
ā hōng
  • imam
阿訇 [ā hōng]
  • [ahung;Akhun;Imam;Mulla] 主持伊斯兰教的各种仪式,讲解古兰经的人

  1. 他的祖父是一名穆斯林阿訇。

    His grandfather was a Muslim cleric .

  2. 星期六的袭击在那所圣祠和圣父阿訇圣祠附近发生。

    Saturday 's attack occurred near that shrine and the Imam Abbas shrine .

  3. 根据某些批评人士的说法,内贾德和他身边的那些人认为,他们不需要通过中间人与什叶派穆斯林的最后一个阿訇马赫迪(Mahdi)联系。

    According to some critics , the president and those around him believe they do not need an intermediary to connect to the Mahdi , the last imam of Shia Muslims .

  4. 你觉得值得再走一趟阿訇那?

    You think it 's worth reaching out to the Imam again ?

  5. 在罗利市的这个清真寺里,阿訇萨迈赫·阿萨尔在宣讲慈善。

    Inside the one in Raleigh , Imam Sameh Asal preaches about charity .

  6. 听阿訇训斥女司机

    listening to the imam condemning women drivers

  7. 什叶派教徒经常来这里朝拜侯赛因阿訇圣祠。

    It is frequently visited by Shiite pilgrims , drawn to the Imam Hussein shrine .

  8. 他们甚至还派开明的阿訇去监狱劝说圣战主义者,告诉他们恐怖活动是反伊斯兰的

    They even sent liberal imams into the jails to persuade the jihadists that terror is un-Islamic .

  9. 他得到了父亲的鼓励。他的父亲是这个中心的清真寺的一名阿訇。

    And he gets encouragement from his father , who is an imam at the center 's mosque .

  10. 有什么不好获得中国和印度的学生,以满足邻里的阿訇在清真寺?

    What 's wrong with getting Chinese and Indian students to meet the neighbourhood 's imam at the mosque ?

  11. 她被起诉亵渎神明,官方人员称一名阿訇计划控告这名女子。

    She had been charged with blasphemy but now officials say a Muslim cleric planed evidence to incriminate her .

  12. 要不是你发现了阿訇行迹可疑…那些带子根本是找不到的。

    If you hadn 't have picked up on the Imam ... we wouldn 't have found the tapes .

  13. 这位身材高大、虬髯独眼的阿訇至今还过着偏执的隐居生活。

    The tall , bearded , one-eyed cleric keeps to himself , living a reclusive life that borders on the paranoid .

  14. 尚泽尔认为这就证明,萨迈尔·阿萨尔和其他美国的阿訇经常谴责恐怖主义不仅仅是为了公众舆论。

    Schanzer sees that as evidence that the frequent condemnations of terrorism by Asal and other American imams are not just for public consumption .

  15. 侯赛因圣祠供奉着侯赛因阿訇,是先知穆罕默德的孙子,在七世纪卡尔巴拉战斗中被杀死的。

    The Imam Hussein shrine honors Hussein , the Prophet Mohammed 's grandson , who was killed in a battle in Karbala in the seventh century .

  16. 英国安全机构已经致力于在穆斯林社区——尤其是在年轻人以及那些到由激进阿訇主持的清真寺做礼拜的穆斯林中间——建立情报人员网络。

    The UK 's security agencies have worked on building up networks of intelligence assistants in the Muslim community , particularly among young people and those who attend mosques that host radical preachers .

  17. 周五,伊拉克其他地方发生的爆炸也主要以什叶派教徒为目标,因为伊斯兰朝圣者和礼拜者都在那一天纪念尊敬的阿訇的生日,期待他的回归。

    Attacks elsewhere in Iraq Friday struck mainly Shi'ite targets , as Shi'ite pilgrims and worshippers marked the birthday of the Imam al Mehdi , or the 12th Imam , a holy and revered figure , whom many expect to return , one day .

  18. 部分动物的肉的是提供给阿訇和其他穆斯林领袖,剩下的就是提供给亲戚或朋友,骨骼和血液都被埋葬,以保持它们的神圣。

    The custom has it that part of the animal meat is to be offered to imams and other Muslim leaders , the rest is to be offered to relatives or friends , and the bones and blood are to be buried to keep them sacred .