
sè yīn
  • stop;plosive
塞音 [sè yīn]
  • [plosive] 发音时由于气流通路突然打开而发声的辅音,也叫爆发音,如英语中的 b、p、d、t、g、k等

塞音[sè yīn]
  1. 鼻音与相应同部位的塞音、塞擦音及其边音颤音组合的鼻冠音声母(20个)。

    Nasal and corresponding same spot plosive , affricate and lateral sound vibrato combination nose crown sound initial consonant ( 20 ) .

  2. 塞音:口腔中构成阻碍的两个部分完全闭塞,瞬间压迫气流冲开阻碍形成塞音。

    Plosive sound : It is produced by completely blocking the air stream followed by a sudden release of the compressed air in the oral cavity .

  3. 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

    The transcription th ( for the fricative p ) caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive .

  4. 从发音部位来看,英语和朝鲜语的塞音都可分为双唇音(bilabial)、齿龈音(alveolar)以及软腭音(velar)。

    In terms of articulation place , stops in both English and Korean fall into three categories : bilabial , alveolar and velar .

  5. 普通话中塞音、塞擦音嗓音起始时间(VOT)初探

    Primary study of voice - onset time in stop and affricate of Standard Chinese

  6. 汉语和英语中塞音呈现不同的区别特征,汉语的塞音以送气(aspiration)与否作为区别特征,没有清浊之分,因此汉语的塞音VOT都为正值;

    The plosives in English and Mandarin Chinese are differently characterized , the former being distinguished by the distinctive feature of voice , and the latter aspiration .

  7. 嗓音起始时间的改变:(1)喉塞音替代的患者VOT值常较正常明显缩短或为零;

    Changes of voice onset time : ( 1 ) obviously shortened when a glottal stop substitutes an oral stop ;

  8. 保险狙击风险暗流常宁方言中的舌面塞音

    Insurance stops undercurrent of risk The Palatal Stops in Changning Dialect

  9. 腭裂患者喉塞音与语音遗漏的声学区别特征

    The acoustic character to distinguish glottal stops from omission of sound elements

  10. 论上古塞音擦音组合复辅音

    On the Compound Consonant Combined with Fricative and Affricative in Ancient Times

  11. 汉语塞音选择性特征自动萃取的小波变换方法

    Automatic extraction of stop-oriented features from Chinese Speech wave using wavelet transform

  12. 尤其是他们发出的英语塞音具有典型的朝鲜族语音特征。

    In particular , their pronunciation of English stops demonstrates Korean phonetic characteristics .

  13. 清浊塞音问题;

    The problem of voiced and voiceless stops ;

  14. 鼻音与口辅音(塞音/塞擦音)结合紧密,组成一个音节,共用一个声调;

    Nasal sound and plosive combine closely , become one syllable and share one tone .

  15. 越南留学生习得普通话塞音、塞擦音实验研究和偏误分析

    An experimental study and error analyses of the acquisition of stops and affricates in Chinese by Vietnamese learners

  16. 研究发现,以英语为目的语的朝鲜族学生会在学习英语的音节结构和塞音时遇到困难。

    Recent research shows that Korean-Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in learning both English syllable structures and stops .

  17. 然后,韵尾塞音进一步弱化,只剩下音节后的紧喉动作;

    And the sweet tone end plosive is weakened again , only leave the action of closing throat behind syllabes .

  18. 第四章为结论部分,归纳出朝鲜族大学生英语词尾塞音发音特征。

    The fourth chapter summarizes the characteristics of the pronunciation of English stops in the word-final position by Korean-Chinese students .

  19. 英语塞音单独出现在词首、词尾或与其他发音方式的辅音结合在一起构成辅音群出现在词首或词尾。

    English stops appear in the word-initial or word-final . They can compose consonant clusters , along with other consonants .

  20. 清浊塞音对元音基频的影响只在音节前部,在音节末两者无差异;

    Besides , the effect only holds in the beginning sections of the vowels , but is neutralized toward the ending .

  21. 结果:腭裂患者的不送气塞擦音语图模式上无塞音特征,只有擦音特征,其强频区位置下移。

    Results No obvious plosive features were observed in patients with cleft palate in speaking but only fricative feature was found .

  22. 汉字音对韩国语辅音系统的影响&论塞音和塞擦音送气不送气的对立

    Influence of Chinese-Character-Sounds on Consonant-System in Korean Language : with Some Aspects about the Opposition between Plosives and Affricates in Ancient Korean

  23. 本研究旨在探讨感知训练对中国人感知法语清浊塞音的作用。

    This study aims to explore whether perceptual training could have some effect on the perception of the voicing contrast in French plosives by Chinese speakers .

  24. 结果:在82例患者中,以腭咽闭合不全型为特点的代偿性语音71例:声门塞音60例、咽摩擦音11例;

    RESULTS : 71 patients had compensatory articulation characteristic of velopharyngeal incompetence , of them , 60 occurred in glottis plosive and 11 in pharynx fricative ;

  25. 提出了一种基于能量变化率的塞音检测方法。

    Compared with the classical algorithm , the nasal detection accuracy is improved . A stop detection method is put forward based on the energy change rate .

  26. 归纳了两种语言中的词尾塞音的共同点和差异点。在此基础上为了了解朝鲜族大学生英语词尾塞音发音特征,本文设计了一个实验。

    In order to study the characteristics of the English pronunciation of stops in the word-final position by Korean-Chinese College students , a case study was designed .

  27. 同时,把普通话、兰州话、苏州话、太原话的塞音格局图作一比较,从而分析各地的塞音声学特征之异同性。

    At the same time , we make a comparison among Beijing Mandarin , Lanzhou dialect , Suzhou dialect and Taiyuan dialect to analyze their acoustic similarities and differences .

  28. 实验一的结果表明现代维吾尔语的开首清塞音属于弱送气清音,清塞音和浊塞音两个音位范畴在其声学表现中都可以通过两个语音范畴的嗓音起始时间实现。

    The result of the first experiment shows that Uygur word-initial stops belongs to weaker aspirated category and it can be realized through two phonetic categories of voice onset time .

  29. 这一时期长元音已形成,小舌清塞音在音节末不送气。悬雍垂腭咽成形术病人血压分析及护理

    The uvular stop / q / was not an aspirated one at the end of the syllable . Blood Pressure Analysis and Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Uvular-palatopharyngeal Plastic Operation

  30. 在第三章重点研究朝鲜族大学生英语词尾塞音发音特征,本章包括实证性研究和数据结果的优选论分析。

    The third chapter studies characteristics of English stops in the word final position by Korean-Chinese students . It includes both a case study and OT analysis of the statistical results .