
rén mín péi shěn yuán
  • people's assessor
  1. 论人民陪审员制度的新发展

    Talk about the new development of people 's assessor 's system

  2. 人民陪审制度就是让人民陪审员进入到国家审判机关内部对其审判工作进行独立有效的监督制约,为司法公正廉洁提供有力保障。

    People 's assessor system is that absorbs the assessorinto the judicial authorities to supervise the trial work independently to guaranteejustice and perform duties honestly .

  3. 略论我国人民陪审员制度及其改革

    On Reform and Perfection of China 's System of People 's Jurors

  4. 论陪审制度的完善&以人民陪审员陪而不审为视角

    On the Jury System Perfecting from the View of Presenting without Hearing

  5. 但是当前我国司法实践中,人民陪审员制度塑造司法公信力的价值并未得到充分实现。

    But the latter value has not been realized in practice yet .

  6. 试论人民陪审员制度的改革与完善

    The Reform and the Improvement of the People Jury System

  7. 完善人民陪审员制度对审判独立的意义

    Significance of Improving People Jury System to Judicial Independence

  8. 近年学术界关于人民陪审员制度的研究

    On the Study of People 's Jury System of the Academic Community in Recent years

  9. 完善人民陪审员制度的理性思考

    Reflects on People . s Assessor System

  10. 论我国人民陪审员制度的完善&基于中美陪审制度之比较

    On Perfection of System of People Juror & Comparison-based on China and America 's Juror System

  11. 《决定》的颁布实施使人民陪审员制度在我国审判实践中进一步得到规范。

    The promulgation of the decision has made the jury system in our trial practice further standardized .

  12. 近年来人民陪审员制在许多地方并不能发挥影响司法的实效性作用。

    The recent years people jury system could not display the influence judicature in many places the function .

  13. 从制度上保证人民陪审员真正享有刑事裁判权&论人民陪审员制度的完善

    Institutional Guaranty that People 's Assessors Exercise Criminal Adjudicative Power : On Improvement of the People 's Assessors System

  14. 我国人民陪审员制与美国陪审制度的比较研究

    On the Jury System of Our Country The comparative research on American jury-system and people 's accessory system of China

  15. 论司法公信力之塑造&兼论人民陪审员制度的价值预设与实现

    On the Molding of the Public Credibility of the Judiciary : the Presumption and Realization of the Jury System 's Values

  16. 笔者这里想从另外的角度即从比较法的角度特别是从香港与内地陪审制度的比较来阐述这个问题,找出二者之间的不同点和差距,从而提出中国内地人民陪审员制度的完善方法。

    Here , I try to give a different perspective-in a comparison angle between the jury system in HongKong and mainland .

  17. 论在我国建立人民陪审员制度&兼评《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》

    Establishing the Peoples Jury System In China & And comment on < Decision on perfecting the people 's jury system >

  18. 作为陪审制度的另一种形式,中国的人民陪审员制度,经历了非常曲折的发展道路,步履艰难地走到今天。

    As another format of jury system , Chinese People Juror System develops step by step through a tough way of development .

  19. 人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务,同审判员有同等的权利。

    When performing their functions in the people 's courts , the people 's assessors shall enjoy equal rights with the judges .

  20. 人民陪审员参加合议庭的,应当从人民陪审员名单中随机抽取确定。

    If people 's jurors participate in a collegial panel , they shall be randomly selected from the list of people 's jurors .

  21. 我国新的《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》已经得到施行,但是在制度设计上仍存在一些问题。

    Now , we have got a new decision about this system , but this decision still exists some problems in the system design .

  22. 本文试图通过对行政诉讼人民陪审员制度未来发展进行探讨,提出完善我国行政诉讼制度的建议。

    This paper attempts to administrative proceedings the jury system to explore the future , put forward a sound proposal of administrative litigation system .

  23. 人民陪审员制度肇始于古罗马时期,发展于欧洲中世纪,在清末引入我国。

    The jury system began in Roman times , the development of the Middle Ages in Europe , introduced into China in the Qing Dynasty .

  24. 政工部门应设立非常设机构或指定专人负责人民陪审员的人事管理工作。

    The administrative department shall establish a non-permanent department or designate a full-time staff member to be responsible for the personnel management of people 's assessors .

  25. 人民陪审员管理工作包括人民陪审员人事管理工作和人民陪审员参加审判活动的日常管理工作。

    The management of people 's assessors includes the personnel management of people 's assessors and the routine management of their participation in the trial activities .

  26. 二是借鉴日本裁判员制度,在人民陪审员的选任、权利义务以及保护规定等方面加以完善。

    The second is to learn from the Japanese Lay Judge System , the selection , rights and obligations and protection sets consummates aspects and so on .

  27. 例如,人民陪审员制度未能充分发挥其功用,制度本身也发生了一些异化等等。

    For example , the jury system failed to give full play to its functions , the system itself has also undergone some alienation and so on .

  28. 我国现行的人民陪审员制度,是在借鉴原苏联司法经验的基础上并结合我国具体司法实践逐步形成的,其发展经历了几起几落。

    The people jury system in China takes shape gradually on the basis of using Russian judicial experience for reference , and combining our country 's judicial practice .

  29. 现行运行机制包括人民陪审员制度、人民调解制度、公开审判制度、辩论制度、当事人制度及社会各种力量的监督等;

    Present effective pattern includes jury system , people intermediary system , open jurisdiction system , and argument principal , party principal and supervision system of social forces .

  30. 人民陪审员制度的司法工具价值体现为促进司法公正、实现司法权威和加强司法独立。

    The judicial justice values of Chinese people jury system are that they can be useful in realizing judicial fairness , establishing judicial authority and enhancing judicial independence .