
  • 网络la paz;Bolivia;LAPAZ
  1. 汉莎航空公司的飞机从法兰克福飞往拉巴斯。

    Lufthansa fly to La Paz from Frankfurt .

  2. 拉巴斯的情况不会自己明朗化。

    The situation down in La Paz is not sorng itself out .

  3. 我的队伍正在为去拉巴斯训练。

    My team was training for La paz .

  4. 教宗方济各在拉巴斯与莫拉雷斯总统和市府其他市政领导人进行了交谈。

    The pope later traveled into La Paz for talks with Mr. Morales and other political and civic leaders .

  5. 尽管如此,在缺乏任何进一步的证据的情况下,我偏向于认为这两人是克拉布&拉巴斯坦。

    Still , in the absence of any further evidence , I prefer to think that this pair is crabbe & rabastan .

  6. 目前拉巴斯省80个地区中,有35个地区都被大水淹没,估计至少有五千人受困。

    Out of the 80 districts in La Paz , 35 have been swamped by water , affecting at least five thousand residents .

  7. 在玻利维亚亚马逊保护区土著抗议者冲破了警方的封锁,继续向主要城市拉巴斯行进。

    Indigenous protesters in the Bolivian Amazon have broken through a police blockade to continue a long-distance march on the main city La Paz .

  8. 一晚上费用不超过20美金,但问题是首先你需要考虑如何才能到达那里,从拉巴斯出发,你需要坐15个小时的巴士。

    A night should cost less than US $ 20 , but first you have to get there ; Uyuni is a15-hour bus ride from La Paz .

  9. 这项法令曾引爆了古柯种植者的普遍抗议,他们以梗阻年夜亚马逊河地域通往拉巴斯城首要干道的体例进行着抗议。

    The law triggered widespread protests by coca growers , who protested by blocking the main road to the city of La Paz from the Amazon region .

  10. 掀开法国历史的另一页,珍•拉巴斯担任艺术指导、弗兰西•贝诺•弗拉斯哥担任布景设计,在《欲望巴黎》里演绎出烹饪的完美境界。

    And from a different page in French history is the art direction of Jean Rabasse and the set decoration of Francoise Benoit Fresco that captured the culinary perfection of Vatel .

  11. 水源来自喜玛拉雅山脉及安第斯山脉的尼泊尔加德满都及玻利维亚拉巴斯,因全球变暖令冰川融化,使其食水供应受到威胁。

    Water supplies are becoming so acutely challenged that major cities such as Kathmandu and La Paz – fed by water from the Himalayan and Andes glaciers – will cease to exist in their current form .

  12. 教宗方济各对聚集在玻利维亚首都拉巴斯机场的数千名欢迎民众说,玻利维亚在鼓励各个阶层参与国家的经济、社会和政治生活方面正取得重要的进展。

    The pontiff told a crowd of thousands who gathered at the airport in the capital of La Paz that Bolivia is making important steps towards including broad sectors in the country 's economic , social and political life .