
qīn jiě mèi
  • Siblings;biological sisters
  1. 她们俩处得好像亲姐妹一样。

    The two of them were as intimate as sisters .

  2. 你和marissa就像亲姐妹一样。

    You and Marissa are already like sisters .

  3. 凯茜待我像亲姐妹一样。

    Cathy was like a sister to me .

  4. 再怎么说你们都是亲姐妹,我希望你们像姐妹一样相亲相爱,知道了么?

    You are sisters . I expect you to behave like sisters , is that understood ?

  5. 哈维兰和同为奥斯卡影后的琼·芳登是亲姐妹,但两人的关系势同水火。

    De Havilland was the sister of fellow Oscar winner Joan Fontaine , with whom she had a troubled relationship .

  6. 据初步了解,与货运火车相撞的皮卡车内是两对夫妻。两名女子系亲姐妹,在车祸中当场身亡,另两名男子被消防人员救出后紧急送医。

    Two couples were in the crashed pick-up : the women , who died in the accident , are sisters , while the two men were sent to hospital with the help of firefighters .

  7. 我最要好的一个朋友待我亲如姐妹。

    My best friend has been like a sister to me .

  8. 凯茜是个很好的伙伴,我们亲如姐妹。

    Kathy is a great mate , we are like sisters

  9. 尤丽亚:唔,我们是朋友、队友、亲如姐妹,彼此相爱。

    Yulia : Well , we 're friends , group mates , almost sisters and we love each other .

  10. 即使她们不能看见,不能拥抱彼此,她们还是亲如姐妹。

    They are friends and get along with each other as if they are sisters though they can not see and hug .

  11. 我的亲兄弟姐妹和堂表兄弟姐妹听我讲起这笔交易,都说我买这只哨子付了四倍的钱。

    My brothers and sisters and cousins , when I told of the bargain I had made , said I had given four times as much as the whistle was worth .

  12. 换句话说,他们是你父母的亲兄弟亲姐妹的孩子。

    In other words , they are the children of your aunts and uncles . Second Cousin