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  • flying fox;fox bat
  1. 狐蝠的生育能力非常强;果子结得多的梨树。

    Flying foxes are extremely prolific ; a prolific pear tree .

  2. 狐蝠对森林生态系统的作用

    Important role of flying foxes ( Megachiroptera ) to forest ecosystem

  3. 唯一的选择似乎是用狐蝠。

    It seemed the only alternative was to use the flying fox .

  4. 研究人员发现狐蝠性成功的秘密。

    Researchers have discovered a secret of sexual success for flying foxes .

  5. 但是,志愿兵从未在这种情况下使用过狐蝠。

    But the volunteers had not used it in this type of situation .

  6. 或许灵长类动物是由于前一天晚上舔食了经狐蝠舔食过的水果而得病。

    Perhaps the primates catch the disease from fruit licked by fruit bats during the previous night .

  7. 白天,它们生活在巨大的栖息地或营地里,住着多达10万只狐蝠。

    During the day , they live in huge colonies or camps housing up to 100000 flying foxes .

  8. 经确认,狐属狐蝠科的果蝠是这一病毒的天然宿主。

    The natural host of the virus has been identified as being fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family , Pteropus genus .

  9. 做好环境保护工作推动梨树经济发展狐蝠的生育能力非常强;果子结得多的梨树。

    Do a Good Job of Environmental Protection to Promote Economy Development of Lishu County flying foxes are extremely prolific ; a prolific pear tree .

  10. 狐蝠是从高架的绳子的滑轮上悬下来的座椅,很像水手使用的在船与船之间进行人员转移的装置。

    The " fox " was a seat suspended by pulleys from an overhead rope , much like the device sailors use to transfer men between ships .

  11. 一些环境因素(如干扰以及与栖息群的距离)影响狐蝠一些行为(如不安、身体护理和哈欠)的表达。

    Some environmental factors like disturbance and distance from the colony center had an effect on behavioral factors like ' uneasiness ', ' body care ' and yawning .

  12. 最后,一个多小时之后,休斯转过来对罗杰斯说,“我们没有选择了,老兄”,他说着并扶着这位巴士司机坐上狐蝠。

    Finally , after more than an hour , Hughes turned to Rogers ," We don 't have a choice , mate ," he said , helping the bus driver into the fox .

  13. 果蝠特别是狐蝠科的旧大陆果蝠,主要以水果、花蜜等植物性食物为食,这些食物往往蛋白质含量很低且缺少许多生物体必须的营养元素比如脂溶性维生素等。

    Old World fruit bats ( Pteropodidae ) feed mainly on fruit , flowers , nectar and pollen , the diets which are thought to be poor in protein and especially poor in essential nutrients like fat-soluble vitamins .