
  1. 下刚果盆地油气成藏主控因素及勘探方向

    Main factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation and exploration orientation in Lower Congo Basin

  2. 其中喀麦隆森林包括了刚果盆地最多的生物物种以及最严重的濒危森林。

    Cameroon forests contain some of the Congo Basin most biologically diverse and most threatened forests .

  3. 油田所在的下刚果盆地主要经历了裂谷期、过渡期和热沉降期三个阶段的构造演化,相应沉积了裂谷期陆相地层、过渡期蒸发岩层和热沉降期海相地层。

    Corresponding to three tectonic evolution stages of rifting , transition and thermal depression undergone in Lower Congo Basin , continental , evaporite and marine sequences deposited .

  4. 世界最大盆地刚果盆地,连接非洲主要的六个国家,包括了世界第二大雨林。

    The Congo Basin , is the largest basin in the world , which runs through six Central African countries , contains the second largest contiguous rainforest in the world after that of the Amazon .

  5. 世界卫生组织非洲地区事务办公室派出的西非地区流行病控制工作队已抵达刚果西盆地地区。

    The WHO Regional Office for Africa dispatched the West Africa sub-regional epidemic response team which has arrived in the Cuvette Ouest D é partement .