
  • 网络congolese
  1. 西方债权国态度强硬,刚果人终于屈服,同意削减30亿美元的交易规模,中国人如今也表现得愿意修改合同,以化解IMF的担忧。

    Western creditors stood firm , the Congolese buckled , agreeing to reduce the deal by $ 3bn , and the Chinese are now showing willingness to discuss adapting the contract to address IMF concerns .

  2. SNEL的统计数字表明,只有5%的刚果人能够用上电。

    According to SNEL statistics , only five percent of the Congolese population has access to electricity .

  3. 还有一部分刚果人则担心选举会被暗箱操作。

    Others have expressed fears the election will be rigged .

  4. 目前90%多的刚果人用不上电。

    More than 90 percent of Congolese have no access to electricity at the moment .

  5. 宗教信仰80%的刚果人是基督教教徒,主要是罗马新教。

    Religions About 80 % of the Congolese population are Christian , predominantly Roman Catholic .

  6. 一个刚果人曾要求布鲁塞尔的一个法庭下令清除刚果在售的以及图书馆收藏的《丁丁历险记》。

    A Congolese man has asked a court in Brussels to remove copies of Tintin in the Congo from sale and libraries .

  7. 他的访问引发一些刚果人的愤怒,他们说,鉴于雷欧颇勒得二世对刚果的杀戮和残忍,阿尔贝二世的访问是不恰当的。

    His visit has angered some Congolese who say it 's inappropriate , given the killings and brutality inflicted on the country by the king 's predecessor Leopold II .

  8. 评论者说,凭借正确的立法和确定传统医学效果的清晰标准,再加上界定哪些人能出售传统药物,刚果人将获得能负担得起的治疗。

    Commentators say that with proper legislation and clear criteria to determine the efficacy of traditional medicines , as well as the people who sell them , the Congolese will gain affordable treatments .

  9. 有250多种民族,最多的是刚果人、卢巴人和蒙戈人,也有在商业城市工作的犹太人和印度人的小型社区。

    As many as 250 ethnic groups have been distinguished and named . The most numerous people are the Kongo , Luba , and Mongo . There are also small communities of Jews and Hindus who work in commercial urban areas .

  10. 我现在和刚果东部的人共事并且和他们有所接触。

    I 'm working with and for the people of eastern Congo .

  11. 刚果语刚果人讲的一种班图语,在刚果南部、扎伊尔西部和安哥拉北部用作一种通用语言。

    A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern congo , western zaire , and Northern angola .

  12. 结果他不爱又不尊重刚果或刚果人,只想被爱,被崇拜和成名这些空虚的事情。

    By the end he has no affection or respect for the people who worship him , and cares little about anything other than his own barren , pointless fame .

  13. 从利奥波德时代起,刚果的资源就很少造福刚果人。

    From the days of Leopold , Congolese resources rarely if ever have benefited the people of Congo .

  14. 在刚果殖民时代结束时,在比利时控制的刚果只有9人受了大学程度教育。

    At the end of its colonization , there were nine Congolese educated to university level in the Belgian Congo .

  15. 刚果民主共和国的英加三期(Inga-3)水电大坝的供电对象是矿业公司和南非,而不是刚果民众,96%的刚果人用不上电。

    the Inga 3 dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo will sell power to mining companies and to South Africa , rather than to the 96 percent of Congolese who lack access to electricity .