
  • 网络Akkad;Akkadian;Agade;Sumer-Akkad
  1. 苏美尔和阿卡德被效忠于伊利尔和尼奴塔的外来军队占领。

    Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta .

  2. 图片引自:BhushanKotakar赫蒂文明赫蒂文明位于今土耳其安纳托利亚地区,存在于公元前26世纪至约18世纪。他们是该地区最早的城市居民,其存在的证据可追溯至公元前24世纪的阿卡德楔形文字石碑中。

    Photo credit : Bhushan Kotakar 10 、 Hattian Civilization The Hattians were a civilization which inhabited the area of present-day Anatolia , Turkey from the 26th century to around the 18th century B.C. Believed to be the earliest urban settlers of the area , their existence can be traced to 24th-century Akkadian cuneiform tablets .

  3. 阿卡德人是苏美尔城邦繁荣时期居住在阿拉伯半岛的闪族的一个民族。

    The Akkadians were a Semitic people living on the Arabic peninsula during the great flourishing period of the Sumerian city-states .

  4. 阿卡德王朝的鼎盛时期:世界四方之王钠拉辛姆征服远方部落。

    When the dynasty was at the height of power and splendour , Emperor of all over the world conquered those tribes in remote areas .