
  • 网络Dinar;kwd;iqd;tnd
  1. 塞尔维亚第纳尔(货币代码CSD)是塞尔维亚的官方货币。

    The Serbian dinar ( currency code CSD ) is the official currency of Serbia .

  2. 科索沃和Metohia和Montenegro省在它们和塞尔维亚共同使用南斯拉夫第纳尔之前,在2004年以前都多年使用欧元。

    The autonomous province Kosovo and Metohia and Montenegro have both been using the euro for several years as of2004 , prior to which they shared the Yugoslav dinar with Serbia .

  3. 也门里尔或也门第纳尔(货币代码YER)是也门的货币。

    The Yemeni rial or Yemeni riyal is the currency of Yemen .

  4. 马其顿的第纳尔(货币代码为MKD)是马其顿的官方通用货币。

    The Macedonian denar ( currency code MKD ) is the official currency of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia .

  5. 欧元以及南斯拉夫第纳尔共为科索沃的官方货币。

    The euro and the Yugoslav dinar are both accepted currencies in Kosovo .

  6. 她想要一件40第纳尔的毛衣!

    She wanted a sweater for40 dinars !

  7. 货币-塞尔维亚第纳尔和欧元

    Currency C Serbian Dinar and euro

  8. 中鼎国际以每天680第纳尔的薪水聘用了一些阿尔及利亚的焊工、抡大锤的人和木匠。

    ZIEC employs a few Algerian welders , steel drivers or carpenters at 680 dinars a day .

  9. 她说,参加该计划的人在三个月里每天能赚到相当于十美元的伊拉克货币第纳尔。

    She says participants are paid the Iraqi dinar equivalent of $ 10 a day for a three-month period .

  10. 它是继科威特第纳尔,马耳他里拉,巴林第纳尔之后世界第四位的价值最高的货币。

    It is the fourth highest valued currency after the Kuwaiti Dinar , Maltese Lira , and the Bahraini dinar .

  11. 到1994年内战后,也门第纳尔被取消,里尔成为唯一的官方货币。

    However , after the civil war of1994 the Yemeni dinar was demonitized and the rial remained the only official currency .

  12. 1990年南北也门合并后,北方的里尔和南方的第纳尔都是合法货币。

    After the union between North and South Yemen in1990 both the northern rial and the southern dinar remained legal tender .

  13. 人类高矮各异,最矮的有南非的矮人族,最高的有波斯尼亚、西伯利亚、和克罗地亚使用第纳尔货币的民族。

    We vary in size from the smallest pygmies of South Africa to the tallest Dinaric people of Bosnia , Serbia and Croatia .

  14. 荒芜的第纳尔星区出产的尖啸螳螂因他们的大气层和深空飞行能力而被虫族同化。

    The mantis screamers of the desolate Dinares sector were assimilated into the swarm as the mutalisks due to their ability for atmospheric and deep space travel .

  15. 这座教堂叫圣索菲亚教堂,在1000第纳尔的马其顿钞票上可以看到这座教堂的图样。数百年来,奥赫里德本身一向被称为巴尔干半岛的耶路撒冷。

    This one , St. Sofia 's is on the country 's 1000 denar banknote , and thecity itself for centuries was known as the Jerusalem of the Balkans .

  16. 科威特内政大臣威胁对那些被抓住在公共场合进食或鼓励别人如此做的,要罚款100第纳尔(合356美元)或者一个月监禁。

    The Kuwaiti interior ministry threatened a100 dinar ( $ 356 ) fine or one month imprisonment for anyone caught eating in public or encouraging others to do so before dusk .

  17. 根据公报上刊登的价格清单,租用一名警察用于维护财产运输或体育赛事安全的价格为每小时300第纳尔(约合4.5美元)。

    According to a detailed price list published in the official gazette , the cost of hiring a policeman to guard money transports or sports events would be300 dinars ( $ 4.50 ) an hour .

  18. 现在,由于美元贬值,他不得不调整受聘人员的薪酬,改成以前往工作地的货币支付,无论是沙特阿拉伯里亚尔、科威特第纳尔、阿联酋迪拉姆还是其他货币。

    Now , because of the weakening of the dollar , he has to fix his recruits ' pay in Saudi riyals , Kuwaiti dinars , UAE dirhams or whatever the currency is of the country to which the worker is going .