
mǎ lái yǔ
  • Malay
马来语[mǎ lái yǔ]
  1. 福克斯走向前,用马来语向他表示欢迎,并把他介绍给了杰克。

    Fox stepped forward , welcomed him in Malay , and presented him to Jack

  2. 长期担任马来西亚总理的马哈蒂尔穆罕默德(mahathirmohamad)年轻时曾是马来语的推动者。

    Long-time Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was , as a young man , a promoter of Malay .

  3. 这位年轻运动员一下飞机,机场等候的人群就高呼他的名字,手舞横幅,大声喊道:“majulah”。这个词在马来语里是“向前冲”的意思,取自新加坡国歌歌名的一部分。

    When the young athlete arrived , the crowd chanted his name , held banners aloft and called out " majulah , " Malay for " onward , " and part of the title of Singapore 's national anthem .

  4. (阅读马来语版文章摘要)

    ( Read a summary of this article in Malay . )

  5. 官方语言是英语,华话,马来语和泰米尔语。

    The official languages are English , Mandarin , Malay and Tamil .

  6. 让我们来学习马来语,掌握马来文吧!

    Let 's start learning and mastering Malay as well .

  7. 除了华语之外,他还会讲英语和马来语。

    Besides mandarin , he can speak English and malay .

  8. 20年前,他使马来语成为了学校的教学语言。

    He made it the language of school instruction two decades ago .

  9. 马来西亚的官方语言是马来语。

    The official language for Malaysia is Bahasa Melayu .

  10. 他们说一种从马来语派生的语言。

    They spoke a derivative of the Malay language .

  11. 新加坡人说华语时,也会用到英语和马来语的借词。二是堆砌词语,滥用华丽词藻;

    Singaporeans also speak Mandarin with words adapted from the English and Malay languages .

  12. 语言:马来语为国语,另外汉语和英语也广为使用。

    Language : Malay is the official language ; Chinese and English is widely used .

  13. 伊势丹纳在马来语里是王宫的意思。

    The word means palace in Malay .

  14. 他们一句话里头总是掺杂了英语单词或马来语词汇。

    They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English or Malay .

  15. 马来西亚人说的马来语。

    The Malay language spoken in malaysia .

  16. 华语与马来语的词汇交流&马来西亚文化融合的表现

    Analysis on Words Borrowing between Chinese Language and Malay Language & The Cultural Integration in Malaysia

  17. 到了七岁的时候,他们就会上小学,这时候所有的课程都是使用马来语了。

    When they enter primary school , at age seven , lessons are conducted in Malay .

  18. 马来西亚吉隆坡粤语之马来语借词研究

    The Study of Malay Loan Words in Cantonese Used in Kuala Lumpur the National Capital of Malaysia

  19. 黄尧的许多漫画在报纸中被登刊,甚至被翻译成马来语。

    Many of the cartoons were published in the newspaper and some were translated into the Malay language .

  20. 由于历史原因新加坡的国语是马来语,它用于国歌。

    The national language of Singapore is Malay for historical reasons , and it is used in the national anthem .

  21. 新加坡是多语种国家,很多居民会说英语、马来语和中文。

    Singapore is a multilingual nation , with many of its citizens being able to speak English Malay and Chinese .

  22. 新加坡的国语为马来语,英语、华语、马来语和淡米尔语为官方语言。

    The Mandarin of Singapore is malay , english , chinese , Malay it is official language with weak mi eryu .

  23. 朋友说,她的丈夫也是大嗓门,喜欢大声唱马来语歌曲。

    Her husband , too , has quite a voice , a friend said , loving to belt out Malay songs .

  24. 象它的亚太邻居一样多样,在达尔文进餐从马来语提供许多味道到墨西哥人。

    As diverse as its Asia Pacific neighbours , dining in Darwin provides for a variety of tastes from Malay to Mexican .

  25. 另外,福建会馆和宗乡总会也联办马来语会话班,为公众人士提供学习马来文的机会。

    Meanwhile , Chinese clan associations here have begun to conduct Malay classes for Chinese Singaporeans who wish to learn the language .

  26. 那些还留在这里的人经常缺乏必要的技能,包括英语能力。1975年,马来语取代了英语,成为教育的标准语言。

    Those who remain often lack the required skills , including English : Malay replaced English as the standard language for education in1975 .

  27. 槟榔屿地区的公共语言因社会阶层、社会群体和种族不同而不同,主要有英语、马来语和普通话。

    The common languages of Penang , depending on social classes , social circles and ethnic backgrounds are English , Malay and Mandarin .

  28. 对于他的考验,他基本上是要求团长凯里嘉玛鲁汀(千焦),如果他会说他是马来西亚的第一和第二马来语。

    For his test , he basically asked Khairy Jamaluddin ( KJ ) if he would say he was Malaysian first and Malay second .

  29. 属于或关于马来西亚、马来人、马来语、马来半岛、部分马来群岛的,或有其特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the N Malay Peninsula and parts of the W Malay Archipelago .

  30. 此外,我们还能在英语中发现从大量其它不相关的语言像希伯来语、阿拉伯语、孟加拉语、马来语和汉语等等中借用的词汇。

    Besides , we can also find borrowing in English from a number of other irrelevant languages like Hebrew , Arabic , Bengali , Malay and Chinese etc.