
  • 网络norman;the Normans;northmen
  1. 诺曼人于1066年征服了英格兰。

    The Normans conquered England in 1066 .

  2. 罗马人以及诺曼人通过军事入侵来到英国。

    The Romans and the Normans came to Britain as invading armies .

  3. 诺曼人建造了这座后来在克伦威尔统治时期变成废墟的城堡。

    The Normans built the castle which was reduced to ruins under Cromwell .

  4. 1066年诺曼人征服英国通常被称为诺曼征服。

    The conquest of England by the Normans in 1066 is generally known as the Norman Conquest .

  5. 诺曼人在十一世纪征服了英格兰。

    The Normans conquered England in the11th century .

  6. 实际上,王室都是诺曼人。

    Lily : Actually , the royal families are all Normans .

  7. 乔治的祖先是随诺曼人一起渡海来英国的。

    George 's ancestors came over with the Norman ' s.

  8. 差不多同时,诺曼人庆祝咖兰汀节。

    Around the same time , the Normans celebrated Galatin 's Day .

  9. 他追溯他的祖先是属于一个古诺曼人家族。

    He traces his descent from an old Norman family .

  10. 这次战役的结果是诺曼人征服了英格兰。

    This battle resulted in the Norman conquest of England .

  11. 1066年,诺曼人征服了英国并控制了整个国家。

    In1066 , the Normans conquered England and took control of the country .

  12. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。

    The Normans ruled England by right of conquest .

  13. 诺曼人征服英国期间,英国官场采用法语作为官方语言。

    During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language .

  14. 盎格鲁撒克逊人被诺曼人打败。

    The Anglo-Saxons were defeated by the normans .

  15. 来自意大利南部和西班牙的诺曼人,包括贵族和骑士,都纷纷响应这个号召。

    Normans from South Italy and Spain , nobles and knights , answered the advertisement .

  16. 诺曼人于一○六六年入侵英国。

    The Normans invaded England in 1066 .

  17. 现在让我们简要地叙述一下引起诺曼人入侵的一些政治事件。

    We now briefly follow the political events that led up to the Norman invasion .

  18. 我们流着诺曼人的血

    Norman blood runs in our veins !

  19. 诺曼人在1066年征服英国。

    The Norman conquered England in1066 .

  20. 黑斯廷战役将诺曼人带入英国并逐步改变着欧洲的发展历程。

    The Hastings Campaign took the Normans into the England and gradually transformed the European development process .

  21. 他这样描写诺曼人征服英国:“两万强人在黑斯挺斯登陆。”

    His version of the Norman Conquest was : " twenty thousand thieves landed at hastings . "

  22. 在国际化的西西里,希腊人、穆斯林和诺曼人相处融洽。

    In cosmopolitan Sicily , Greeks , Muslims and Normans live side by side in relative harmony .

  23. 在此期间,很多英国人沦为诺曼人的仆人,他们为诺曼人饲养牲畜,给他们做饭。

    At this point , many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans .

  24. 他的著名故事之一《一根绳子》是一篇深入研究诺曼人生活的特写。

    The Piece of String , one of his best-known stories , is a fierce study of Norman life .

  25. 它是伦敦周围的建筑链的一个,是由诺曼人为了控制英格兰东南部而建的。

    It was one of the chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control the south-east of England .

  26. 移居英国的诺曼人1066年诺曼底征服英国后居住在英国的诺曼人或这些定居者的后裔。

    One of the Normans who lived in England after the Norman Conquest of England in1066or a descendant of these settlers .

  27. 似乎诺曼人将不得不再次从海上扩展他们的新帝国。

    It would seem that the Normans will once again have to take to the waters to expand their latest kingdom .

  28. 由于诺曼人自己的语言中仍保留很多拉丁语,所以拉丁语再次开始影响了当时的英语。

    Since there was still so much Latin in their own language , Latin again began to have an influence on English .

  29. 被征服的诺曼人讲法语,这些被侵略的国家的大部分居民都讲着各种由日耳曼语起源的各种盎格鲁撒克逊语言。

    The conquering Normans spoke French . Most of the inhabitants of the conquered nation spoke varieties of Anglo-Saxon of Germanic origin .

  30. 爱德华国王对国事的关心远不及对威斯敏斯特大教堂的修建,他更像诺曼人而非撒克逊人。

    King Edward seemed more concerned with building Westminster Abbey than with affairs of state . He was far more Norman than Saxon .