
  • 网络fold system
  1. 吉黑褶皱系控制着双鸭山矿区挤压剪切构造、构造煤的分布,主要以EW向展布为主。

    Jilin and Heilongjiang fold system controls Shuangyashan Mining compression shear structures , the distribution of deformed coal , and mainly show the EW fabric .

  2. 该剪切带构成了辽西地区华北地台与内蒙兴安褶皱系两个构造单元重要分界线。剪切带从东至西,构造线方位由EW向逐渐转向NEE至NE向。

    The ductile shear zone demarcates between the North China Platform in West Liaoning and Xing ' an fold system in Inner Mongolia , which from E to W the direction of structure line gradually transited from EW to NEE , then NE .

  3. 结果表明:在塔里木地台及西伯利亚地台边缘,Q0值较高,为300~450;而在南部的西昆仑褶皱系、松潘甘孜褶皱系,Q0呈现出低值,在150~250的范围内变化;

    The results indicate that Q 0 was higher ( 300 ~ 450 ) in the Tarim platform and the edges of Siberian platform , while Q 0 was lower ( 150 ~ 250 ) in the southern regions as west Kunlun fold system and Songpan Ganzi fold system .

  4. 秦岭地槽褶皱系的多旋回成矿作用

    A preliminary study on the polycyclic mineralization in Qinling geosynclinal fold system

  5. 大兴安岭地槽褶皱系岩金找矿远景分析

    Gold prospecting in Da Xing'anling geosynclinal folded system , China

  6. 研究区位于北祁连褶皱系内。

    Research area is located in Qilian fold system .

  7. 广东大地构造位于华南加里东地槽褶皱系。

    Tectonically , Guangdong is located in the south China Caledonian Geosynclinal Folded System .

  8. 湘西北西向褶皱系的发育特征及其研究意义

    The features and its significances of NW bearing fold structure system , western Hunan

  9. 三江褶皱系上三叠统的类型及对比

    Sedimentary types and stratigraphical correlation of the upper Triassic of the Sanjiang fold system

  10. 东苏旗南部处于内蒙古中部地槽褶皱系。

    The south Dongsuqi is located in the geosynclinal fold system of Middle Inner Mongolia .

  11. 西伯利亚地台西南缘加里东褶皱系中,金矿床发育有两种建造类型:a。

    There are two kinds of gold-deposit formations within Caledonian foldsystem in the southwest of Siberian platform : a.

  12. 对南华褶皱系东西部磁性显著差异的认识

    The cognition of the striking magnetic difference between the eastern and the western parts of Nanhua Fold System

  13. 景洪水电站处于三江褶皱系南部、澜沧江断裂带南段地区。

    The Jinghong Hydropower Station is located in the southern of Sanjiang fold system and the south section of Lancangjiang fault .

  14. 黑刺沟金矿位于秦祁昆地槽褶皱系南祁连地向斜构造带的西段。

    Heicigou gold deposit is regionally located at the western section of the southern Qilian geosyncline of QinlingQilianKunlunshan mountain fold system .

  15. 毛集&二郎坪断陷带中的主体构造格架是复式倒转褶皱系。

    The main structural framework of the Maoji Erlangping down faulted zone in Henan is represented by a composite overturned fold system .

  16. 印度板块、塔里木盆地、东欧地块、西伯利亚地台、华北地块、扬子地台、东南沿海褶皱系均表现突出。

    Some blocks are more obvious as India plate , Tarim basin east Europe block , Siberian plate , North-China block , Yangtze , etc.

  17. 构造、岩浆、矿点的分形统计结果显示盖层褶皱系是岩浆就位的主要场所;

    The statistics of the fractal calculation of structure , magma and ore deposits revealed that it was fold that controlled the emplacement of magma .

  18. 三江褶皱系是中三叠世末主印支褶皱幕形成的一个早期印支褶皱系。

    The Sanjiang fold system is an Early Indosinian fold system formed in the principal Indosinian fold phase at the end of the Middle Triassic .

