
  • 网络HCI;Human-Computer Interaction;interactive;human computer interaction;Man-machine interaction
  1. “云就是这样让人机互动摆脱桌面的束缚,”Harper说,“这一技术将用户从桌面带入到云空间里面,让用户在与数据的亲密接触中获得更丰富的体验。”

    " The cloud allows human-computer interaction to move beyond the desktop ," Harper says . " The idea is to put the user inside the cloud to engage with the data for a richer experience . "

  2. 虚拟人物的快速发展已经让人机互动方式,以及人们对于电脑的看法产生重大影响。

    The rapid development of virtual characters has enormous influence on human-computer interaction and the perception of people .

  3. 城市广场设计中的3D技术与人机互动

    3D technique and man-machine interaction in the design of city square

  4. 该文旨在论述如何科学地利用3D技术,以人机互动的工作方式解决广场设计中的问题。

    In the paper , how to use 3D technique scientifically to solve the problems in square design in the way of " man-machine interaction " is discussed .

  5. iPadPro硕大的屏幕明显让内容有了更多的显示空间,但人机互动时感觉和老款iPad一样。

    The iPad Pro 's jumbo screen obviously gives more room for content to breathe , but interacting with it still feels the same as with older iPad tablets .

  6. 以可视化程序开发工具VB为基础,开发了一种路面破损数据采集与评价系统,该系统以CCD摄像机所采集的路面图像为工作对象,强调在数据采集过程中的人机互动。

    Based on developing instruments of visual procedure , this paper proposes a system of data collection and evaluation of pavement dilapidation , which performs upon pavement images acquired by CCD camera and gives emphasis to the interaction of computer and operator .

  7. 但是目前多数网站以文字、图片、flash动画作为产品展示的主要方式,对产品的宣传仅停留在介绍层面上,缺乏人机互动,这无疑是影响网上产品展示效果的因素之一。

    But nowadays , texts , pictures , and flash animation are main ways of products display on the most websites , which are dwelling in only introducing that lacks interaction among men and machines , which is one of factors that retracts products exhibit effect on internet .

  8. 最后以现代计算机技术为工具,通过三维技术,人机互动以及虚拟现实技术辅助广场设计,提出CAAD分析法。

    Finally regarding modern calculator technique as the tool , study 3D techniques , person-machine interaction and virtual reality techniques , and bring up the " CAAD analysis " .

  9. 通过人机互动,激发学生的学习兴趣;

    It inspires students ' learning interest by man-machine conversation ;

  10. 城市图像监控人机互动的实践与探索

    A Practice and Exploration on Man-machine Interaction of City Image Monitoring System

  11. 即手是最重要的人机互动工具

    is the most important human interface with the computer .

  12. 基于人机互动的智能调度监控系统的设计及实现

    Design and Realization of Smart Dispatch Monitoring System Based on Man-machine Interaction

  13. 实例计算表明该软件在对系统准确建模分析基础上,提供了良好的人机互动界面。

    Examples show that the software has not only accurate modeling but also the good human-computer interaction interface .

  14. 以人机互动方式来实现校园三维景观的实时漫游,为校园管理和服务提供一个科学简便、形象直观的可视化人机交互平台。

    The campus simulation system provided a scientific , simple and visual way for the management of the campus .

  15. 人机互动界面的改变意味着驾车从个人体验过渡到社交体验的重大转变。

    The change in the human-machine interface will represent a big shift away from individual experiences to social experiences .

  16. 提出了在扩声系统中利用声波能实现随机人机互动控制功能的方法。

    The sound wave energy is used in the amplifying system , and the stochastic human-machine interaction control function is realized .

  17. 人机互动形式的计算机网络学习允许学生检验他们的学习成果,而不必担心由于任何错误而受到惩罚的风险。

    Interactive computer network allows students to test the result of learning without the risk of being punished for any mistake .

  18. 这款手机仅有的缺点是指纹识别系统和三星人机互动界面的设计--但是后者的性能在近几个版本中有了极大的提升。

    The only downsides are fingerprint smears and Samsung 's user interface - but the latter is vastly improved over previous versions .

  19. 最后对电梯监控系统进行了实验分析,结果表明本系统运行性能良好,人机互动界面操作简便。

    Finally , the elevator control system through experiments , which the system is running with good performance , interactive interface is simple .

  20. 触摸屏和全键盘拼音输入法使得机器操作方便简单,人机互动界面友好。

    The touch screen and the pinyin input method of full keyboard makes machine operation simple and convenient , Man-machine interactive interface is friendly .

  21. 目前,四位成员正在绞尽脑汁为Xight配备手势控制和声音控制等新元素,为人机互动理念加些新料。

    The four are racking their brains to incorporate new elements likegesturecontrol and voice control in Xight to spice up the human-machine interface concept .

  22. 它是一群机器人设计师、云计算工程师、动画工程师、会话技术专家和人机互动工程师的心血之作。

    It 's the creation of a team of robot architects , cloud computing engineers , animators , conversational technologists , and human-robot interaction engineers .

  23. 互联网时代初期,人机互动时,我们必须使用鼠标来浏览网站。

    At the beginning of the Internet age , we had to use a mouse to navigate a website when we interacted with our devices .

  24. 交互性是网络的一大特征,在网络的交互环境中,电子杂志凭借电子技术实现了人机互动和人际互动的融合。

    In the interactive context , the e-journals have realized the integration of human and machine interactivity and between human beings through electronic technique strength .

  25. 四月在奥地利维也纳举行的人机互动交流大会上,他的研究结果公之于众,这些结果令心理学家非常吃惊。

    His results , to be presented at the conference on human computer interaction in Vienna , Austria , in April , have surprised psychologists .

  26. 一些机器识别系统试图排除数据分析对于人类直觉的必要,同时其他一些采取了人机互动的方法。

    Some machine learning systems attempt to eliminate the need for human intuition in data analysis , while others adopt a collaborative approach between human and machine .

  27. 利用计算机技术辅助维吾尔语方言研究,是将计算机对方言语料的形式化处理和研究者对语料的分析判断结合起来的一种人机互动的研究方法。

    The computer-assisted approach to studies on Uygur dialects is an interactive research method , which combines the computer-based formalization of dialectal data with the researcher 's analysis .

  28. 网络广告的互动性要求视觉设计师改变平面的思维方式,运用网络媒体的表现方式完成人机互动的体验方式。

    Interactivity in online advertising requires visual designer to change the way of graphic thinking ; instead , they should use online media performance to complete man-machine interactive experience .

  29. 赛博空间的道德实践具有物质性、符号化和人机互动性的特征,其本质上是一个不断祛魅的道德启蒙过程。

    Moral practice in Cyberspace is characterized by material things , a wealth of symbols and human-computer interactions , hense in essence an ongoing disenchantment process of moral enlightenment .

  30. 视觉跟踪的应用领域非常广泛,可用于目标检测、目标识别、图像内容理解、场景分类、行为理解,人机互动、机器人导航等领域。

    It can be used for target detection , target recognition , image content understanding , scene classification , behavior understanding , human-computer interaction , robot navigation and other fields .