
  • 网络the Seychelles;Seychelles Islands;Republic of Seychelles
  1. ChristopherKaiser-Bunbury在塞舌尔群岛基地工作。

    Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury works for the Seychelles Islands Foundation .

  2. 多名律师表示,汇丰银行并未解释为何BVI面临的压力比塞舌尔群岛或萨摩亚群岛等地区大。

    Lawyers said HSBC had not explained why BVI was coming under more pressure than places such as the Seychelles and Samoa .

  3. 今年早些时候,载有30名船员的法国游艇leponant在从塞舌尔群岛冰冬水域航行至地中海时被海盗抓走。

    Earlier this year a French yacht , Le ponant , was seized by pirates with a crew of 30 while sailing from its winter waters in the Seychelles to the Mediterranean .

  4. 康德明律师事务所(ConyersDillPearman)合伙人克里斯托弗•比克利(ChristopherBickley)表示,开设BVI账户正因银行业的举措而变得痛苦不堪,这促使企业转而在萨摩亚群岛和塞舌尔群岛开办公司。

    Christopher Bickley , a partner at the law firm Conyers Dill Pearman , said banks were now making it torturous to open BVI accounts , spurring companies to incorporate in Samoa and the Seychelles .

  5. 此地的魅力不止是柔软而细腻的沙滩。塞舌尔群岛的亚达伯拉(Aldabra)环礁上生活着约十万只巨大的象龟,这片珊瑚环礁是联合国教科文组织所认定的世界遗产。

    The appeal goes beyond pampering and powdery beaches : The Seychelles is also home to some 100000 giant Aldabra tortoises that live on a coral atoll that is a Unesco World Heritage site .

  6. 产于加拉帕哥斯和塞舌尔群岛的非常大龟。

    Very large tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands .

  7. 一个来自塞舌尔群岛的艺术家第一次在北京的个展。

    Beijing 's first solo exhibition by an artist from the Seychelles .

  8. 塞舌尔群岛上的一个共和国。

    A republic on the Seychelles islands .

  9. 一种“混血文化”的历史见证&塞舌尔群岛的克里奥尔音乐

    Creole Music of the Seychelles Islands

  10. 这些树只生长在非洲塞舌尔群岛中的两个小岛上,虽然其扎根生长的土质是岩石类营养贫乏土质,但他们还是疯狂的生长着。

    These plants grow wild on nutrient-starved , rocky soil on just two islands in the Seychelles .

  11. 塞舌尔群岛曾沦为世界上珊瑚发病率最高的珊瑚白化现象的牺牲品。

    The Seychelles have fallen victim to one of the most brutal incidences of coral bleaching worldwide .

  12. 乔治卡米勒的作品是传达并祝福塞舌尔群岛的异国热带的神秘。

    George camille 's work conveys and celebrates the musticism of the exotic trpoical islands of the seychelles .

  13. 两天以后,一艘悬挂台湾旗的拖网渔船和29名船员在塞舌尔群岛的丹尼斯岛附近水域被劫持。

    Two days later , a Taiwan-flagged fishing trawler with 29 men aboard was taken in waters near Denis Island in the Seychelles .

  14. 克利夫顿表示,去年全球新组建公司中,塞舌尔群岛占了20747家,年度涨幅为24%。

    The Seychelles gained 20,747 new incorporations from around the world last year , an annual rise of 24 per cent , said Mr Clifton .

  15. 报告称,非洲塞舌尔群岛警卫队后来捕获了海盗母船以及试图进行袭击的稍小的船只。

    Reports say a Seychelles coastguard vessel later captured what is believed to be the pirates'mother ship and the smaller boat involved in the attempted attack .

  16. 构成这个复杂网络的私有企业中,有许多是通过在英属维京群岛、萨摩亚和塞舌尔群岛注册的境外实体持有的。

    Many of the private companies that made up the complex web were held through offshore entities in the British Virgin Islands , Samoa and the Seychelles .

  17. 说起塞舌尔群岛,许多人只知道它是度蜜月者找寻美丽的白色沙滩和摇曳的棕榈树的目的地之一。

    BEST known as a destination for honeymooners in search of perfect white beaches and swaying palms , the Seychelles islands rarely make any sort of headlines .

  18. 穆昆敦说,海盗在印度洋的塞舌尔群岛和科摩罗群岛地区的活动开始活跃,那里没有国际海军巡逻。

    Mukundun said pirates have become active in the region of the Seychelles and Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean , where there are no international naval patrols .

  19. 我敢保证大多数人都没听说过塞舌尔群岛,这是一个由115个岛屿组成的岛群,而且离那个知名的马达加斯加很近。

    It 's probably a fair bet that most people haven 't heard of the Seychelles , a group of around 115 islands not far from the more well-known Madagascar .

  20. 其次,本文选取塞舌尔群岛、马尔代夫群岛、夏威夷群岛和爱德华王子岛这四个著名海岛的旅游资源开发进行案例分析,从中吸取成功的经验和启示,为西沙群岛旅游开发提供借鉴。

    Secondly . this paper chooses the Seychelles , the Maldives . Hawaiian islands . Prince Edward Island as case study , in order to provide lessons when Paracel islands is exploited .

  21. 克里奥民族是由白人与黑人等有色人种相互混合而形成的新兴现代民族,而位于印度洋的塞舌尔群岛是克里奥民族主要居住地之一。

    The Creole people is a developing modern nationality formed by white and black or other person of color live together , and the seychelles , which located in the Indian ocean , is a main place of residence for Creole people .