
  • Polish;Polish Language;pl;Polski
  1. 波兰语里“窗户”一词是中性的。

    The Polish word for ‘ window ’ is neuter .

  2. 她的波兰语很流利。

    She 's fluent in Polish .

  3. 阿伦不会说波兰语,我为了让他明白我的话很是费了一番力气。

    Aron couldn 't speak Polish . I made myself understood with difficulty

  4. 他不仅做法文翻译,有时也做些波兰语翻译。

    He translated not only from the French but also , on occasion , from the Polish .

  5. GRASSHOPPER在波兰语为“草猛”,实际寓意为有活力,锐意进取和创新。

    GRASS HOPPER means grass HOPPER in Polish , which implies active , determined and creative .

  6. 我今年23岁,拥有牛津大学(oxforduniversity)的俄语及波兰语学位,并有在伦敦和莫斯科金融部门工作的经历。

    I am 23 with a degree in Russian and polish from Oxford University and have worked in finance in London and Moscow .

  7. 这迟早会有用,例如,当需要使用以不同语言(如波兰语和英语)编写的XML可移植文档时。

    This comes in handy if , for example , you need to work with XML portable documents written in different languages ( for example , Polish and English ) .

  8. 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的幕后操作者。

    Lech was the younger and shyer , Jaroslaw the brainier , the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party ( PiS in its Polish acronym ) which they founded in2001 .

  9. 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的操纵者。

    Lech was the younger and shyer , Jaroslaw the brainier , the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party ( PiS in its Polish acronym ) which they founded in 2001 .

  10. 法国人一开始把这种美国鸡称为pouletd'Inde(字面意思为来自印度的鸡),后来简称为dinde,类似的称谓也存在于波兰语、希伯来语和加泰罗尼亚语中。

    The French originally called the American bird poulet d'Inde ( literally chicken from India ), which has since been abbreviated to dinde , and similar terms exist in languages ranging from Polish to Hebrew to Catalan .

  11. 拉丁语、波兰语及芬兰语都是有很多屈折变化的语言。

    Latin , polish and Finnish are all highly inflected languages .

  12. 她时不时地讲波兰语和俄罗斯语。

    Now and again , she spoke in Polish and russian .

  13. 我不懂波兰语,我是比利时人。

    I don 't understand polish , I 'm belgian .

  14. 在我的家庭,我的父母都说波兰语。

    I grew up in a house where my parents spoke Polish .

  15. 波兰语和俄语是关系密切的语言。

    The Polish and Russian languages are cousins .

  16. 自造词和句法变化的把戏让她的一些诗只能被说波兰语的人欣赏。

    Invented words and syntactic tricks made some of her poems for Polish-speakers only .

  17. 她想扩大她的波兰语的词汇量。

    She wants to increase her Polish vocabulary .

  18. 语言:波兰语是官方语言。

    Language : The official language is Polish .

  19. 法语,中文,波兰语,意大利语和更多语种即将推出。

    French , chinese , polish , Italian and more languages will follow soon .

  20. 如果你是讲德语或希伯来语、荷兰语、法语、芬兰语、波兰语。

    If you speak German or Hebrew , Dutch , French , Finnish , Polish .

  21. 一次我们遇到了一个波兰医生,他的波兰语和俄语都很流利。

    Once we met a Polish doctor , who spoke fluently both Polish and Russian .

  22. 他曾经叫我Tegrisco。是波兰语,小老虎的意思

    He used to call me Tegrisco . It 's Polish , for little tiger .

  23. 语言:立陶宛语为官方语言。波兰语和俄语也通用。

    Language : Lithuanian is the official language , Polish and Russian are also widely spoken .

  24. 主任岔开了一句,“你们是知道什么叫波兰语的吧,我看?”

    The Director interrupted himself . " You know what Polish is , I suppose ? "

  25. 围着六张会面桌中的一张,我们可以听到波兰语、德语和罗马尼亚语。

    Around one of the six meeting tables , we hear Polish , German , and Romanian words .

  26. 今天美国人比以往任何时候都能好的多地接触到德语、波兰语、盖尔语。

    An American has far better access today than ever before to texts in German or Polish or Gaelic .

  27. 在过去的几年中,我从事英语?波兰语的翻译工作,并兼做网页设计。

    In the past few years , I have worked as an English-Polish translator and as a web designer .

  28. 作为一个六十年代在德比郡长大的孩子,当时我就能说流利的波兰语,这都归功于我的奶奶。

    As a child growing up in Derby in the60s I spoke Polish beautifully , thanks to my grandmother .

  29. 波兰语中的高必须修饰方向朝上的物体,但在法语和汉语里,没有这么严格。

    ' High ' in Polish must be upward , but it is not so strict in French and Chinese .

  30. 我&也许我在她说英文时学到的东西比她教我波兰语时学到的东西还要多。

    And I & probably I learned more from her speaking English than I did from her teaching me Polish .