- 网络Saturn's Ring;rings of Saturn

Galileo first spotted Saturn 's rings 400 years ago .
In 1988 we will be able to see Saturn 's rings in their fullest glory .
Spotting these rings from a backyard telescope is a treat .
Clearly visible shadows cast by Saturn 's rings dense clouds of ammonia to the atmosphere .
Crater-scarred Rhea floats in the distance , peeking out from behind Saturn 's partly shadowed rings .
Because the rings are almost pure water ice & and material in the outer solar system is generally an ice-rock mix .
Because the rings are almost pure water ice - and material in the outer solar system is generally an ice-rock mix .
Saturn 's rings are a graceful local example , but not the only one ; all the giant planets in our solar system have rings .
One theory is that a huge asteroid struck earth with such force that rock and debris were shot into orbit around the planet like the rings of Saturn .
Many , though , form a ring like Saturn 's at a distance of 36000km , the place at which an object takes 24 hours to orbit the Earth and thus hovers continuously over the same point of the planet .
Conversely however , recent Earth-based observations of ice ejected by Enceladus into Saturn 's E-Ring showed no evidence of the expected sodium .
What makes these two so special is the fact that they seem to have copied the rings of Saturn themselves , taking on a form that is straight out of a 1950s UFO B movie .
Saturn 's rings light up so much that new rings were discovered , although they are hard to see in the image .
Pan , being what is known as a " shepherd moon , " got its name from the god of shepherds , while Atlas was named after the titan who " held the sky on his shoulders , " since it supports the rings of Saturn .
In 2009 , we discovered an enormous ring around Saturn , the farthest and largest band around the ringed world . The ring is tilted 27 degrees from the main rings and starts roughly 128 times the planet 's radius from its surface , extending to 207 times its radius into space .
The Cassini spacecraft has been sending home images of Saturn , its rings and its moons since arriving at the gas giant in 2004 .