
  • 网络indian economy
  1. 印度经济的一些关键行业在去年末季裁减了逾50万员工。分析师们预计,今年印度国内生产总值(GDP)增幅将远低于5%,使印度的两位数增长希望彻底落空。

    Key sectors of the Indian economy shed more than half a million jobs in the final three months of last year , as analysts predict that gross domestic product growth will fall well below 5 per cent this year , firmly ending India 's double-digit growth hopes .

  2. 1914年以前铁路对印度经济的促进作用

    The Role of the Railway in Indian Economy Prior to 1914

  3. IMF每年发布两次的预测显示,印度经济增速有望超越中国,这将是16年来头一回。

    The twice-yearly forecast shows India is expected to outperform China in growth for the first time in 16 years .

  4. 修正的CES模型与印度经济增长分析

    Modified CES Model and Analysis of Economy Growth of India

  5. 印度经济还没有完全融入全球经济,其贸易或GDP增值还不高,吸引的外资率也非常低,比如和中国相比就是如此。

    It 's not integrated , trade or percentage of GDP is not terribly high , and foreign investment is extremely low in percentage terms , compared with China 's for example .

  6. 然而,尽管印度经济增长迅速,它仍只不过是一个次中量级选手,其国民生产总值仅为中国的三分之一,出口和双边外国直接投资(FDI)的流量尚不及奥地利。

    Though growing fast , it is still no more than a welterweight , with output only a third of China 's and exports and two-way foreign direct investment flows lower than Austria 's.

  7. 印度经济发展的特性反应出了印度社会的特性。

    The particularities of Indian development reflect particularities of Indian society .

  8. 印度经济已经开始显示出复苏迹象。

    The economy has started to show signs of recovery .

  9. 专利法修订与印度经济的国际接轨

    Amendment of and Linking of Indian Economy to the World

  10. 印度经济正在蓬勃发展,每一年都在出现越来越多,越来越富有的消费者。

    India is booming , creating more and richer consumers every year .

  11. 印度经济改革的成本和策略选择分析

    An Analysis on the Cost and Tactic choice of Indian Economic Reform

  12. 因此,也将有一对印度经济的连锁效应。

    So that will also have a cascading effect on Indian economy .

  13. 浅析印度经济增长的动力

    The Driving Force of Economic Growth : The Indian Case

  14. 中国和印度经济上的崛起引起外界越来越多的关注。

    The economic rise of China and India draws ever more attention .

  15. 英殖民统治对印度经济的影响

    The impact of the British rule on Indian economy

  16. 步履维艰的印度经济199091财政年度的回顾

    Walking stumbling : Indian economy in 1990 & 1991

  17. 印度经济对外开放战略选择

    Selection of the open door strategy in Indian economy

  18. ,您质疑印度经济的高增长率,能否保持下去?

    You have questions about whether this high rate of growth is sustainable ?

  19. 因此,能源价格冲击极其不利于印度经济稳定。

    So energy price shocks would be very destabilising .

  20. 第三亚欧大陆桥对印度经济发展的影响

    The Impact of the Third Asia-Euro Continental Bridge on India 's Economic Development

  21. 印度经济建设的成就和问题

    Achievements and problems in the economic construction of India

  22. 印度经济发展前景的数理分析

    Mathematic Analysis On The Prospects Of Indian Economic Development

  23. 印度经济体制改革与社会发展

    India 's Institutionalized Economic Reform and Social Development

  24. 印度经济和发展战略研究

    On Indian Economy and Its Economic Development Strategy

  25. 文化精神、制度变迁与经济增长&中国与印度经济比较的理论反思

    Cultural Spirit , Systematic Change and Economic Growth

  26. 今年,预计印度经济将增长8.5%左右。

    This year , it is expected to grow at about 8.5 per cent .

  27. 印度经济改革与发展的制度分析

    Institutional Analysis on Indian Economic Reform and Development

  28. 论自力更生与印度经济发展

    Self - reliance and economic development in India

  29. 虽然印度经济增长一直很强劲,但它的全国基础设施严重落后。

    While economic growth has been robust , its national infrastructure is severely underdeveloped .

  30. 制约印度经济发展的因素

    The Restriction Elements of India 's Economic Development