
  • 网络baltic states
  1. “北流”线自俄起,通过波罗的海抵德国,绕过乌克兰、白俄罗斯、波兰与波罗的海三国。

    The North Stream pipeline would go from Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany , circumventing Ukraine , Belarus , Poland , and the Baltic states .

  2. 波罗的海三国总统就俄撤军发表声明。

    Presidents of three Baltic Sea countries issue statements regarding the withdrawal of Russian troops .

  3. 至此,俄罗斯完成了从波罗的海三国的撤军工作。

    Until now , Russia has completed the troop withdrawal work from the three countries of Baltic Sea .

  4. 明仁天皇夫妇将前往瑞典、国和波罗的海三国开始为期十天的访问。

    Japan 's royal couple will take a10 - day trip to Sweden , Britain and the three Baltic countries .

  5. 俄罗斯与波罗的海三国经贸关系能否顺利发展,在很大程度上取决于俄罗斯与三国的政治关系走向。

    Whether their economic relationship develops successfully or not depends on the trend of their political ties to a great extent .

  6. 这项联合声明是在俄罗斯全部完成了从波罗的海三国的撤军之际发表的。

    This joint statement was issued on the occasion of Russia entirely completing its troop withdrawal from the three Baltic Sea countries .

  7. 波罗的海三国长期以来一直渴望加入欧元区,但是不能达到低通胀率的准入标准。

    The three Baltic countries have long been keen to adopt the euro , but have fallen foul of the low-inflation criterion for entry .

  8. 包括波罗的海三国&爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛在内,有些成员国在呼吁欧盟对俄罗斯采取较目前强硬得多的立场。

    Some member states , including the Baltic countries of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania , are calling for the bloc to take a much stricter line on its eastern neighbour .