
  1. 他作出了决定:我们会到阿卡普尔科过圣诞节。在那里我们可以滑滑雪,休息休息。

    He decided we should spend Christmas in Acapulco . There we could ski some and relax .

  2. 墨西哥网球公开赛即将于周一在太平洋阿卡普尔科度假村开始。比赛开始之前,职业网球联合会ATP提醒参赛选手注意安全。

    The professional tennis association , the ATP , has warned players about security ahead of the start of the Mexican Open in the Pacific resort of Acapulco on Monday .

  3. 主要为了迎合国内游客的阿卡普尔科(Acapulco)实际上已经由于酒店区中心的频繁枪击事件而变得空空荡荡了。

    Acapulco , which caters mainly to domestic tourists , has virtually emptied thanks to frequent shootings in the heart of the hotel zone .

  4. 在阿卡普尔科棕榈树旁边的是范尼,他的秘书。

    Beside the Acapulco palm-trees , that 's fanny , his secretary .

  5. 2006年的阿卡普尔科,艾玛和弗莱彻闹分手。

    Acapulco , 2006 Emma and Fletcher on a break .

  6. 我男友喜欢你在阿卡普尔科照的那几�喜欢得我都有点吃醋了

    And my boyfriend likes your Acapulco pictures , probably a little too much .

  7. 没人会去阿卡普尔科。

    No one goes to Acapulco anymore .

  8. 最高持续风力高达每小时135英里,距离墨西哥国阿卡普尔科大约250英里。

    It is carrying sustained winds of 135 miles per hour . And it 's about 250 miles southwest of Acapulco Mexico .

  9. 海洋污染图片。混杂的汽水瓶盖,饮料硬纸盒,塑料废料位于墨西哥阿卡普尔科海滩的边缘。

    A miscellany of soda caps , drink cartons , and plastic scraps sits at the edge of an Acapulco , Mexico , beach .

  10. 当日在格雷罗州首府阿卡普尔科正举行墨西哥2009年旅游博览会,地震发生后,与会人员纷纷跑出会场。

    Day in Acapulco , Guerrero state capital of Mexico is holding a travel fair in2009 , after the earthquake , the participants have run the venue .

  11. 洪水与山体滑坡席卷了整个墨西哥,至少97人丧生,此数字不包含那些阿卡普尔科市郊拉平塔达村遥远山区下落不明的人。

    Floods and landslides swept across Mexico killing at least 97 people not counting those missing in the remote mountain village of La Pintada on the outskirts of Acapulco .

  12. 一个空弹壳在于他的汽车开枪就死在阿卡普尔科,2010年5月5日郊区的加油站附近的一具男性尸体发言。

    An empty bullet shell lies on the floor near the body of a man shot dead in his car at a gas station on the outskirts of Acapulco , May5,2010 .

  13. 未来5年,中国出境旅游有望超过4亿人次,墨西哥的太阳月亮金字塔、奇琴伊察古城、阿卡普尔科海滩,将会出现更多中国游客的身影。

    In the coming five years , outbound Chinese tourists are expected to exceed 400 million and leave their footprints at the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon , the ancient city of Chichen Itza and the beaches of Acapulco .

  14. 由于以漳州月港为起点,马尼拉为中点,阿卡普尔科为终点的中国菲律宾墨西哥的大帆船贸易航路的开辟,福建在中国与拉丁美洲经济文化交流中发挥了桥梁作用。

    With the opening of China-Philippine-Mexico sea route for Great Galleon Trade with Yue Port in Zhangzhou as the starting-point , Manila as the midpoint and Acapulco as the destination , Fujian had served as a bridge in the economic-cultural exchange between China and Latin-America .

  15. 在肯尼迪选举前,她承认自己不知道总统就职典礼的日期,让记者们感到惊讶。当问到她认为哪里适合做下一次民主党政党大会的会议地点,她回答道:“阿卡普尔科。”但她对丈夫的工作并不是一无所知。

    Before JFK 's election , she startled reporters by confessing that she did not know the date of the presidential inauguration , and when asked what might be a suitable venue for the next Democratic convention , she said , " Acapulco . " But she wasn 't clueless about her husband 's line of work .