- wave packet;package;pack

Finally , we discussed the collapse dynamics of wave packet and extended the collapse argument on nonlinear Schrodinger equation to the case of the density and field coupling equation system .
Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the Wave Packet and Avoided Level Crossing
A Study of the Wave Packet Dynamics of Li_2 Molecule with Femtosecond-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrum
Furthermore , when the number of eigenstates N equals to the square root of quantum number n , the equally weighted wave packet minimizes the uncertainty relation .
Study of close coupling wave packet for x_0-h_2 system of inelastic scattering
The wave packet evolution simulation of the I-V property of nanoparticle self assembly systems
Firstly , we consider that a BEC wave packet traverses a barrier .
The theory on nonlinear interaction of Rossby wave packets in the middle atmosphere
Evolution of the Structure of the Global Disturbance and Its Expression in Spherical Rossby Wave Envelope
Jet stream and the stationary forcing Rossby wave packet in relation to the teleconnections in the atmosphere
The photoelectron spectra of N_2 have been calculated by the time-dependent-wave-packet method , and our results accord well with the experiment obtained .
After that , the case for the BEC wave packet traverses a barrier with arbitrary shape is studied .
A time dependent wave packet method was used to study the dynamics of dissociative adsorption of CH 4 and CD 4 on a flat and static surface .
Therefore , we simulate the tunneling process of the BEC wave packet via solving the nonlinear Schrodinger equation numerically .
In this paper SH radical ( 2 + 1 ) multiphoton ionization photoelectron energy spectroscopy were studied by the split-operator technique of time-dependent wave-packet method in quantum mechanics .
Simulation results show that the proposed system outperforms the conventional MC-CDMA and real wavelet packet based MC-CDMA , with superior capability against the fading .
By means of the feature of the wave passage bifurcation of the Rossby wave packet in the SW jet , the EU type teleconnections suggested by Wallace et al . are investigated .
The results show the effect of collision damping can not be neglected , whereas the nonlinear Landau damping is a weak effect compared with the collision one .
Based on these the wave envelope theory of wave groups due to Longuet Higgins is modified .
The nonlinear interaction not only increases the center velocity of the BEC wave packet , but also modifies the height and shape of the barrier , which would impact on the tunneling time .
In this paper , the wave-packet approximation and the WKB method are applied to study the interaction among asymmetric topography , asymmetric longitudinal flow and large - scale disturbane .
When kinetic ef-fects are considered , the initial pulse can be mode-converted to short wavelength kinetic GAM ( KGAM ), and propagate radially outward .
For the reaction with two different product channnels HD + H → H + DH , D + H2 , time-dependent wavepacket ( TDWP ) method is used in the calculation of the reactive probability and branching ratio with specific initial state .
An exact three-dimensional time-dependent quantum wave packet was employed to calculate the O ( 3P ) + HBr ( DBr ) reaction using a generalized London-Ering-Polanyi-Sato ( LEPS ) potential energy surface .
We have presented a calculation for the total and partial decay widths for vibrational predissociation for a low vibrational excited van der Waals molecule HeI_2 . The time-dependent golden rule wave packet method has been used in our numerical calculation for the decay widths .
Since the system experiences a Mott insulator transition and a spin-dependent transport before the optical lattice is switched off , the evolution of the atomic wave packets in the harmonic potential is much more complicated than that of the common cases .
There is difference between the simulation calculations and the results given by WKB approximation on energy trace and group velocity . This indicates that the nonlinearity affects the characteristics of gravity waves . The inhomogeneous temperature lowers group velocity and changes the path of energy propagation .
With the concept of wave packet and using WKB method , the all-round characteristics of the Rossby wave packet under the background of the basic current and the topography are obtained , and the equation and condition for the development of the wave pocket are got as well .
Nonadiabatic Studies of the Elementary Chemical Reactions by Time-dependent Wave Packet
A new method of reducing PAPR of wavelet packet modulation signals