
tóu piào
  • vote;poll;ballot;cast;cast a vote
投票 [tóu piào]
  • [vote;cast a vote] 选举或表决时,把表示自己意向的票投入票箱

投票[tóu piào]
  1. 他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。

    He 's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote .

  2. 投票权应当是人人享有的合法权利。

    The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all .

  3. 投票结果将于明天公布。

    The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow .

  4. 董事们刚刚投票同意给他们自己大幅度提高工资。

    The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase .

  5. 他们投票决定把这项建议留到下次会议讨论。

    They voted to table the proposal until the following meeting .

  6. 只有60%的符合资格的投票人行使了选举权。

    Only 60 % of eligible voters actually used their vote .

  7. 请发短信到此号码参加投票。

    Send a text message to this number to vote .

  8. 他们以投票方式决定谁先走。

    They took a vote on who should go first .

  9. 只有约半数的选民参加了投票。

    Only about half of the electorate bothered to vote .

  10. 你可以亲自投票或请人代理。

    You can vote either in person or by proxy .

  11. 工会要求会员对所提议的变革进行无记名投票。

    The union balloted its members on the proposed changes .

  12. 十人投票赞成,五人反对,两人弃权。

    Ten people voted in favour , five against and two abstained .

  13. 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。

    I urge the house to vote against the motion .

  14. 两家公司合并的建议已于昨日投票通过。

    A proposal to merge the two companies was voted through yesterday .

  15. 作为有利害关系的一方,我不得投票。

    As an interested party , I was not allowed to vote .

  16. 在你们国家多大才有资格投票选举呢?

    When are you eligible to vote in your country ?

  17. 他的工作就是要记录政治家是如何对重大问题进行投票的。

    His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues .

  18. 在上次选举中,只有70%的选民参加了投票。

    Only 70 % of the electorate voted in the last election .

  19. 今晚他们将宣布投票结果。

    They will announce the result of the vote tonight .

  20. 他在第一轮投票中被淘汰。

    He was eliminated in the first round of voting .

  21. 爱尔兰决定就离婚问题进行全民投票。

    Ireland decided to hold a referendum on divorce .

  22. 我们投票表决,有九人赞同,三人反对。

    When we took a vote there were nine yesses and 3 noes .

  23. 领导者将通过无记名投票选举产生。

    The leader will be chosen by secret ballot .

  24. 有资格的选民中投票的百分比是多少?

    What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots ?

  25. 投票显示10%的人转而支持工党。

    Voting showed a 10 % swing to Labour .

  26. 投票将于5月1日进行。

    Voting will take place on May 1 .

  27. 工人投票决定罢工以示抗议。

    The workers voted to withdraw their labour .

  28. 由于政府拒绝举行公民投票表决,许多人都觉得上当受骗。

    Many people feel cheated by the government 's refusal to hold a referendum .

  29. 绿党候选人在14000张投票总数中获得了3000多张选票。

    The Green candidate won over 3 000 of the 14 000 votes cast .

  30. 他们在全民公决投票中赞成独立。

    They voted for independence in a referendum .