
  • 网络indian language
  1. “萨蒂扬(SATYAM)”一词在古老的印度语言梵语中的意思是“真实”。

    SATYAM means " truth " in Sanskrit , an ancient Indian language .

  2. 有个中国人,大学里学了四年的印度语言然后屁颠屁颠地去了印度。可他却沮丧地发现那里几乎没人说那种语言。

    A Chinese boy , after learning the Indian language for4 years in college went to India , but to his dismay , he found that few people there use that language .

  3. 小米的新产品小米4i比大多数竞品要贵,价格约为200美元。但是它支持6种印度语言,其本土设计师团队还在继续增加这个数量。

    Its new Mi 4i phone costs more than many rivals at about $ 200 , but supports six Indian languages , with local engineers working to increase that number .

  4. 稍后,由德国兄弟GRIMm和其他人所作的进一步研究显示大部分欧洲语言和一些印度语言有着一个共同的起源,现在被称为印欧语系。

    Further research , carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others , later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor , now known as Indo-European .

  5. 这和印度语言发音是一样吗?

    Does the same thing hold true in lndia ?

  6. 巴利语记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言。

    A prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana buddhism .

  7. 这是一个预览谷歌表明:键盘允许搜索,在14种印度语言版本。

    This is a preview of Google Indic keyboard allows for search in14 Indian languages .

  8. 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

    The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages .

  9. 我现在正在苦苦学习汉语普通话,我终于开始同意,北印度语言和欧洲语言的确十分相近。

    Now that I am struggling with Mandarin Chinese I finally start to appreciate how similar Northern Indian languages really are to European languages .

  10. 梵文梵语和许多现代印度语言书写用的字母系统瑜珈这个词源自梵语,意为合一。

    The alphabet in which Sanskrit and many modern Indian languages are written . The word YOGA comes from the Sanskrit language and means union .

  11. 作为回应,谷歌开发了印度语言音译技术,利用该技术,用户可以用普通的罗马字母键盘,模拟自己语言中单词的发音进行输入,接着这个单词就会转化成他们语言的书写体。

    In response , Google developed its Indic transliteration technology , in which users can type phonetic imitations of words in their language on an ordinary Roman alphabet keyboard that then appear in that language 's script .

  12. 冰岛拥有一个非常复杂的,过时的语法,是最古老的(还是口语)印度日耳曼语言。

    Icelandic has a highly complex , archaic grammar and is the oldest ( still spoken ) Indo-Germanic language .

  13. 没错,因为印度的官方语言是英语印度语。

    It 's true cause Indian Official Language is English and Hindi .

  14. .英语也是印度的官方语言。

    English is also the official language in India

  15. 英语是印度的官方语言,其影响力甚至比印地语还大得多。

    English is in fact India 's only national language , far more influential than even Hindi .

  16. 到20世纪早期,英语已经成为印度的官方语言和教学语言。

    To the20th century early time , English already became India 's official language and the teaching language .

  17. 他们的英语(印度的中产阶级语言)水平往往较差。

    Their English the language of India'smiddle class tends to be poor .

  18. 梵语主要作为印度宗教仪式的语言而使用,以诗歌和咒语的形式出现。

    Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras .

  19. 例如,因为印度有多种土著语言,将任何一种语言作为全国通用语,都会造成严重的问题,所以英语成为印度的通用语。

    For example , it became a lingua franca in India where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a whole country system problematic .

  20. 英语是印度的辅助官方语言,(而事实上其实际地位已经超过了官方语言)也是教育语言,同时也是印度的文学创作工具。

    English is used as a subsidiary official language ( in fact , its actual status has surpassed the official language ) , the educational language , and the tool of literature writing .

  21. 我们以梵语诵唱(在印度已然绝迹的语言,除了用作祷告和宗教学术研究之用),一如既往,我尝试做领唱者的声音镜子,接收有如一道道蓝光的音调。

    We are singing in Sanskrit , as always ( an ancient language that is extinct in India , except for prayer and religious study ) , and I 'm trying to become a vocal mirror for the voices of the lead singers , picking up their inflections like little strings of blue light .

  22. 随着英语在印度的发展,英语不可避免的受到了印度语言文化的影响,并经形成了与英国英语不同的独自的特点。

    With the development of English in India , the language was deeply influenced by Indian language and culture , and formed individual characteristic different from British English .