
  • 网络The Congo;Congo River;River Congo
  1. 刚果河位于非洲。

    The Congo River is located in Africa .

  2. 爱滋病最早的记录停留在1950年代的刚果河流域。

    HIV can be traced back to villages along the Congo River in the1950 's.

  3. 雨水过多是亚马逊河与刚果河流域赤道地区的大问题。

    Too much rain is the problem of the equatorial lands in the Amazon and Congo basins .

  4. 萨伊河也被称为刚果河,它是世界上最深的河。

    Zaire River is also called The Congo river and it is the deepest river in the world .

  5. 刚果河河口的流量每秒约41000立方公尺。

    Congo River discharges a behemoth amount of water at its mouth with average of41,000 cubic meters per second .

  6. 从大裂谷的地热资源到刚果河的水力发电潜能,从风能到太阳能,新项目正层出不穷。

    From the geothermal resources of the Great Rift Valley , to the potential hydropower of the Congo River , to wind and solar options , new projects are beginning to come online .

  7. 欧亚国的边界在刚果河盆地与地中海北岸之间伸缩,印度洋和太平洋的岛屿则不断被大洋国或东亚国轮流占领。

    The frontiers of Eurasia flow back and forth between the basin of the Congo and the northern shore of the mediterranean ; the islands of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific are constantly being captured and recaptured by Oceania or by eastasia ;