
dì èr rén chēng
  • second person
第二人称 [dì èr rén chēng]
  • [second person] 在记叙、抒情一类文章中,用你怎样怎样的口吻叙述,称为第二人称

  1. 因此,用第一人称复数指代B2B网站和第二人称指代读者能最好的实现B2B简介的人际功能。

    Therefore , the employment of first person pronoun to refer to B2B operating companies and second person pronoun to refer to users can best achieve the interpersonal function of B2B websites .

  2. 就像是第二人称“你”一样熟悉。

    It 's like the second person you 've known .

  3. 古代汉语第二人称代词三题

    Talk about the Secondary Personal Pronouns in Ancient Chinese from Three Aspects

  4. 俄语动词单数第二人称命令式的转义用法

    The Usage of Russian Verbs in its Second singular Form

  5. 广告语中第一和第二人称代词的语用指示功能

    Pragmatic and deictic function of first and second person pronouns in advertisements

  6. be的第二人称单数现在陈述语气动词。

    A second person singular present indicative of be .

  7. 伊作第二人称代词始于何时

    Time to Use Yi as a Second Person Pronoun

  8. 现代汉语第二人称代词人称泛化探讨

    A Discussion on the Reference Generality of Second Personal Pronouns in Modern Chinese

  9. 利用这四幅图,再以第二人称做这个练习。

    Make some sentences with the second personal pronoun .

  10. 你是第二人称代词。

    ' You ' is a second person pronoun .

  11. 广告第二人称礼貌指代标记

    Second Person Courteous Designation Labels in Ads

  12. 朝汉语的第二人称指示在这两个方面存在错综复杂的关系。

    The person deixis in Korean and Chinese has a complex relation at those two aspect .

  13. 语料中最为常见的主语是第二人称代词you;

    The most frequent Subject choice in our corpus is the second-person form " you " .

  14. 关于日语地方语中第二人称代词的形意差异

    On the Differences of the Second Personal Pronouns in Form and Meaning in Regional Japanese Dialects

  15. 话语中的第二人称通常被认为是对读者的直接称呼。

    The use of second person in discourse is traditionally considered as direct address to the reader .

  16. 使用感叹号、语气助词以及第一和第二人称代词;

    The usage of exclamatory marks , modal words and pronoun forms of first person and second person ;

  17. 秦简第二人称代词时间性和地域性研究

    The Study of the Timing and Geographical factors of the Second Personal Pronouns In Bamboo Slips of Qin Dynasty

  18. 还讨论了“第二人称+不能+Vp”句式的句法、语义(语用)特征。

    This article discusses the syntactic and semantic features of the structure of 2nd person + buneng + Vp .

  19. 第二人称代词若,用于关系非常亲密的人,作主语。

    The second personal pronoun " ru ò", which refers to the persons who are closely relationship , is as subject .

  20. 此处我们不考虑第二人称的复数变位,因为这种形式只在西班牙应用。

    In this website vosotros and vosotras are not going to be considered because these forms are just used in Spain .

  21. 最后,对日汉常用第二人称代词进行了对比分析,重点考察了在日汉互译时对人称代词的处理。

    Lastly , uses the frequent secondly personal pronouns to contrast and analyze how to deal with personal pronouns in translation .

  22. 第二人称代词作为称呼语在日常交际中的使用是社会语言学研究的重要课题之一。

    The study of the second person pronouns used as address terms in daily communication is one major subject in sociolinguistic studies .

  23. 其中,第二人称指示可以相对直观地表达出话语双方的辈分、关系、社会地位等属性。

    Among them , the second person deixis can relatively directly express the seniority , relation and social status between the talkers .

  24. 现代汉语祈使句最常见的主语形式是第二人称你/你们及其零形式。

    Imperative sentences in Modern Chinese often have the second person ni as their subjects , or they might be of zero-subject .

  25. 亲属对话体中以第二人称为称谓视点指称第三方亲属的研究用以加强第二人称的语气

    On Referring Third Party Relatives from the Viewpoint of Second-Person Appellation in Relative Dialogue ; used to emphasize the person or people addressed

  26. 本文所说的人称代词分为第一人称、第二人称、第三人称。

    The personal pronouns in this paper are classified into the first personal pronouns , the second personal pronouns and the third personal pronouns .

  27. 此格式用于第一第二人称,表达某一动作将要发生。

    This pattern is used in the first or second person to express an action which is going to take place in the future .

  28. 他在这两个方面的成功试验,特别是在第二人称方面的试验,达到了奇特的叙述效果。

    Both of the two experiments prove to be successful , especially the experiment on narration in the second person , which has produced peculiar effects .

  29. 第二人称代词“你”在典型交际环境和非典型交际环境中有一系列各自不同的用法,如确定指称、不定指称、虚指等等。

    In modern Chinese , second personal pronoun " you " can be differently used to denote meanings , such as defined denotation , non-defined denotation .

  30. 第二人称主语的使用表明了演讲者希望毕业生能够主动承担责任,而这种对毕业生的直接称呼有利于提高毕业生的参与性。

    The second personal pronoun subject shows that speakers expect graduates to shoulder the responsibility willingly and this direct call can improve the involvement of graduates .