
Tǔ ěr qí yǔ
  • Turkish
  1. 土耳其语偏头痛失能评估(MIDAS)问卷在偏头痛患者中效度和信度的调查

    Validity and reliability of Turkish translation of Migraine Disability Assessment ( MIDAS ) questionnaire in patients with migraine

  2. 这两种语言有着不同的句式结构,土耳其语的结构是SOV,然而汉语的结构却是SVO。

    This two languages has different sentence structures .

  3. 有趣的是,我的一位土耳其朋友最近跟我说起来这句俗语在土耳其语中的意思不一样,makesyourbloodboil意思是让你感到兴奋、激动。

    Interestingly , a friend of mine from Turkey recently told me that the expression has a different meaning in Turkish , where if something ' makes your blood boil ' , it makes you excited . And thats it for now join us again for some more Language Snacks .

  4. 这场比赛被土耳其语的乒乓球联盟同意。

    This tournament is approved by the Turkish Table Tennis Federation .

  5. 而晚上超过300名家长来学习土耳其语。

    At night more than 300 parents come to learn Turkish .

  6. 事实上,金姆在土耳其语里是谁的意思

    Actually , " Kim " means " who " in Turkish .

  7. 与前一版本相比完善了土耳其语。

    Compared with the previous version , Turkish data base is perfected .

  8. 以及很多土耳其语和德语的外来语.我几个小时就学会了没以前快了

    Frequent Turkish and German loan words.Took me a couple of hours .

  9. 他们也要学习土耳其语和英语。

    They also are learning the Turkish and English languages .

  10. 我会说中文,英语和一点点土耳其语和德语。

    I could speak chinese , ena lil bit of turkish n german .

  11. 亚美尼亚语和土耳其语在少数亚美尼亚人和土耳其人中使用。

    Armenian and Turkic are spoken among the small Armenian and Turkoman populations .

  12. 与它最接近的是土耳其语和土库曼语。

    Its closest relatives are Turkish and Turkmen .

  13. 希腊语在南方是主流语言,土耳其语则主要在北方广泛使用。

    Greek is the predominant language in the south , Turkish in the north .

  14. 土耳其语句子中状语的顺序规则及其认知特点

    The Rules of the Adverbial Modifiers ' Order in Turkish and Their Cognitive Characteristics

  15. 还经常从土耳其语和德语里借词

    Frequent Turkish and German loan words .

  16. 他们信仰土耳其起源的萨满教,并说着和土耳其语类似的语言。

    They practiced the old Turkish religion Shamanism and spoke a language close to Turkish .

  17. 官方语言是土耳其语。

    The official language is Turkish .

  18. 一些学者还声称,土耳其语是世界上最古老的语言。

    Some scholars also claim that the Turkish language is the oldest language of the world .

  19. 土耳其语连词的使用一般是按连词的连接特点或句子中的位置来定。

    Turkish conjunctions use , generally is according to their conjunction features or positions in a sentence .

  20. 教皇约翰向艾森豪威尔表示,他除了会讲母语意大利语,还会讲法语、加利亚语和土耳其语。

    The Pope told that he could speak French , Bulgarian and Turkish besides his native language Italian .

  21. 希望此项研究可以为汉语或土耳其语学习者,以及教授这两种语言的教师提供一些参考和帮助。

    I hope this research can be a reference and help both Chinese and Turkish language learners and teachers .

  22. 该货币的名称同俄语里指钱的词语有关,但借用自土耳其语。

    The name of the currency is related with the Russian word for money which was borrowed from Turkic .

  23. “对不起,我们不说土耳其语”目标脸带抱歉的说。

    " Sorry , but we don 't speak Turkish " said my target to me with acute excusing face .

  24. 不过我只对土耳其感兴趣,我这个学期既在学土耳其语,也在学土耳其历史。

    I 'm only interested in Turkey , though . I 'm studying both Turkish and Turkish history this term .

  25. 添加显示中欧语、塞瑞利克语、希腊语、土耳其语和波罗的海语网页所需的字符集。

    Adds the character sets needed to display Central European , Cyrillic , Greek , Turkish and Baltic Language Web pages .

  26. 如果当前语言为土耳其语或阿塞拜疆语,并且服务器名称中包含“i”,则连接尝试可能会失败。

    Connection attempts may fail when the current language is Turkish or Azeri and the server name contains " I " .

  27. 同时,把前期研究综述分为两类:1.汉语语音系统的研究现状;2.土耳其语语音系统的研究现状。

    And the Summary of the preliminary studies are divided into two categories : 1 . Researching conditions of the Chinese phonetic system , 2 .

  28. 尽管存在这些趋势,但萨拉辛预言德国会被毛拉、头巾和土耳其语占领显然是在夸大其词。

    In spite of these trends , Mr Sarrazin is plainly exaggerating when he forecasts a Germany dominated by mullahs , headscarves and the Turkish language .

  29. 语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,少数人讲库尔德语、土耳其语、亚述亚语、亚美尼亚语和英语。

    Language : arabic is the official language , although a substantial minority speaks kurdish , turkish , assyrian , Armenian and English are also spoken .

  30. 语言:官方语言为阿拉伯语,也讲库尔德语、亚美尼亚语、阿拉米语和土耳其语,广泛使用法语及英语。

    Language : arabic is the official language . kurdish , armenian , aramaic , and Turkish are also spoken , while French and English are widely understood .