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  • Voting rights;right to vote;suffrage;franchise
  1. 摘要投票权是股东获得各项权利的基础。

    The franchise is the foundation that the shareholder obtains every right .

  2. 9月18日,在一场问题、时机和投票权都掌握在苏格兰政府手中的全民公投中,55%的苏格兰人选择留在英国。

    On September 18 , 55 per cent of Scots voted against seceding from the UK in a referendum whose question , timing and franchise were shaped by the Scottish government .

  3. 投票权应当是人人享有的合法权利。

    The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all .

  4. 所有隶属成员都有投票权。

    All affiliated members can vote .

  5. 你知道,残疾人士也拥有投票权。

    People with disabilities have got a vote as well , you know .

  6. 当然了,我们连投票权都没有,不是吗?

    And of course we didn 't even have the vote , did we ?

  7. 人们应该认识到残疾人同样也享有投票权。

    People should wake up to the fact that people with disabilities have got a vote as well .

  8. 他只好放弃在议会的投票权。

    He had to waive his right to vote in Parliament .

  9. 从解决健康差距到争取刑事正义和投票权,你们中的许多人已经在这样做。

    And from tackling health disparities to fighting for criminal justice and voting rights , so many of you are already doing this .

  10. (默多克可以继续担任CEO,但必须放弃其董事会投票权。)

    ( Murdoch could stay on as CEO without a board vote . )

  11. 在很大程度上,IMF的配额决定了各成员国在该组织的投票权和代表性。

    IMF quotas largely determine voting rights and representation within the fund .

  12. 拉加德表示:IMF有一个计算投票权的公式。

    There is a formula used to calculate voting rights .

  13. 中国的份额则远远不够:其经济产出占全球gdp的14%,但只有6%的投票权。

    China is far behind : 6 per cent voting share and 14 per cent of GDP .

  14. 比利时-荷兰-卢森堡联盟在IMF的投票权为何高于中国?

    Why else would Benelux still have more votes at the IMF than China ?

  15. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的内部决策机制由份额和投票权所构成。

    The decision-making mechanism of the IMF is composed of quota and voting right .

  16. 该公司去年曾发行过一种新型的无投票权C类股票,以保护两人的长期控股权。

    The company issued a new class of non-voting C shares last year in a move to protect the founders ' control over the long term .

  17. 或者,既然B级投票权股份已经上市交易(尽管交易量很少),那么有人就能借此通过古老的代理权之战来重组董事会。

    Or , since the class B voting shares are publicly ( though thinly ) traded , someone could mount an old-fashioned proxy fight to reform the board .

  18. 该公司的首个重大举动是购入黑石集团(blackstonegroup)少量没有投票权的股份。

    The first big move has been to buy a small stake , with no voting right , in the Blackstone Group .

  19. 这波社交网络IPO另一个显著的特点是,新股东只持有很少一点投票权。

    The other striking feature of the social network IPOs is that the new shareholders have been granted minimal voting rights .

  20. 国际货币基金组织(imf)可能会将资金增加至少一倍,并计划改革其投票权。

    The International Monetary Fund may have its resources at least doubled and there are plans to reform its voting rights .

  21. 考虑到谷歌(Google)、Facebook等美国公司存在的双重投票权结构以及董事会成员间的密友关系,这是一项非常严厉的批评。

    Given the dual voting share structures and crony boards that exist at the likes of Google and Facebook , that is a serious stricture .

  22. 他已经拥有了公司“B类”股,该股持有内部辩论的10个投票权,而“A类”股则拥有一票保证投票权。

    He already holds a disproportionate amount of " class B " shares , which carry 10 votes in internal debates compared to the one vote guaranteed by a " class A " share .

  23. 只有占市值30%的B级股持有者才有投票权。

    Only class B shares , which account for the other 30 % of the market cap , get to vote , and Rupert Murdoch has almost 40 % of the class B shares .

  24. 但20国集团所有国家都承诺,将加快相关改革,以增强新兴国家在IMF的投票权和发言权。

    But all of the G20 pledged to speed up reforms to increase the legitimacy and voice of emerging countries at the IMF .

  25. 因而IMF中6%的投票权和金融配额将从发达国家转向新兴国家。

    As well , 6 % of the voting and financing quota of the IMF will be shifted from advanced countries to emerging ones .

  26. 正如欧洲的情况所表明的那样,公司所有权尚未找到新的平衡&在收购指令和用一股一权(oneshare/onevote)取代多重投票权方面,欧洲还没有取得一致。

    Company ownership has not yet found a new balance , as shown in Europe by the absence of agreement on the takeover directive and on one share / one vote rather than multiple voting rights .

  27. 本•伯南克(BenBernanke)表示,北京之所以推动发起亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称亚投行),是因为美国国会议员拒绝在现有多边机构中给予中国更大投票权。

    Beijing was pushed into launching the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank by US lawmakers ' refusal to give China greater clout in existing multilateral institutions , Ben Bernanke has said .

  28. facebook掌握在27岁的首席执行官马克扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)手中,在ipo之后他将控制超过一半的有投票权的股份。

    Facebook sits in the palm of 27-year-old chief executive Mark Zuckerberg who will control more than half the voting shares after the IPO .

  29. 发达国家在世界银行和imf中拥有多数的投票权份额,因而控制着这两家机构的领导权。

    Developed countries have a majority of voting shares in the world bank and the IMF , and so control the leadership of these institutions .

  30. 目前,默多克在新闻集团担任CEO兼董事长,在公司拥有约40%的投票权。

    Currently , Murdoch holds both the CEO and chair positions at News Corp ( NWS ) along with approximately 40 % of the voting rights of the firm .