
tǔ huà
  • local dialect;dialect;patois;local, colloquial expressions;local,colloquial expressions
土话 [tǔ huà]
  • [local,colloquial expressions;patois] 当地使用的方言。也叫土语

土话[tǔ huà]
  1. 永州土话中别义异读的分布的不平衡性在一定程度上反映出土话内部的亲疏关系;

    To some extent , unbalanced distribution of this phenomenon in Yongzhou local dialect reflects inner affinity-disaffinity relationship among local dialects .

  2. 民族杂居地区土话中的侗台语底层现象&以黔南布依族苗族自治地区为例

    Some Substrata of Dong-Tai Language in Local Dialect at the Regions Inhabited by Multi-nationalities & Take Qiannan Buyi And Miao Autonomous Prefecture for Example

  3. 用那时的土话讲,彼得是个老古板

    To use the vernacular of the period , Peter was square .

  4. 我国最早的一部粤方言词典《广东省土话字汇》,是19世纪初第一位来华的基督新教传教士RobertMorrison编纂的。

    The first Canton dialect dictionary in our country is 《 Vocabulary of Canton Dialect 》 . In the beginning of 19 century , Robert Morrison who was the first missionary came to China edited it .

  5. 这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来

    The vernacular of these african tribe have never is write down

  6. 湖南嘉禾县属于湘南双方言区,其土话内部差异较大。

    Jiahe Tuhua used in this area has huge internal differences .

  7. 他们很喜欢听他说土话,吹牛皮或胡说八道。

    They like his slang and his brag and his blunders .

  8. 第三章:永州土话声母比较分析。

    The third chapter is the comparison and analysis of the consonants .

  9. 湘南土话的被动标记和处置标记

    The Passive Markers and Disposing Markers of the Dialect in Southern Hunan Province

  10. 第二节永州土话声母综合比较。

    The second part is about the comprehensive comparison of the consonants of Tuhua .

  11. 我去!你这货!在圣地亚哥,我们土话说,那车简直霸气外露。

    Dude ! In San Diego , we would say that car is Kahuna .

  12. 与伦敦土话差不多的口音。

    An accent not far removed from cockney .

  13. 德北菲尔德太太习惯于说土话;

    Mrs Durbeyfield habitually spoke the dialect ;

  14. 那是非洲的什么土话?

    And what 's that African dialect ?

  15. 大村土话小称变音的主要语义功能是区别词义,最基本的语法功能是“名词化”。

    Its basic syntactic function is to distinguish word meanings , and its general grammatical function is nominal .

  16. 描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。

    Types of Xingning dialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed , their grammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed .

  17. 本文从小说语言学的角度,对维多利亚时代作家的土话表现手法作了分析。

    This essay studies three influential Victorian writers with the purpose to study the ways of their representation of dialects .

  18. 本文描写了广西灌阳观音阁土话的音系,内容主要包括灌阳观音阁土话的声韵调、语音特点、同音字汇三个部分。

    This paper describes the phonologic system and its features of Guanyinge Tuhua , Guanyang , Guangxi province , and lists the syllabary .

  19. “女书”作为一种记录湖南省江永地区女性“土话”的独特书面文字在江永县上江圩乡及其邻近地区的女性之间流传。

    Narrative poems in female script are the poems spreaded orally far and wide among Jiangyong women which are recorded by female script .

  20. 艾克斯苦古尔德地方的年轻人愉快地在闲谈,好象急着要最后一次说说家乡的土话似的。

    The young men from the Cougourde d'Aix were chatting merrily among themselves , as though eager to speak patois for the last time .

  21. 学习普通话是一个良好的开端,但如果祖父母只说上海土话,与他们交谈可能会有困难。

    Learning Mandarin is a good start , but be prepared that commication with the grandparents might be difficult if they only speak Shanghainese .

  22. 当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。

    Local languages still exist alongside the Caribbean English dialect , too , but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home .

  23. 本文讨论湘南土话与粤北土话、桂北土话和平话的关系,并对湘南土话的系属问题进行初步的探讨。

    This thesis discusses the relationship of Tuhua in southern Hunan as compared to Tuhua in northern Guangdong and northern Guangxi , and also to Pinghua .

  24. “湘南土话”的研究正为汉语方言学界所关注,其神秘面纱正在研究中被逐渐地揭开。

    The studies of " Southern Hunan dialect " is attracting the attention of the scholars of Chinese dialects , and its mystery is gradually unveiling .

  25. 本文认为:在当前的条件下,把湘南土话处理为一种混合性方言是较为稳妥的做法。

    In the dissertation we consider that under the current condition , we should process the local dialects in South Hunan Province as one mixing property dialect .

  26. 店主不懂,可是他看见大家都笑,也生气了,跟伙计用土话咕着。

    The innkeeper didn 't catch on , but seeing everyone laugh , he also became upset and muttered something to the waiter in the local dialect .

  27. 本文以湖南省永州市冷水滩区的官话(即零陵话)以及被它所包围的“方言岛”&岚角山镇的土话为研究对象。

    The thesis focuses on the Lingling dialects and the local dialects of Lanjiaoshan town known as " island of dialects " because it is surrounded by Lingling dialects .

  28. 湘南土话地区的被动标记各不相同,绝大部分标记和给予动词同形。

    The passive markers of dialect in Southern Hunan Province are different from each other , while most of them share the same form with verbs denoting " giving " .

  29. 此外,还有少量农村地区使用湘方言、闽南方言、北江船话和粤北土话。

    In addition , there are few in rural areas , the use of Hunan dialect , Taiwanese dialect , North River boats words and northern part of Guangdong dialect .

  30. 但随着社会的发展,借入词语在不断发展壮大,土话的固有词汇可能会被遗忘或丢失。

    With the development of society and the expansion of the borrowing of loanwords , however , some inherent dialect words may cause the language to be forgotten or lost .