
  • 网络Quaternary;Q4ml
  1. Dacrydium花粉在云南第四系的发现

    On the discovery of Quaternary Dacrydium pollen from Yunnan

  2. 研究了第四系底部黏土层在水体下采煤中的作用,认识到当底黏厚度大于3m时,上部含水层对工作面充水量很小。

    The functions of clay layer under Quaternary in under-water mining is studied , and when thickness of clay layer is larger than 3m , work face water inrush quantity is very little from upper water bearing layer .

  3. 吉林西部地区第四系潜水水质影响因素的R型因子分析

    Application of R-mode Analysis in Determining Influencing Factors of Quaternary Unconfined Groundwater Quality in West Area of Jilin Province

  4. 河北平原第四系深层地下水~(36)Cl同位素年龄的研究

    Chlorine-36 Age Study for Deep Groundwater of Quaternary Sediments , Hebei Plain

  5. 珠江三角洲第四系软土层DTM初步研究

    The mollisol layers digital terrain model of the Pearl River delta

  6. 江苏南通QC5孔第四系碎屑矿物特征及其地质意义

    Features and geological significance of Quaternary detrital minerals from hole qc_5 in Nantong of Jiangsu Province

  7. 用concurrence下限来计算纠缠度.第四系下限的探讨

    A lower bound of concurrence is proposed to calculate the entanglement . A DISCUSSION ON THE LOWER LIMIT OF THE QUATERNARY

  8. 基于ERDAS研究华北平原第四系黏土微观孔隙分形特征

    Microcosmic Pore Fractal Characteristic of the Quaternary Clay in the North China Plain Based on ERDAS

  9. 中国已发现的生物气藏分布于第四系&白垩系,埋深小于2000m,生物气藏类型比较简单。

    Biogenic gas pools discovered in China are stored in Quaternary-Cretaceous . Their pool types are simple and the buried depth is less than 2000m .

  10. 以上海市区第V承压含水层(埋深约350m)以上的整个第四系松散沉积层为研究体,将上海地下水系统作为一个完整且不可分割的系统来研究。

    Taking the sediment of the Quaternary system above the 5th confined aquifer , 350m under the ground around Shanghai city , as the target body to be studied as whole system for groundwater .

  11. 在呼市草原古隆起带,第四系地层沉积较薄,地下1~5m即为安山岩,玄武岩和火山碎屑岩,找水有一定难度。

    Water research is rather difficult in the ancient uplift zone in Hulun Buir steppe , because of thin Quaternary deposit , and andesite , basalt and pyroclastic rocks just 1-5m below surface .

  12. 我国沿海地区的第四系厚度变化较大,一般为30-450m。

    The thickness of Quaternary has large variation thickness which is generally 30-450m along the coast in China .

  13. 次缝位于主缝上盘,具有北倾北降的正断裂性质,并与主缝断裂呈丫字型构造,在深度300~500m处的第四系内与主缝汇合。

    The secondary fissure , located on the upfaulted block of the major fissure , has the normal fault property with north dip and north downthrown , and merges into the major fissure with Y-shaped distribution at depth 300-500m in Quaternary system .

  14. 浅部岩溶发育,覆盖层厚度一般小于20m,土洞较多,基岩面起伏大,第四系岩性结构复杂,地下水埋藏浅。

    Karst is developed in the shallow part and the thickness of covered layer is less than 20 meters . At the same time , earth cave is very often seen , bedrock is fluctuate , lithological texture of Quaternary is complex and the water level of groundwater is .

  15. 结合理论计算和数值模拟结果以及地面电法勘探认为:①蔡园煤矿第四系地层底界面深度在90~105m之间变化,全区相对稳定;

    This paper obtained many results based on the theoretic calculating , numerical simulation and proving with electrical method as following : ① The depth of Quaternary System 's bottom interface is 90-105m , and stable relatively in all the area .

  16. 平原内第四系地下水(Q4-Q1)从补给区到排泄区的87Sr/86Sr比值随着距离(年龄)增大而系统增大。

    The groundwater from Quaternary sediments ( Q4-Q1 ) in the plain shows a systematic increase in 87Sr / 86Sr ratio with the increasing distance and age from the recharge area to the discharge area of the plain .

  17. 根据ES-1225浅层地震仪在国家多项交通重点工程中的应用研究,认为浅层地震反射波法在桥位工程地质勘察中可以解决:划分和研究第四系地层;

    According to the application of ES 1225 shallow seismic detector in many large national communications engineers , the author suggests that the below problems can be solved with shallow earthquake reflection shooting . Division and investigation of the quaternary formation .

  18. 第四系覆盖区元素地球化学制图方法新探讨

    Method of element geochemical map production used in Quaternary cover areas

  19. 江西省湖口&彭泽地区第四系研究新进展

    New progress in Quaternary study in HUKOU-PENGZE area , jiangxi Province

  20. 东亚和东南亚第四系时间界面的建议

    Proposed time lines for Quaternary correlation in East and Southeast Asia

  21. 浙江第四系天然气概况

    A Survey of Natural Gas in the Quaternary of Zhejiang Province

  22. 青岛市市区第四系层序的划分

    Division of Quaternary stratigraphic sequence in the urban area of Qingdao

  23. 洞庭盆地第四系生物气地质特征及远景分析

    Geological characteristics of Quaternary biogas in Dongting Basin and its prospects

  24. 柴达木盆地第四系介形类化石带与磁性柱

    Quaternary ostracode zones and magneto stratigraphic profile in the Qaidam Basin

  25. 人为活动条件下河北平原第四系地下水系统的演变

    Evolution of Quaternary Groundwater System in Hebei Plain under human activities

  26. 北京平原区第四系划分及其下限问题

    The subdivision of Quaternary and its lower boundary in Beijing Plain

  27. 浏阳市城区第四系及其基底地质和工程地质

    Basement geology and engineering geology forthe urban Quaternary of Liuyang City

  28. 综合物探在第四系地质勘察中的应用

    Application of synthetic geophysical prospecting in geological survey of Quaternary system

  29. 广西北海市第四系工程地质特征

    Engineering geology characteristics of Quaternary System in Beihai city , guangxi

  30. 试论柴达木盆地第四系盖层的封盖机理

    The discussion upon sealing mechanism of Quaternary caprock in Qaidam Basin