  19. 中生代火山岩的基底主要为加里东褶皱系,其上还有华力西&印支期沉积盖层;

    The basement of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Fujian Province is mainly in the Caledonian fold system and is laid over the Variscan-Indosinian sedimental cover .

  20. 扬子地台北缘与秦岭褶皱系的南缘,自东向西分布着3个三级构造单元。

    Three third grade tectonic units are distributed between north margin of Yangtze Platform and southern margin of Qinling folding belt from east to west .

  21. 新疆地区有五个大地构造单元,它们是阿尔泰褶皱系、准噶尔褶皱系、天山褶皱系,塔里木地台和西昆仑褶皱系。

    There are five tectonic units in this region , i.e.Altay fold system , Jungar fold system , Tianshan fold system , Tarim Platform , and western Kunlun fold system .

  22. 川东北地区位于扬子地块的北缘,其北与秦岭造山带、西与龙门山逆冲带、东南部与华南褶皱系毗邻。

    Northeast Regional Of Sichuan lies in the north of Qingling and Yangzi Block , abus Longmen mountain thrust nappe tectonics in west , abuts South China fold systerm in Southeast .

  23. 祁连褶皱系钨成矿与老地块密切相关,这些老地块富钨,为成矿提供了部分物质来源。

    The ore-formation of wolfram in Qilian fold system is closely related to the old blocks which are abundant in wolfram and provided part of wolfram for the formation of ore deposits .

  24. 栾川地处华北地台南缘与秦岭褶皱系北侧的衔接部位,成矿地质条件十分有利,有色金属矿产资源十分丰富。

    Luanchuan is situated on the concatenate place between the North China platform south border and Qinling Mountain fold system north side , ore geologic condition is highly profitable , abound in mineral resources of nonferrous metal .

  25. 由软流层变化及断裂分布,认为扬子准地台和华南褶皱系两大构造单元的分界位于茶陵&永兴断裂附近。

    According to the variation of the asthenosphere and the distribution of the fault system , it is suggested that the border between the Yangtze paraplatform and the Southern China fold system is near the Chaling-Yongxing fault zone .

  26. 宝鸡市大地构造位于中朝准地台与祁连褶皱系及秦岭褶皱系的交接部位,地质构造、地理环境复杂,属地质灾害多发、易发区,在未来地震作用下会诱发一系列的地质灾害。

    Baoji situates at the junction of Sino-Korean paraplatform , Qilian fold system and the Qinling fold system . It has complex geological structure and geographical environment , which leads to an area with many and prone geological disasters , especially under the action of the next possible earthquake .

  27. 矿床位于华南褶皱系之武夷山褶皱带中的中武夷山隆起区西缘南段,付坊花岗岩体西缘、会同花岗岩体北东缘与震旦纪洪山组片麻岩、片岩接触带伟晶岩密集区。

    The deposit is located at the southwest of Wuyi upwelling region of Wuyi fold belt in the South China fold system , the pegmatite concentration districts among the west of Fufang granite , the northeast of Huitong granite , gneiss , schist of Hongshan formation of Sinian Period .

  28. 区域地壳结构有基底结晶岩系(新太古界)和褶皱岩系(中新元古界),盖层为古生界,自上震旦统至二叠系基本连续出露。

    The crustal components in the region include : late Archean crystallization basement , middle-late Proterozoic fold series and Paleozoic cover of upper Sinian to Permian stratigraphic system .

  29. 龙洞湾多金属矿床大地构造处于昆仑秦岭褶皱区秦岭褶皱系礼县-柞水-海西地槽褶皱带中部。

    The Longdongwan polymetallic ore deposit geostructure is in middle the Kunlun Mountains Qinling folded region Qinling system of fold Li xian-Zashui Haixi geosyncline belt of folded strata .

  30. 华力西&印支期发展演化为裂陷带,并褶皱造山使裂陷带南北向大规模收缩,形成复式倒转褶皱系。

    During the Hercynian-Indochina epoch the marginal fault depression basin developed into a fault zone with strong press of north-south direction and formed a folded chain consisting of inverted composite fold system .