
qīn mì ɡuān xì
  • intimacy
  1. 建立亲密关系是需要时间的。

    It takes time to build up intimacy .

  2. Michael正在调查有争议的话题,比如团队以及组织中的亲密关系。

    Michael is researching controversial topics like intimacy in teams , and organizations .

  3. 我想和我的团队之间建立亲密关系。

    I wanted to build a relationship with my team .

  4. 在一些年轻人中,给朋友的名字加上"狗"就有了亲密关系的意思。

    Among some young people , adding " dog " to a friend 's name has the meaning of a close relationship .

  5. Long-distancerelationship(LDR)指双方相隔距离遥远,但却保有亲密关系的状况,也就是我们所说的“异地恋”或“远程恋爱”。

    A long-distance relationship ( LDR ) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance .

  6. 在这个阶段中,年轻人经过了青春期的身份认同,开始准备与他人建立亲密关系:一旦人们确立了身份认同,他们就做好了对他人付出长期承诺的准备了。

    Once people have established their identities , they are ready to make long-term commitments to others .

  7. 成人依恋的测量:亲密关系经历量表(ECR)中文版

    Measuring Adult Attachment : Chinese Adaptation of the ECR Scale

  8. 您的公司是否通过产品创新(例如IBM)、客户亲密关系(例如Amazon.com)、或者操作良好(例如FederalExpress)而占据首要地位呢?

    Are you a company dominated primarily by product innovation ( IBM ), client intimacy ( Amazon . com ), or operational excellence ( Federal Express )?

  9. Zia女士说美国公众还批评美国政客与中国发展亲密关系。

    Ms. Zia says the American public also criticizes US politicians for developing close relationships with China .

  10. Horney,Sullivan和Rogers等临床心理学家很早发现亲密关系对心理健康有重要作用。

    Some clinic psychologists , such as Horney , Sullivan & Rogers found very early that intimate relationships have an effect on mental health .

  11. 丹麦奥胡斯大学(AarhusUniversity)的教授乔安娜嬠布特(JohannaSeibt)表示,人脑的特点意味着,我们不得不将机器人视为其他人(至少是活着的动物),我们与它们的亲密关系迅速增进。

    The nature of the human brain means that we cannot help treating robots as other people - or at least as living animals - to which we quickly grow attached , said Prof Seibt .

  12. Curocom加拿大公司和康博士实验室的亲密关系将极大的加速该疫苗项目的商业化进程。

    The close proximity of the Curocom facility to Kang 's laboratory at Western will significantly accelerate commercialization of the vaccine program .

  13. Bowen(19761978)提出的自我分化概念是指能够成功地在重要的人际关系中平衡自我意识独立和维持与重要他人亲密关系的能力,属于环境因素范畴。

    Bowen ( 1966 ) indicate differentiation of self is the ability to balance achieving an autonomous sense of self and maintaining close connections with important others . It belong to category of environmental factors .

  14. Snapchat当下已经涉足的多个领域皆是谷歌的兴趣所在。此次投资必然给谷歌一个和Snapchat缔结更亲密关系的机会。

    An investment in Snapchat opens the door for a closer relationship with a buzzy startup that is expanding into several areas of interest for Alphabet .

  15. 方法:采用两种常用的成人依恋量表&关系问卷(RQ)和亲密关系经历量表(ECR),对住院接受非肠道手术的50名患者进行依恋类型的测量。

    Methods : Two widely used adult attachment measurements & Relationship Questionnaire ( RQ ) and Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory ( ECR ) - are administered to 50 surgery patients in a hospital .

  16. 为了促进在中国开展有关成人依恋的研究,对目前国外该领域中广泛采用的标准成人依恋量表亲密关系经历量表(ECR)进行了中文版修订。

    To promote research on adult attachment in China , the " Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory ( ECR )", a scale widely used and considered as the " standard " one in USA , was adapted into Chinese .

  17. 在犹太族人地区,对于亲密关系的看法的角度更是与众不同。

    This is most apparent in Judaism 's approach to intimacy .

  18. 亲密关系中的日常冲突常常会影响关系的质量,解决不好可能会导致关系恶化。

    Daily conflicts may affect and ultimately exacerbate the intimate relationships .

  19. 这里主要探讨了其中的三个问题:(一)亲密关系问题。

    Three issues are explored here : ( 1 ) Intimacy .

  20. 玩笑使叙述者和听众之间建立了一种亲密关系。

    Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer .

  21. 蒙古人与马的亲密关系是其制霸的基石

    The cornerstone of the Mongolian supremacy was their relationship with horses

  22. 由于婚姻或收养产生的亲密关系;没有血缘关系。

    Kinship by marriage or adoption ; not a blood relationship .

  23. 亲密关系的外显与内隐测量及其相互关系

    Explicit and Implicit Measures of Intimate Relationships and Their Association

  24. 大五模型与亲密关系中的伴侣人格结构探微

    Five-Factor Model and Analysis on Partner 's Personality Structures in Intimate Relationships

  25. 我妻子很享受与父母及姐姐之间的亲密关系。

    My wife enjoys a strong relationship with her parents and sister .

  26. 它是人与上帝亲密关系的见证。

    It is proof of man 's kinship with God .

  27. 对床虱的恐惧也进一步危及了亲密关系。

    The fear of bedbugs is also heightening intimacy tensions .

  28. 无能甚至有助于解释委内瑞拉与古巴的亲密关系。

    Incompetence even helps explain the closeness of Venezuelan ties with Cuba .

  29. 以回避或不能建立亲密关系为特征的。

    Marked by withdrawal and inability to form close relationships .

  30. 个人与个人祖先之间的亲密关系。

    The kinship relation between an individual and the individual 's progenitors .