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  • Sierra Leone
  1. 喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。

    Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone .

  2. 在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

    In Sierra Leone , English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education

  3. 直至十六世纪时葡萄牙人的船队到达今天的塞拉利昂海岸时,欧洲人才知道可乐果的存在。

    Europeans did not know of them until the 1500s when Portuguese ships arrived on the coast of what is now Sierra Leone .

  4. 专家们说,我们可能很快会品尝到来自塞拉利昂的“狭叶咖啡”了,它在野生环境中消失了五十多年后,最近被重新发现了。

    And they say we could soon be sipping3 on Stenophylla , a coffee from Sierra Leone that was recently rediscovered after not being seen in the wild for more than fifty years .

  5. 冰岛的人均GDP为塞拉利昂的45倍。

    Per capita GDP is 45 times higher in Iceland than in Sierra Leone .

  6. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)周四称,在肆虐几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的埃博拉疫情中,已有超过1万人死亡。

    The World Health Organization said Thursday that the number of deaths in the Ebola epidemic that has afflicted Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone had surpassed 10,000 .

  7. 他的非洲治理促进会(governanceinitiative)是一个广受赞誉的项目,帮助塞拉利昂和卢旺达两国总统出台政策和吸引外资。

    His governance initiative is a well-regarded project that helps the presidents of Sierra Leone and Rwanda deliver policy and attract foreign investment .

  8. 世界医学会(WorldMedicalAssociation)昨日警告称,防护装备严重短缺正让几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的医生和护士的生命处于危险当中;

    The World Medical Association warned yesterday that serious shortages of protective equipment were putting the lives of doctors and nurses at risk in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone ;

  9. Ian决定将他的实验室搬去马可尼,塞拉利昂。

    Ian decided to move his lab into Makeni , Sierra Leone .

  10. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)数据显示,有半数的病例是在过去三周中产生的,疫情蔓延的加速对几内亚、利比里亚、塞拉利昂的冲击最为严重。

    Half of the cases have come in the past three weeks , according to the World Health Organization , with Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone hardest hit by the accelerating outbreak .

  11. 随着埃博拉病毒在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚造成的死亡人数日益增高,世界银行(worldbank)承诺将向西非提供总计2亿美元紧急资金,以抗击埃博拉。

    The World Bank pledged up to $ 200m in emergency funding to help fight the Ebola virus in west Africa , as the death toll in Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea mounts .

  12. 周四早些时候,英国官员称,英国皇家空军(RoyalAirForce)的一架飞机已经带着英国军方的三名医护人员离开塞拉利昂。他们中有一人在埃博拉病毒检测中呈阳性。

    Earlier Thursday , British officials said a Royal Air Force plane left Sierra Leone carrying three British military health workers , of whom one has tested positive for Ebola .

  13. 塞拉利昂总统欧内斯特·巴伊·科罗马(ErnestBaiKoroma)宣布全国进入公共卫生紧急状态。

    President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone declared a public health emergency .

  14. MBA课程的效果令朱伯特如此满意,以至于他又派了手下一名塞拉利昂员工去英国,念了同样的MBA项目。

    He 's so sold on its effect he has sent one of his Sierra Leonean staff to the UK for the same programme .

  15. 来自塞拉利昂的稻米专家MontyJones于2004年获得世界粮食奖。

    Monty Jones , a rice expert from Sierra Leone , was the winner in two thousand four .

  16. 在塞拉利昂CDC的一名疾病调查员表示这个数据库资料就是一团糟。

    One disease detective from the CDC working in Sierra Leone , she says the database there was in shambles .

  17. NPR新闻的安德斯·凯尔托现在在塞拉利昂首都弗里敦。

    Now to NPR 's Anders Kelto in Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone .

  18. 尽管世行作出可怕的前景预测,但国际货币基金组织(IMF)仍认为,塞拉利昂在今年和明年都将是世界上增长最快的10个经济体之一。

    Despite the dire forecasts , the IMF still believes Sierra Leone will this year and next be one of the world 's top-10 fastest growing economies .

  19. 据NPR新闻的奥非比·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,这一致命病毒目前正在利比亚和塞拉利昂扩散。

    NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports the lethal virus is now spreading in Liberia and Sierra Leone .

  20. 在利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚,接受了CDC培训的当地工作人员一直在对从非洲出发的旅客进行筛查。

    In Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea , C.D.C. - trained local workers have been screening people as they depart from Africa .

  21. 该PLC控制系统已在塞拉利昂等10余个国内外项目应用,焊机的自动化集成化程度高,控制系统对环境适应能力强且焊接质量稳定,焊接规范可调性好,工艺调试方便简洁,获得好评。

    The welder has the ability of high integration and automation . The control system has Environmental adaptability , the welding quality , welding specification adjustability , good debugging process and has been well received .

  22. 马丁:以上是NPR新闻的安德斯·凯尔托从塞拉利昂首都弗里敦带来的报道。

    MARTIN : NPR 's Anders Kelto speaking with us from the capital of Sierra Leone , Freetown .

  23. 阿曼达·皮斯(AmandaPease)是在塞拉利昂乡村学校服务的近40名志愿者之一。

    Amanda Pease is one of almost forty volunteers serving in rural schools in Sierra Leone .

  24. 周一,在纽约肯尼迪机场(JFKAirport),当局仍在继续检查来自利比里亚、塞拉利昂和几内亚的游客。

    At New York 's John F. Kennedy airport the authorities continued to screen air travellers arriving from Liberia , Sierra Leone and Guinea on Monday .

  25. 世界医学会(WorldMedicalAssociation)昨日警告称,防护装备严重短缺正让几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂的医生和护士的生命处于危险当中;实际上,包括两名美国人在内的多名医护人员已经受到感染。

    The World Medical Association warned yesterday that serious shortages of protective equipment were putting the lives of doctors and nurses at risk in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone ; indeed several health workers , including two Americans , have already been infected .

  26. CDC建议美国人,如无绝对必要,避免前往受病毒打击最严重的三个国家:几内亚、塞拉利昂和利比里亚。

    The CDC advised Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to the three countries hardest hit by the virus : Guinea , Sierra Leone and Liberia .

  27. 我是UNICEF的慈善大使,去年我去了塞拉利昂,一次让人印象深刻的旅行。

    Being ambassador for UNICEF is something I 'm very passionate . I went to Sierra Leone last year , which was an amazing experience .

  28. 在审理利比亚前总统查尔斯·泰勒(CharlesTaylor)的案件中,塞拉利昂特别法庭一名检控官希望听取模特NaomiCampbell的证词。

    A prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone wants to hear testimony from the model Naomi Campbell in a case against the former Liberian President Charles Taylor .

  29. LianneKuppens是UNICEF驻塞拉利昂儿童生存和发展小组的负责人。

    Lianne Kuppens leads UNICEF 's child survival and development team in Sierra Leone .

  30. 在利比里亚蒙罗维亚约120英里外的邦县,有一个70张床位的埃博拉治疗中心,国际医疗队(InternationalMedicalCorps)已经有大约200名医护人员在那里工作。该组织正在在塞拉利昂施工,准备开设一个50张床位的治疗中心。

    The International Medical Corps already has some 200 medical employees working in a 70-bed Ebola treatment center in Bong County , about 120 miles outside Monrovia , Liberia , and is working to construct and open a 50-bed center in Sierra Leone .