天我的第一个学生和我一样是个波兰人。

    My first pupil today is a pole like myself .

  11. 有几个波兰人和捷克人的侨民社区。

    There were several expatriate communities of poles and czechs .

  12. 也许他会添油加醋加进波兰人的笑话。

    Maybe he threw in one Polack joke too many .

  13. 因此,波兰人对主权和民族独立非常敏感。

    Therefore , Poles is very sensitive for sovereignty and national independence .

  14. 是啊,我们在波兰人交友网站认识的。

    Yes , I met him on Polish dating site .

  15. 他的母亲是波兰人,父亲是法国人。

    His mother was Polish , his father French .

  16. 汤姆:你是哪儿人史蒂芬:我是波兰人。

    TOM : Where are you from STEFAN : I am from Poland .

  17. 要是俄罗斯人或者波兰人可能更可信些。

    Russians or poles seem more logical to me .

  18. 不过,勤劳的波兰人只用了几个月,就成功地实现了这一切。

    Yet they achieved this within a few months .

  19. 德国人正在大肆宣扬波兰人如何残暴。

    The Germans were indignantly complaining about Polish atrocities .

  20. 波兰人在19世纪曾多次起义。

    The poles revolted several times in the19th century .

  21. 她的父母是波兰人,都是体育明星。

    Her Polish parents , Piotr and Anna , were both sports stars .

  22. 欧洲需要的是团结(这对波兰人来说是一个很重要的词),不是慈善。

    Europe needs solidarity ( an important word for Poles ) not charity .

  23. 我们聊的是前途黯淡的波兰人。

    We 're talking about Polacks that don 't have a goddamn future .

  24. 有一名医生是波兰人,他的神情总是充满哀伤。

    One of the doctors was a Polish man who always looked sad .

  25. 你可以找到一种活泼的气氛和很多友好的波兰人。

    You 'll find a likely atmosphere and a lot of well-known Poles .

  26. 波兰人不会给我们武器的。

    The poles won 't give us weapons .

  27. 这本书的作家是位波兰人。

    The writer of this book is Polish .

  28. 波兰人发起了声势浩大的投资运动。

    The poles launched a tremendous investment drive .

  29. 最精心制作彩蛋的是波兰人和乌克兰人。

    The most elaborate eggs are decorated by the people from Poland and Ukraine .

  30. 你觉得当波兰人很好笑?

    You think it funny to be polish ?