
  • 网络the republic of congo;Congo;Republic of the Congo;Democratic Republic of the Congo
  1. 刚果共和国的土著或居民。

    A native or inhabitant of the Republic of Congo .

  2. 1971年刚果共和国改国名为扎伊尔,1997年重新恢复为刚果共和国,并沿用至今。

    In 1971 , the republic of Congo changed its name to Zaire , and in 1997 , its name returned to the republic of Congo until now .

  3. 欧盟(EU)在格鲁吉亚设立了停火监察员,并正帮助很多国家组建警力或武装力量,从刚果共和国到阿富汗,从科索沃到巴勒斯坦。

    The European Union has ceasefire monitors in Georgia and is helping to build police or armed forces from the DRC to Afghanistan , from Kosovo to Palestine .

  4. 根据国际货币基金组织(imf)的数据,2008年,中国的排名位于佛得角和亚美尼亚之后,仅在伊拉克和刚果共和国之前。

    According to the International Monetary Fund , China ranked behind Cape Verde and Armenia in 2008 , and only just ahead of Iraq and the Republic of Congo .

  5. Sundance正在喀麦隆和刚果共和国边境处开发一个价值50亿澳元的铁矿石项目。

    Sundance is developing an A $ 5bn iron ore project on the border of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo .

  6. Sundance曾希望为其在喀麦隆和刚果共和国边境的50亿澳元铁矿石项目寻求融资。

    Sundance was hoping to find funding for its A $ 5bn iron ore project on the border of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo .

  7. 本文简要介绍了作者在执行中国援刚果共和国西比蒂(Sibiti)和莫萨卡(Mossaka)两城镇供水项目中所采用的技术路线、工作方法及取得的主要成果。

    The technical line and operating methods adopted as well as main results obtained in the water supply project in Sibiti and Mossaka towns of the Republic of Congo constructed by China are briefly introduced in this paper .

  8. 刚果共和国的首都及最大城市。

    The capital and largest city of the Republic of Congo .

  9. 刚果共和国7月份估计人口有六千六百万。

    The D.R.C.has a population estimated in July at sixty-six million .

  10. 分包工程场地位于刚果共和国布拉柴维尔。

    The site of the subcontracted works is in brazzaville , Republic of congo .

  11. 我想是同位语,意思是“现已是刚果共和国首都的金沙萨”。

    What is now the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo , Kinshasa .

  12. 卡宾达省与安哥拉本土并不接壤,而是被刚果共和国隔开了。

    Cabinda is saperated separated from Angola by the the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  13. 今年是中国和刚果共和国建交50周年。

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries .

  14. 1958年,刚果共和国的乍得和加蓬国成为法兰西共和体内的自治共和国。

    Chad , the Republic of the Congo , and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community .

  15. 飞机残骸出现在刚果共和国一个偏远的森林地区。

    The wreckage of the plane was found in a remote forested area of the Republic of Congo .

  16. 他们证实了这一毒株是2003年和2005年在刚果共和国出现的疾病爆发的原因。

    They confirmed that it was the cause of outbreaks in humans in the Republic of Congo in2003 and2005 .

  17. 在调查报告中,刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔继续成为“世界上最不适合居住的城市”。

    Retaining the unwelcome distinction of the world 's worst city in which to live was Brazzaville , Congo .

  18. 刚果共和国前身是扎伊尔,是中非的一个大国家,人口6千万。

    The Democratic Republic of Congo , formerly Zaire , is a huge country in Central Africa with sixty million people .

  19. 正在刚果共和国和加蓬进行深入的生态学研究,以查明埃博拉的自然宿主。

    Extensive ecological studies are under way in the Republic of the Congo and Gabon to identify the Ebola 's natural reservoir .

  20. 埃博拉出血热是血源性疾病,可通过体液传播,因1976年在刚果共和国的一条叫埃博拉的小河流域中发现该病毒而得名。

    Spread by body fluids , the blood-borne disease , Ebola was named after a small DRC river where it was discovered in1976 .

  21. 国际热带农业协会表示这种疾病广泛存在于加蓬,安哥拉,马拉维和刚果共和国。

    The InternationalInstitute for Tropical Agriculture says the disease is widely found in Gabon , Angola , Malawi , and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  22. 苹果公司指明并谴责一些供应商,他们提供了来自冲突地区的矿石,这些冲突地区就包括刚果共和国。

    Apple has begun naming and shaming suppliers it believes may be sourcing questionable minerals from conflict zones such as the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  23. 在弗吉尼亚病例之前,C105只在秘鲁和刚果共和国被发现,会导致呼吸道疾病。

    Before the Virginia case , C105 had only been identified in Peru and the Republic of Congo . The disease is associated with respiratory problems .

  24. 这张照片的拍摄者是刚果共和国维龙加国家公园的一名管理员。照片在被分享到脸书上之后迅速火爆网络。

    The photo , taken by a worker at Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo , swiftly went viral after being shared on Facebook .

  25. 据布吉的说法,提供现金的,包括来自塞内加尔,布基纳法索,科特迪瓦,刚果共和国,以及加彭等非洲国家的现任或前任领导人。

    According to Bourgi , current or former African leaders who offered the cash include those from Senegal , Burkina Faso , Ivory Coast , Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon .

  26. 会议将讨论地区危机的解决方法,目前面临威胁的国家有刚果共和国东部地区、中非共和国、马里、南苏丹、苏丹和索马里。

    They are expected to discuss ways to solve crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo , Central African Republic , Mali , South Sudan , Sudan and Somalia .

  27. 在这些证明这个想法已经获得成功的试验中,值得一提的是刚果共和国的猎人和其他利用森林的人们组成的观察网络。

    Among the trials that have already proved the success of the idea is a network of hunters and other locals who use the forests of the Republic of Congo .

  28. 刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔市的一个军火库起火爆炸,据报道至少造成200人丧生,超过1000人受伤。

    At least 200 people are reported to have been killed and more than 1,000 injured after an arms depot caught fire in Brazzaville , capital of the Republic of Congo .

  29. 刚果共和国的大多数人无法获取昂贵的现代卫生保健,因此许多乡村居民向传统治疗师求助,使用草药解决健康问题。

    Costly , modern health services are out of reach of most people in the Republic of Congo , so many rural dwellers consult traditional healers and use medicinal plants for health problems .

  30. 因位于战火纷飞的刚果共和国东部地区,科学家们对于这座高大的岩浆“炉”知之甚少,所以尚且不乏预计这灾难性浩劫将在何时发生。

    But they don 't know when since , located as it is in the war-torn eastern edge of the Democratic Republic of Congo , the two mile high cauldron of lava is also one of the least well understood .