
  • 网络madagascar;Malagasy;Madagascar Island
  1. 看需要达到多少人才可以解释线粒体DNA在马达加斯加岛产生的变异情况。

    would have been needed to explain the variation in mitochondrial DNA in Madagascar .

  2. “如果这些动物从马达加斯加岛上消失了,那么它们也就永远的消失了”,国际野生动物保护组织(ConvervationInternational,CI,保护国际)主席这样说道。

    " If we lose these animals on Madagascar , they 're gone forever ," says Russell Mittermeier , president of the wildlife group Conservation International ( CI ) .

  3. 东部型ELNino事件发生时热带印度洋海温普遍升高,尤以马达加斯加岛北偏东海域为甚;

    During El Nino years , the anomalous SST decreases in the east but increases in the northwest and south-middle of the tropical Indian Ocean , specially in east of Madagascar Island .

  4. 灵长类动物学家IrisDr·scher和PeterKappeler将注意力集中在七对结为夫妇的白足运动型狐猴身上。这些狐猴生活在马达加斯加岛南部的一个自然保护区中。

    Primatologists Iris Dr · scher and Peter Kappeler concentrated on seven sets of pair-bonded members of a species called white-footed sportive lemurs , at a nature reserve in southern Madagascar .

  5. 生物化石专家最近在马达加斯加岛上新发现了一种“魔鬼蛙”(Beelzebufo希腊语:魔鬼)化石,据介绍,这种蛙类主要以恐龙幼崽为食。

    According to fossil experts , the Beelzebufo frog , newly-discovered on the island of Madagascar , dined on baby dinosaurs .

  6. 产于马达加斯加岛至热带亚洲和新几内亚的附生蕨类植物。

    Epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea .

  7. 马达加斯加岛食虫并体表经常带刺的小哺乳动物;与刺猬形似。

    Small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar ; resembles a hedgehog .

  8. 产于马达加斯加岛现已绝种的巨型鸟(可达9英尺)。

    Huge ( to 9 ft. ) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar .

  9. 在非洲和马达加斯加岛的灌木和藤蔓植物和乔木的小的属。

    Small genus of shrubs and lianas and trees of Africa and Madagascar .

  10. 那马达加斯加岛就可能是一艘迷途的奴隶商船的殖民地了。

    Possibly , then , Madagascar was colonised by an errant slave ship .

  11. 分布于马达加斯加岛到太平洋中心的一个南岛语语系分支。

    The branch of the Austronesian languages spoken from Madagascar to the central Pacific .

  12. 马达加斯加岛的灵猫。首都惠灵顿位于北岛。

    Civet of Madagascar . Wellington , the capital city , lies on the North Island .

  13. 吉福德和他的同事们研究在马达加斯加岛发现的灰鼠狐猴。

    Gifford and his colleagues In the study found that the island of Madagascar lemurs Chinchilla .

  14. 例如,他们用的香草来自马达加斯加岛;马卡达姆坚果则是出自夏威夷。

    Their vanilla , for example , comes from Madagascar ; their macadamia nuts from Hawaii .

  15. 这种小鬼似的动物叫指猴,它是狐猴的一种,生活在马达加斯加岛。

    This gremlin-like creature is an Aye-Aye & a type of lemur normally found only in Madagascar .

  16. 春天里我们离开了非洲绕着马达加斯加岛进入印度洋。

    In the spring we left Africa and sailed round the island of Madagascar into the Indian Ocean .

  17. 该电台的信号输出口修建在马达加斯加岛的一个驿站,这将打开穆斯林世界的大门。

    The outlet is building a relay station in Madagascar , which will open a door the Muslim world .

  18. 这家游乐园鼓励游客吃下一只活生生的马达加斯加岛蟑螂,以此换取在游乐园免排队的优惠权。

    The amusement park is daring customers to eat a live Madagascar hissing cockroach in exchange for unlimited line-jumping privileges .

  19. 就像猩猩一样,巨狐猴可能是四足并用地走路。大约2千年前,人类的足迹渐现于马达加斯加岛。

    Megaladapis edwarsi could have traveled on all fours much like an orangutan.Humans arrived in Madagascar about 2000 years ago .

  20. 马达加斯加岛因岛上的稀有动物而闻名,尤其是世界其他地方已绝迹的灵长类动物——狐猴。

    MADAGASCAR is renowned for its unusual animals , particularly its lemurs , a group of primates extinct elsewhere on the planet .

  21. 非洲和马达加斯加岛的一种大型棕榈,长的羽状复叶,叶茎含有能带来巨大经济利益的纤维。

    A large feather palm of Africa and Madagascar having very long pinnatisect fronds yielding a strong commercially important fiber from its leafstalks .

  22. 土产于马达加斯加岛的直的一年或多年生的小的属;广泛地移植在热带地区;以前分在长春蔓花。

    Small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar ; widely naturalized in the tropics ; formerly included in genus Vinca .

  23. 这一物种,就像其它狐猴,其它生活在马达加斯加岛的动物,其它存在于地球上的生命,正面临着数量急速减少,甚至于灭绝的危险。

    The species like many other lemurs , like many other animals in Madagascar , like so much of life on Earth is endangered and dwindling fast .

  24. 南部的冈瓦纳大陆继续漂移,其东段最终将形成南极洲、马达加斯加岛、印度和澳大利亚,而西部则形成非洲和南美洲。

    The southern half , Gondwana , was drifting into an eastern segment that would form Antarctica , Madagascar , India and Australia , and a western portion that would form Africa and South America .

  25. 故事是这样发生的:8月4日,格雷厄姆和他的妻子谢丽尔驾驶游艇从南非东伦敦前往马达加斯加岛,但他们的旅行却遭遇事故:游艇撞上暗礁眼看就要沉下去了。

    But that 's apparently what happened when Graham Anley and his wife , Cheryl , found their yacht sinking after it hit a reef Aug. 4 while on a voyage from East London to Madagascar .

  26. 卡尔·利歇一位德国探险家,他在写给《南澳大利亚记事报》的一篇报道里称,他在马达加斯加岛探险的时候,看见一个妇女爬上一种大型植物的主干去喝它的汁液。

    In a report he wrote for the South Australian Register , Carl Liche , a German explorer , claimed that while exploring Madagascar , he 'd witnessed a woman climb the trunk of a large plant and drink its nectar .