
  • Seville;Sevilla;Sevilla FC
  1. 塞维利亚从未打过冠军杯,而他们在H组的首场比赛就是在周三客场挑战阿森纳。

    Sevilla have never played in the Champions League and their opening Group H tie is , coincidentally , in north London against Arsenal on Wednesday .

  2. 西班牙足球联赛(LFP)宣布,下周一塞维利亚和奥萨苏纳的联赛比赛将被推迟,以表示尊重。

    The Spanish Football League ( LFP ) announced that next Monday 's league match between Sevilla and Osasuna had been postponed as a mark of respect .

  3. 我去塞维利亚之前一定得好好温习我的西班牙语。

    I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville .

  4. 这位前塞维利亚球员的经纪人,JesusRodriguezdeMoya,承认在本周,阿森纳俱乐部的副主席大卫邓恩与他们在西班牙见了面,并随后提供了一份新的合约。

    The player 's agent , Jesus Rodriguez de Moya , confirmed an offer has been made to the former Sevilla player after meeting with Gunners vice-chairman David Dein in Spain this week .

  5. 葡萄柚含有一种叫做furanocoumarin的化学物质(还发现在塞维利亚橘子和酸橙中但不是瓦伦西亚或其他甜橙),通过抑制CYP3A4这种酶可以阻止一些处方药的分解。

    Grapefruit contains a type of chemical called furanocoumarin ( also found in seville oranges and limes but not valencia or other sweet oranges ) , which , by inhibiting the enzyme CYP3A4 , stops the breakdown of some prescription drugs .

  6. 塞维利亚的大教堂、城堡及西印度档案馆

    Cathedral , Alcazar and Archivo de Indias , in Seville

  7. 你很适合在塞维利亚管弦乐队做二把手。

    You 're too good for that second rate Orchestra in seville .

  8. 然后驾着她1994年的啤酒色凯迪拉克塞维利亚

    And then she gets in her root-beer colored 1994 Cadillac Seville ,

  9. 尤文图斯对塞维利亚前锋弗雷德里克。卡努特很感兴趣。

    Juventus are interested in Sevilla striker Fredi kanoute .

  10. 咱俩结伴去塞维利亚旅游,然后嘛

    We are planning a trip to Seville together and

  11. 米兰-塞维利亚今天启程前往摩纳哥。

    MILAN - The Sevilla squad left for Monaco .

  12. 西班牙南部位于瓜达尔基维尔河上,塞维利亚东北偏东的一个城市。

    A city of southern Spain on the Guadalquivir River east-northeast of Seville .

  13. 拉齐奥与塞维利亚前锋哈维尔。切万顿取得联系。

    Lazio have made contact with Sevilla about a price for striker Javier chevanton .

  14. 国王杯06-07:决赛:塞维利亚1:0赫塔菲,卡努特进球。

    COPA DEL REY 2006-2007 : Final Sevilla-Getafe 1-0 , goal by Kanout é .

  15. 佩德罗·平托:总的来说,塞维利亚是最优秀的球队,因为他们拥有了最优秀的球员。

    Over all Sevilla were the best team , they had the best players .

  16. 切尔西目前正在准备再次提高报价来购买塞维利亚后卫阿尔维斯。

    Chelsea are ready to launch a mega offer for Sevilla wing-back Daniel alves .

  17. 前锋达沃。苏克尔下个赛季将从塞维利亚队转会到皇家马德里队。

    The striker davor Suker will move from Seville to Real Madrid next season .

  18. 在塞维利亚现在还保留着一本《行纪》,页边空白处是哥伦布做的笔记。

    In Seville there is a copy of the Travels with marginal notes by Columbus .

  19. 西班牙新建的铁路使得马德里的商业人口大增,而塞维利亚的商业人口却因此减少。

    New Spanish rail lines have swelled Madrid 's business population to Seville 's loss .

  20. 利物浦主帅拉法-贝尼特斯接受了在追求塞维利亚后卫阿尔维斯上失败的结果。

    Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has accepted defeat in his pursuit of Sevilla fullback Daniel alves .

  21. 他们预定在之前的周四黄昏与塞维利亚在欧洲联盟杯碰头。

    They are due to play at Sevilla the Thursday evening before in a Uefa Cup tie .

  22. 塞维利亚继续他们紧张的赛季前准备,他们签下了尤文图斯中场,马雷斯卡。

    Sevilla have continued their busy pre-season preparations by capturing the signature of Juventus midfielder Enzo Maresca .

  23. 舒斯特尔昨晚(和塞维利亚比赛那天)说了那些话,球队球员们会觉得那很无礼嘛?

    Does the squad think it was disrespectful of Schuster to say what he did last night ?

  24. 巴萨和塞维利亚谁是更强的竞争者?

    Looking at Bar ? a and Sevilla , who would you rather have as a rival ?

  25. 塞维利亚生物圈保护区战略

    Seville strategy for Biosphere Reserves

  26. 阿森纳对塞维利亚的球员,巴西前锋朱利安巴普蒂斯塔有兴趣,并尝试将他签入。

    Arsenal 's interest in Sevilla players has seen them make a move for Brazilian striker Julio Baptista .

  27. 在新闻发布会上,他说到:“对我来说对阵塞维利亚总是有些特别”。

    " It is always special for me to play in Seville ", he told a press conference .

  28. 当原居成为一种侈望,塞维利亚却在自然里从容绽放。

    When the original habitat becomes a kind of extravagant spenders in nature , but sevilla in calm .

  29. 阿尔维斯的经纪人何塞-罗德里格斯坚持要求塞维利亚接受切尔西的报价。

    Alves 's agent Jose Rodriguez Baster has now insisted that they want Sevilla to accept Chelsea 's bid .

  30. 利物浦被报道有意搞来西班牙希望之星,塞维利亚的年轻球员安东尼奥&考坦。

    Liverpool have reportedly sent representatives to Spain to tie up the signature of Sevilla youth player Antonio Cotan .