
  • 网络Saturn's Ring;rings of Saturn
  1. 狠打;猛冲伽利略在400年前就指出了土星环的存在。

    Galileo first spotted Saturn 's rings 400 years ago .

  2. 到1988年,我们将会看到土星环最壮丽的景象。

    In 1988 we will be able to see Saturn 's rings in their fullest glory .

  3. 从后院的望远镜观察这些土星环是一种不错的选择。

    Spotting these rings from a backyard telescope is a treat .

  4. 土星环所投的影子。清晰可见土星环到大气中氨的阴霾。

    Clearly visible shadows cast by Saturn 's rings dense clouds of ammonia to the atmosphere .

  5. 有许多坑和斑纹的土卫五漂浮在远方,正从土星环外面的阴暗部分窥视着。

    Crater-scarred Rhea floats in the distance , peeking out from behind Saturn 's partly shadowed rings .

  6. 因为土星环几乎是由纯冰构成,而外太阳系的物质基本上是冰岩混合体。

    Because the rings are almost pure water ice & and material in the outer solar system is generally an ice-rock mix .

  7. 因为土星环几乎全部都是纯水,而在通常情况下,在太阳系外层会以冰-岩石混合物的形式存在。

    Because the rings are almost pure water ice - and material in the outer solar system is generally an ice-rock mix .

  8. 优雅的土星环是区域性范例,但并不是唯一;太阳系的所有巨行星都有环。

    Saturn 's rings are a graceful local example , but not the only one ; all the giant planets in our solar system have rings .

  9. 有一种理论认为,一颗巨大的小行星撞击地球的力量很大,导致岩石和碎片像进入土星环一样的环绕地球的轨道。

    One theory is that a huge asteroid struck earth with such force that rock and debris were shot into orbit around the planet like the rings of Saturn .

  10. 然而,在距地球36000公里的轨道上物体绕转地球一周的时间为24小时,这个物体飞行时持续面对的是地球上的不变的同一个点,这样许多地球同步卫星的运行会形成一个类似的土星环。

    Many , though , form a ring like Saturn 's at a distance of 36000km , the place at which an object takes 24 hours to orbit the Earth and thus hovers continuously over the same point of the planet .

  11. 然而,最近对土卫二喷射到土星E环中的冰所做的地面观测却恰恰相反,没有找到任何钠存在的证据。

    Conversely however , recent Earth-based observations of ice ejected by Enceladus into Saturn 's E-Ring showed no evidence of the expected sodium .

  12. 它们的特殊之处在于拥有和土星外环一样的环带,20世纪50年代美国的一部UFO电影就曾以此作为素材。

    What makes these two so special is the fact that they seem to have copied the rings of Saturn themselves , taking on a form that is straight out of a 1950s UFO B movie .

  13. 土星的环被照亮了很多,以至于发现了新的光环,虽然它们在上图中很难被看到。

    Saturn 's rings light up so much that new rings were discovered , although they are hard to see in the image .

  14. 潘恩也叫“牧羊人卫星”,得名于“牧羊之神”。阿特拉斯得名于“双肩顶天”的太阳神提坦,这是因为它看起来像是在支撑土星的外环。

    Pan , being what is known as a " shepherd moon , " got its name from the god of shepherds , while Atlas was named after the titan who " held the sky on his shoulders , " since it supports the rings of Saturn .

  15. 2009年,我们发现了土星的巨大外环,它是宇宙中已知最大的、延伸得最远的环,该环与主环成27度,分布在距土星表面128倍半径到207倍半径之间。

    In 2009 , we discovered an enormous ring around Saturn , the farthest and largest band around the ringed world . The ring is tilted 27 degrees from the main rings and starts roughly 128 times the planet 's radius from its surface , extending to 207 times its radius into space .

  16. 自2004年抵达土星以来,卡西尼号宇宙飞船已经将土星、土星环及土星卫星的图片传送回地球。

    The Cassini spacecraft has been sending home images of Saturn , its rings and its moons since arriving at the gas giant in 2004 .