
sài ěr wéi yà
  • Serbia
塞尔维亚[sài ěr wéi yà]
  1. 不管是否有石油,塞尔维亚的困难都会存在。

    Oil or no oil , Serbia has troubles .

  2. 与此同时,报纸上登满了俄罗斯向塞尔维亚出售武器的报道。

    At the same time , the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia

  3. 塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。

    The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter .

  4. 克罗地亚军队从波斯尼亚北部撤军后,该地区落入塞尔维亚人手里。

    Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs

  5. 德拉什科维奇一跃成为塞尔维亚政府领导人最大的挑战者。

    Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian government

  6. 一些基本的服务是由从外省乘坐大巴来的塞尔维亚工人提供的。

    Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province .

  7. 一支塞尔维亚部队攻占了那个镇。

    A Serb army unit took the town

  8. MarkLowen从塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德发回报道。

    Mark Lowen reports from the Serbian capital Belgrade .

  9. 欢迎塞尔维亚认证委员会(ATS)成为国际实验室认可合作组织的准成员。

    Accreditation Board of Serbia ( ATS ) is welcomed as an Associate member of ILAC .

  10. LibertyRadio周三报道,乌兹别克斯坦事业单位员工月薪的一部分居然是塞尔维亚小鸡,很快他们的工资里可能还会出现小牛。

    Public sector workers in Uzbekistan received part of their wages in Serbian chickens and might be getting Ukrainian calves soon , Radio Liberty said on Wednesday .

  11. 塞尔维亚第纳尔(货币代码CSD)是塞尔维亚的官方货币。

    The Serbian dinar ( currency code CSD ) is the official currency of Serbia .

  12. 塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇(BorisTadic)称,塞尔维亚永远不会承认科索沃的独立。

    Serbian President Boris Tadic said Serbia would not recognize Kosovo 's independence .

  13. 那个清晨,这位19岁的波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人和其他6个想要成为暗杀者的人,未能刺杀奥地利大公弗朗茨斐迪南(franzferdinand)。

    That morning , the 19-year-old Bosnian Serb and six other would-be assassins had failed to kill the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand .

  14. 在早期的比赛中,Paul成功的预测了小组赛当中德国取胜加纳和澳大利亚,以及对阵塞尔维亚的失利。

    Earlier in the tournament , the mollusc medium correctly predicted Germany would beat Ghana and Australia in their group D matches and was also right to predict they would lose to Serbia .

  15. 詹姆士·科尔-林德赛(JAMESKER-LINDSAY):“是的,许多塞尔维亚人都认为姆拉迪奇是某种意义上的英雄。”

    JAMES KER-LINDSAY : " Many Serbs , yes , do regard Ratko Mladic as some sort of hero . "

  16. 最引人注目的是萨拉热窝要修复欧洲大酒店(HotelEvropa).建于1882年的欧洲大酒店在1992年被塞尔维亚炸毁内部装置而成为一片废墟。

    Most striking is the restoration of the Hotel Evropa , built in1882 but left in ruins ever since it was gutted by Serb shells in1992 .

  17. 自北约飞机轰炸斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)治下的塞尔维亚(Serbia)迫其屈服后,8年来,塞尔维亚的科索沃(Kosovo)省就一直处于滞生(suspendedanimation)状态。

    FOR the eight years since NATO aircraft bombed Slobodan Milosevic 's Serbia into submission , the Serbian province of Kosovo has been in a state of suspended animation .

  18. 冰岛、匈牙利、乌克兰和塞尔维亚几个国家或者向国际货币基金组织(IMF)寻求资金,或者与其讨论获得援助的可能性。面对金融危机,许多新兴经济体脆弱性十分明显。

    With Iceland , Hungary , Ukraine and Serbia either seeking funds from the International Monetary Fund or talking to the IMF about their prospects , the vulnerabilities of many emerging economies to the financial crisis was clear .

  19. 王曦雨的教练亚历山大·斯洛维奇(AleksandarSlovic)是塞尔维亚人;

    Wang Xinyu 's coach , Aleksandar Slovic , is Serbian ;

  20. 塞尔维亚前总统斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)也接受了审判,但是在审判过程中死亡。

    Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal , but he died during his trial .

  21. 塞尔维亚外长武克·耶雷米奇(VukJeremic)表示,该裁决不会改变塞尔维亚的立场。

    Serbia 's Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic says the ruling will not change his country 's

  22. Aresa正在塞尔维亚进行大田试验。

    Aresa are conducting field trials in Serbia .

  23. 当然,米洛舍维奇(milosevic)确实是一位暴君,而塞尔维亚军队的行径有时的确非常残酷。

    Of course it was true that Milosevic was a tyrant , and that Serb forces at times acted with horrible cruelty .

  24. 中国可能购买了1999年在塞尔维亚被击落的夜鹰F-117的机件并获取了相关知识。

    China may have bought parts of US F-117 Nighthawk shot down over Serbia in1999 and gleaned knowledge from them .

  25. 另外一个条件是逮捕前克罗地亚塞尔维亚政治领导人GoranHadzic,此人目前仍在潜逃。

    Another condition has been the capture of former Croatian Serb political leader Goran Hadzic , who has be arrested .

  26. 武克·耶雷米奇(VukJeremic):“在任何情况下,塞尔维亚都不承认科索沃单方宣布的所谓科索沃共和国的地位。”

    VUK JEREMIC : " Serbia will recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of the so-called Republic of Kosovo . "

  27. 也有较小数量的人讲塞尔维亚语、Aromanian,Megleno-Romanian和希腊语。

    There are also smaller numbers of speakers of Serbian , Aromanian , Megleno-Romanian and Greek .

  28. 一名塞尔维亚法官判决,前波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的身体状况良好,可以转移到海牙国际刑事法庭。

    A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at The Hague .

  29. 随着1918年奥匈帝国的瓦解,斯洛文尼亚联合塞尔维亚人(Serbs)、克罗地亚人(Croats)和斯洛文尼亚人(Slovenes)成立南斯拉夫王国。

    With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in1918 , Slovenians joined the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes , later renamed ( 1929 ) the Kingdom of Yugoslavia .

  30. 之前,塞尔维亚网球选手诺瓦克•德约科维奇(NovakDjokovic)就将自身伤势的迅速复原部分归功于一种造价75000美元的蛋形密封舱,这种名为CVACPod的密封舱可以模拟出高海拔的环境。

    Open in August , Serbian tennis stud Novak Djokovic credited his quick recovery from injury in part to a US $ 75,000 pressurized egg-shaped chamber called a CVAC Pod that simulates high altitude .