
  • 网络raw fox skin
  1. 该机器是专门用于对狐狸皮、貂皮进行皮板剖干铲软处理的专用设备。

    This machine is specially designed for shaving fox skin and mink to dry and soft .

  2. 他穿了件乳白和银色相间的天鹅绒上衣,以及滚着黑狐狸皮边的灰色丝披风,脸上则挂着一惯的嘲弄笑容。

    He wore a slashed velvet doublet in cream-and-silver , a grey silk cloak trimmed with black fox , and his customary mocking smile .

  3. 嘉兴市的工厂加工各类动物的皮毛,其中比较昂贵的有狐狸皮和貂皮,而比较便宜的是兔皮和其他哺乳动物的皮毛。

    Factories in Jiaxing process a variety of animal pelts , from the expensive furs of foxes and martens to more affordable types like rabbits and other common mammals .

  4. 车夫想到狐狸的皮可以赚钱,于是拎起它的尾巴,将它扔进了马车后面一大堆鱼中间。

    The cart man , tempted1 by the idea of making some extra money by selling the fox 's fur , picked up the animal by its tail and threw it into the back of the cart among the fish .

  5. 全无障碍的实际环境狐狸除了皮,旁的全无用。

    Barrier-free physical environment You can have no more of the fox than the skin .

  6. 剥兔子、狐狸等的皮。

    Skin a rabbit , fox , etc.