
  • Farsi;Persian Language
  1. 拼写中用到的o和e是受到了阿富汗地区波斯语发音的影响,本拉登在此地区生活了很长时间。

    The spelling with o and e comes from a Persian - influenced pronunciation used in Afghanistan where he lived for a long time .

  2. 最近,国务卿希拉里·克林顿的高级顾问AlecRoss在VOA波斯语新闻网络中跟我们讨论了该项目所做的努力。

    Alec Ross , a senior adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , recently discussed these efforts with VOA 's Persian News Network .

  3. Bidoun在阿拉伯语和波斯语中的意思是without,与within相对。

    Bidoun means " without " - as opposed to " within " - in Arabic and Farsi .

  4. 这份声明的真实性还未被证实,它是由波斯语写成,由CNN翻译的。

    The authenticity of the message could not be verified ; it was posted in Farsi and translated by CNN .

  5. 现代波斯语Mobed是源自古代波斯的复合单词magu-pati,“主祭司”。

    Modern Persian Mobed is derived from an Old Persian compound magu-pati " lord priest " .

  6. 该地区的大多数语言编写系统从RTL到通过一个世纪发明计算机,始终不具备关于此类语言的国际标准(如阿拉伯语,波斯语等)。

    Writing system in Most of the languages of the region are from RTL and still yet by passing a century of inventing Computer there is no an international standard for this languages ( like Arabic , Persian and so on ) .

  7. 许多会说当地语言的本地人都被雇佣起来了,包括阿拉伯语,波斯语,乌尔都语,Pushup和保加利亚语。其中一部分的人说纽约警方所雇佣的阿拉伯人比FBI还要多。

    Scores of native speakers of around 50 languages , including Arabic , Dari , Persian , Urdu , Pushup and Bengali , have been hired - some say the NYPD has more Arabic speakers than the FBI .

  8. “该起床了,亲爱的JaniMun!”“JaniMun”在波斯语里是“灵魂伴侣”的意思,他每天早上都会这么叫我。

    Time to get up , Jani mun , " he would say . This means ' soulmate " in Persian , and he always called me that at the start of the day . '

  9. 实际上,这是个波斯语中的沥青。

    In fact , it is the Persian word for pitch .

  10. 13个伊斯兰经典中,有6个是波斯语的。

    Six of the 13 Islamic classics were written in Persian .

  11. 他们把拉丁文和希腊语翻译成阿拉伯语和波斯语,

    They translated from Latin and Greek into Arabic , into Persian ,

  12. 试析云南回族穆斯林语言中的波斯语词汇

    An Analysis of Some Persian Words Used by the Muslims in Yunnan

  13. 祖父会说波斯语和阿拉伯语,并且非常重视文字。

    He also spoke Persian and Arabic and cared deeply for words .

  14. 我能读与写英文和波斯语。

    I can read and write English and Farsi .

  15. 看完以后,我练习波斯语和中文。

    After watching , I practiced Farsi and Chinese .

  16. 法拉瓦哈事实上是巴拉维语,或者是中古的波斯语。

    The word " faravahar " actually is Pahlavi , or Middle Persian .

  17. 父亲是说波斯语的阿富汗人,母亲是讲英语的美国人。

    My father was a Farsi-speaking Afghan , my mother an English-speaking American .

  18. 因为它们的名字在波斯语中是以“S”开头。

    because their names start with the letter " S " in Persian .

  19. 用来书写阿维斯陀的古代波斯语的手稿。

    The script in which the ancient Persian language of the Avesta is written .

  20. 分布于伊朗的现代波斯语。

    The modern Persian language spoken in Iran .

  21. 商店和银行的机器上粘贴的标牌使用了英语、汉语、旁遮普语和波斯语。

    Shops and bank machines post signs in English , Chinese , Punjabi and Farsi .

  22. 馕的叫法出自古波斯语,已有2000多年的历史。

    The name originated from ancient Persian and has a history of over 2,000 years .

  23. 我偶然间发现,《足球:与敌对抗》被译成了波斯语。

    I discovered by accident that football against the enemy had made it into Persian .

  24. 她精通英语,达里语,还有阿富汗方言波斯语。

    She is fluent in both English and Dari , the Afghan dialect of Farsi .

  25. 相对较少人使用的吴语和粤语这两种方言的使用者数量,超过了波斯语和马来西亚语使用者人数之和。

    Smaller dialects like Wu and Cantonese outstrip the entire population of Persian and Malay speakers .

  26. 作口译给说不同语言人充当口译充分发挥各小语种优势,如波斯语翻译、拉伯语翻译等。

    Make full use of minority language advantage , such as Farsi translation , Arabic translation etc.

  27. 你知道的,在他们的恐怖主义年会上,我将用波斯语表演。

    You know it 's their annual terrorist luncheon . I 'm gonna do it is Farsi .

  28. 达里语的元音系统和波斯语不同,且达里语有附加的辅音。

    The vowel system of Dari differs from that of Farsi , and Dari also has additional consonants .

  29. 哈萨克语中也有汉语、阿拉伯-波斯语、俄语等语言借词。

    In Kazakh language , we can find the loan words of chinese , arabic ? Percian and Russian languages .

  30. 本协议应按波斯语和英语书写。如有冲突,以英文为准。

    This Agreement shall be executed in Farsi and English language in case of any discrepancy the English text shall prevail .