
qīn qiè gǎn
  • Intimacy;familiarity;Affability;kinship
  1. 评语中指出:iPod跳脱大家对于高科技产品冰冷的印象,透过伟大的创新与出色的设计,带来产品新的亲切感与热情。

    Reviews that : iPod escape from all high-tech products for the cold impression , through the great innovation and excellent design , bringing a new sense of intimacy and passion products .

  2. 既然失去了陌生感,就为亲切感腾出了地方。

    And with the loss of strangeness , there was space for intimacy .

  3. 她明显地感到对这个女人有一种亲切感。

    She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman .

  4. HallmarkCards还能定制贺卡,方法是直接将打印好问候语的贺卡寄给收件人&不过这种做法少了点亲切感。

    Its way of personalizing cards is to send them directly to recipients with a message typed inside & a method that isnt as personal .

  5. HallmarkCards还能定制贺卡,方法是直接将打印好问候语的贺卡寄给收件人——不过这种做法少了点亲切感。

    Its way of personalizing cards is to send them directly to recipients with a message typed inside -- a method that isn 't as personal .

  6. 最好的“反应”GIF——那些被用来把人的表情插入在线交谈的GIF——给人带来情绪上的亲切感和视觉上的惊喜。

    The best " reaction " GIFs - those chosen to inject human expression in online conversation - feel both emotionally familiar and visually surprising .

  7. 11、手写的信件会增加一份亲切感。

    11 . Handwriting letters to people adds a personal touch .

  8. 她想借此表现人生中“亲切感”。

    She hoped thereby to convey the " immediacy " of existence .

  9. 对于这种味道,他还是有一种亲切感的。

    He is so familiar to this kind of smell .

  10. 他对学生们来说很有亲切感。

    He is very kind and approachable to the students .

  11. 我对芝加哥这个地方非常有亲切感,因为我的父母在那里相遇。

    I have soft spot for Chicago because my parents met there .

  12. 极左翼似乎保留着对莫斯科的传统亲切感。

    The extreme left seems to have retained its traditional affinity for Moscow .

  13. 顾客当然很喜欢原先那个僻静地方,以及那种亲切感。

    But of course customers like the nooks and crannies , the intimacy .

  14. 她喜欢和菲利普在一起的那种亲切感。

    She enjoyed the familiarity of being with phillip .

  15. 而男人们总是在侧坐的交谈中找到亲切感。

    Men tend to get intimacy from side-by-side doing .

  16. 因为曾经去过印度,就对印度有着无比的亲切感。

    Because having been to India , I was a tremendous affinity for India .

  17. 其自然的亲切感大大增强了他们的联络,因为他们可以互相信任。

    Their natural intimacy greatly enhances their liaison because they can trust each other .

  18. 我对这个地方却有一种特殊的亲切感。

    I still have a special friendly felling .

  19. 它给了你一种友好的亲切感,甚至是一种自我认同。

    It gives a feeling of friendly familiarity , even a sense of identity .

  20. 我想让客厅更具亲切感。

    I want to personalize this livingroom .

  21. 我对这个称呼没有任何的亲切感或者怀念感。

    I did not call any of this , or miss the sense of cordiality .

  22. 女人们从面对面的交谈中获得了亲切感,

    Women get intimacy from face-to-face talking .

  23. 然而,近百年来音乐评论家和音乐史学家们对这类乐曲却少有亲切感。

    Music commentators and historians in recent centuries have felt less at home in such company .

  24. 该青年对其他地区的华人没有亲切感,是可以理解的。

    It is understandable that the young man feels no affinity to the Chinese people elsewhere .

  25. 因为只有这种环境,学生才有安全感、亲切感。

    Because only this kind of environment , the student just have a safety , benignity .

  26. 是教师在身教、言教等育人行为中所体现出来的让学生感受到的亲切感及信赖感。

    The affinity is the kindness and faithfulness that the student feel through teachers teaching action ;

  27. 情商、社会礼仪、亲切感正是这类人所缺乏的。

    Emotional intelligence , social graces , friendliness are just some of the things these people lack .

  28. 这里是雅典城最古老的一部分,让我有种亲切感。

    It is the oldest part of the city ; it has an intimate feel to it .

  29. 看到此碑,中国游客心中顿生亲切感。

    Seeing this tablet , the cordial sense that the Chinese visitor gives birth suddenly in the heart .

  30. 有意思的是,我读了你的书中一小段,我有种朦朦胧胧的的亲切感。-

    It 's funny , because I read an article on your book and it sounded vaguely familiar .